Why do you guys think this, are you retarded?

Why do you guys think this, are you retarded?

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I'm pretty sure 99% of Trump voters see ISIS and NK as threats to America lol

Climate change doesn't exist and the whole russian scandal is liberal propaganda. North Korea can't do shit to us, and ISIS is slowly dying.


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>Coming from the guy who's too much of a coward to uncuck his own country
kekekekeke, go suck off more Abduls, Sven

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>false premise thread
stop being a retard op

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Even teenagers can't stand other teenagers, hence why they shoot each other.

If anything a bunch of greasy, zitty kids bitching about gun control and saying every gun owner is responsible for the shooting is a massive boon to the right wing.

Nothing is more infuriating than some little angsty shit weasel's yelling at you that your a peace of shit and dont know anything and that they have all the answers even though they are too young to grow ball and pussy fur. Thanks for trumps second term David Hogg!

I really, really want them to keep pushing the whole "FUCK THE 2nd AMENDMENT" narrative :D Just a few more years of hardcore lefties screetching at everyone and their wont be a democratic party. I wonder howmeny people are leaving the dems already? you can only be told your a peace of shit because *insert arbitrary reason here* for so long lol

Why don't you go outside and eat a granade, Sven?

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Wait, the left want to:
>Actually stop ISIS, rather than argue whether or not they are moderate, and should be rehabilitated and released into civilised society?
>Prove the russians wrong?
>Fight north korea - despite their bitchfit about a mere trump tweet?
>Do something real about climate change, while they guzzle some overpriced shit from $300 coffee machines using all that sweet electricity when a simple kettle and coffee beans will do the fucking job.

stop funding them then

It gives them something to do, but I agree with OP focus on the left instead. Don't get distracted and filled with emotion or they'll steamroll us.

Occupy is further proof that it is impossible to satire the left.

did you suck them off yet? did you do it that fast? a record for swedecucks

why dont you come to club swagga Pekka? me and your wife need a ride home

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youre a fucking idiot

>democrats say the russians are the real enemy
>democrats are fucking commies
>commie memeflag
commies aren't people.


Traitors are always worse than any external enemy.

Why do you thinkguns are a problem when, according to the CDC, more people/children die from accidental drowning every year by a significant margin? We should ban swimming pools. They are killing our children at an alarming rate and they dont even protect my freedom.

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Symphonic and copious fart sounds, followed by more of this meme...

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Ever notice its always people with meme flags talking shit about other countries?

damn straight. thats what im talking about. now you come over to the proper side, congratulations

KYS u fucking disgusting burgercuck burgermutt piece of trash

ur projecting

Your country is so shit, you don't even want to reveal your flag. LOL.

340 rifle deaths per year

i.e. cowards

>people literally trying to take your rights from you are not a threat to you
Perhaps if you are retarded.


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I really feel sorry for the left. The memes holy fuck are they retarded maybe they should employ some polsters to help them out some.

Because no fighting force could actually reach your landmass without being shot out of the sky or into the Bottom of the ocean and these teenagers are already on US soil so technically its not wrong

That you lack the mental capacity to think more then one step forward is not something you can blame Trump supporters for

>unironically true
I don't see any of those things trying to take away my rights.

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The hilarious thing is that this image is the opposite of true.

>mudshits come into the country
>terrorist attacks killing numerous amounts of people

Shitty SHITBLUE SHIT thread is shit.
Cant even fucking spell.
Sort yourself,shitbleu...ffs take some pride your work.

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Idk man that hammer and sickle makes you look pretty retarded

We don't, this is just what Democrats think we believe because they're so out of touch.

Haha I literally say this every day

why are they playing with 3 balls

If you legitimately follow occupy Democrats, you're just the most amazing kind of retarded. I'm not even making fun of you, your level of retardation is medically fascinating to me.

If we are scared of the first three why would we let some faggot gun grabbers come along and have their way?

I don't understand the logic.

Also only liberals care about Russia, only brainlets think
anything will happen with NK. If you are truly redpilled you'd want a greater arabstate so the goatfuckers stay in their own countries and Africans get directed there instead

I agree that miseducated kiddos are a more immediate danger to ‘america’ than ISIS or Russia.
They’re willing to burn the bill of rights to achieve short-term success. Thinking like children acting like children. Danger is the media propping them up and coddling them.

Parkland, like Sandy Vagina before it, is nothing more than a transparent attempt to disarm the population.

Not buying the narrative faggot - Go die in a fire

dumb ass, you'll get wiped out in the elections

your marxist gun grabbing is the biggest mobilizer of all

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>Teenagers who don't want to be shot.
Nice spin on someone who wants to rewrite a 200 hundred year old self defense law that kept Japan from invadin.......I get it now. It's all starting to make sense. The weebs. The left. The anime. You're all mad Japan got BTFO'd at the end of WWII. Fucking cucks idolizing weak virgin beta males and ugly women with really good makeup techniques. I wish you could see how pathetic you really are.

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10 comrade endorsed vouchers for goods that OP is a faggot from either the US, LEAF land, or is Malaysia Mike.

Well, he's not wrong, you far left shills are the enemy, internal enemies must be dealt with before external, and the mostly brown Generation could use a pruning.

kill yourself shill rat

leftist boomers are pathetic ... leftist millennials too

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>The Russians are a threat
>Communist flag

then tell your dumb kid friends to stop stealing guns and shooting yourselves

teenagers need to shoot boomers

Its communists like yourself who subvert shit and clamour for "progressivism" who are the biggest threat. You're like aids you ruin a societies immune response so eveb simple things can take it down

>implying citizens are aware what black budget funding goes to
Not surprised you're that retarded, given your flag.

Jesus, you people are pathetic. You are a client race at this point. There is literally no black alive that doesnt subsist off the White Man's trash and handouts. Your entire home continent is a giant whale fair project. Feeding you was a mistake.

>kids who don't want to be shot
>that also want to ban some piece of plastic and assault rifles, when handguns cause like 90% of gun related deaths or whatever
>when Canada has similar laws and drastically less gun crime
>lol let's give racist trump and the nigger-killer police the monopoly on guns and therefore power
Also checked lucky trips of truth, they really are the greatest threat to america

checked, and teenagers have always been trouble makers, so yes they might be the greatest menace to freedom.

stigmatizing voters is the first step to civil war

so far it was the politicians who were criticized, now this is moving towards broader society

Teenagers should support freedom even if it means being shot. In doing so they will protect the freedom of their children in the future.

Nobody takes those kids, or your flag, seriously. An hero...look into becoming one.

I'm pretty sure they think these teenagers are useful idiots and jokes. Biggest astroturf movement in 20 years.

How is he projecting when its true? You just lied in the opeing post. No one thinks teenagers are the biggest threat to our country.



>why do you think this?

No body thinks this. Why are you so dishonest? Why is dishonesty an inherent trait among leftists? I smile at the future, where you will all be sterilized. Sage

Well these teenagers are trying to remove our rights, which is a threat to our liberties. So you could consider these teenagers domestic terrorists. The other 3 human groups are not really doing that much to attack our domestic liberties. You could argue that Russia is shit posting online but anyone can shit post online. Climate change doesn't really have anything to do with taking away your civil liberties. So yes these teenagers are the biggest threat out of those groups to our freedom.



Some people are based and don't want to wait that long

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Those teenagers should stop being cowards.

Enemies both foreign and domestic

no one has ever gave me a convincing reason for why russia is a threat in 2018, america shits on russia plenty

No, it's the own government which poses a threat against it's own citizen.

Stop sending them guns

The left can't meme



just get in line, at school, cause you're gonna get shot. so stop being defenseless cowards, oh wait... you can't take a gun to school and the cops tend to wait outside while you're shot. hmm...

absolutely shits on russia. china is the threat.

>it's teenagers who don't want to be shot
well the best and PROVEN way to not get shot is to be armed, so how many teenagers armed themselves? the ones that didn't are just liars


WEW Sowell bringing the heat!

Like liberals care about any of those things other than climate change. Look democrats are demonizing a white senior citizen. Color me surprised. Keep driving all the white liberals over too the right. Thank you

I don't understand why these teenagers are so reluctant to go to the firing range, errr school. it's not like they always get hit? just give them all guns. that'll work. we can all carry our firearms in public. like the walking dead, without the apocalypse. best aim wins.

Wait... you're a fucking idiot

shitty meme


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if teenagers don't want to be shot, then why do they keep shooting each other?

Internal dissent IS the biggest threat to any country.

>Why do you guys think this, are you retarded?

Nope. Niggers kill, rape, and steal from republicans more than all those other groups combined in every category. Nobody wants to get shot. Criminals most likely to get shot will complain the loudest.

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All those soy faggot teenagers are about to be able to vote. Come 2020, they will do their best to get Trump out. Most of them are so dumb, it's amazing. We have no clue what the future of the US will look like once they are actually registered voters.