
>Dov Hikind Launches Website Displays Truth About Poland’s Atrocities Despite Holocaust Denial Law

Can someone please call te NYC police and shut this guy down?
Many thanks.
T. Polan

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Other urls found in this thread:

you best be trolling slav nigger. The kike is only posting facts that need to be heard. If your shit tier country wants to deny the truth and bury its head in the sand with its ass in the air then get fucked and go back to cleaning western europes toilets

>The kike is only posting facts that need to be heard.
Facts can be racist :^)))

Why won't the kike post the truth about their atrocities in USSR and other communist states?

Feed him money.

if jews cared about justice they would kill Soros instantly for helping the nazis, but thats not how it works, only the goyim must suffer

It would appear we missed one.

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classic "whataboutism"

why are you not protesting all the things ever done by white people?

Whites right.

protest what? anything bad u can say about white people can be said about non whites? give me a unique thing only whites did. slavery everyone did, war/invasion/colonization, everyone did, holocaust/nazis? look at israel its the same as nazi germany, or the jewish elite in ussr that killed 100 million people, so? what to protest? sjw rights? fuck off

Wtf I love polish lampshades now

Such bullshit.

These "camps" was nothing more than a summer tour and camp during school holidays for scout boys, then (((they))) made up all kinds of bullshit.

Posting actual war images from war in Yugoslavia as it was about (((them))).

Leave the scout boy camps alone!

I was merely pointing out that the user argument was simply "the person int eh OP post is telling truths about one thing, that was horrible, but why isn't he also telling truths about all these other things?"

stupid argument. Why is user not doing that too? why is he not protesting about the bad things white people or black people, or asians or anyone? why is he not spending his entire life being an SJW, if he thinks that way?

jsut because a person only talks about one subject (perhaps because they have an interest or expertise in that area) does not mean they are obliged to talk about every other injustice in the world.

saying "what about this other thing?" is not an argument against the badness or goodness of the thing being discussed

if you ant someone to also put a lot of effort into researching adn discussing another subject, employ them to do it. Pay them. Or do it yourself - they do not work for you, you have no authority to demand they spend their time writing about things you want them to write about.

>These "camps" was nothing more than a summer tour and camp during school holidays for scout boys,

nice b8 m8

Israel Singer, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) from 1986 to 2001:
>“More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (…) They’re gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be “publicly attacked and humiliated” in the international forum.” - Reuters Agency, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 April 1996

Basically the World Jewish Congress wants to blackmail Poland into giving $65 billions worth in assets = JEWISH TAKEOVER OF POLAND.

Basic history

Jewish lobbying

Polonia counterattacks

U.S. State Department responds

We will if they push more.

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thats one of them NeanderJews

ok, rabbi

Check out the identities of the Communist secret police torturers and executioners after the Soviet occupation. Jews murdered Poles. Jews murdered Germans. Jews murdered Hungarians. Jews murdered everyone.

Behind every crime, you will find the Jew.
Behind the gulags, the torture chambers, the mass graves, you will find the Jew.
It is always the Jew.

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For FUCK sakes it never ends. When are people going to launch propaganda about how Jews enslaved niggers during colonial times or ruined Russia with gulags and communism?

>you best be trolling slav nigger. The kike is only posting facts that need to be heard. If your shit tier country wants to deny the truth and bury its head in the sand with its ass in the air then get fucked and go back to cleaning western europes toilets

Poland didn't even exist when that was going on. This bullshit fake news camapgin is just going on because Poland is resisting the EU.

lies by jews that hate the eternal slav

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jews didnt even get to auschwitz til years after polish were locked up there

fuck off shill

says the uks answer to cleaning toilets

10 pieces of scrap metal deposited to the irish gypsy

Feel guilty goy. Let in immigrants you shegetz!

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>Poland gets invaded by Hitler
>Hitler forces Slavs to build camps in their own country
>Germans shove 5.5 million Jews and 6 million Slavs into the camps
>When the war is over all of eastern Europe is basically Soviet Union territory
>Years later Poland is formed and they hold the camps that the Germans designed
>Retarded kids blame poles for the Holocaust

Study history next time retard.

Does it mention that in the 30's Jews were 8% of the population but well over half of the communist leadership?

Funny how all death camps were liberated by commies and the rest were all work camps. What a kikeincidence I mean coincidence..

Oy vey! Here's some facts.

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We are on your side Poland.

Although that fag is a fag I must object. Dublin was ranked the best city in the UK and the Irish are now the best paid brits.
All while being outside the UK. Quite the magic trick isn't it?

NOBODYCARES about your memecaust which happened before BUDDY HOLLY. WHO FUCKING CARES

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>Dublin was ranked the best city in the UK and the Irish are now the best paid brits.
>All while being outside the UK. Quite the magic trick isn't it?

thats the irish intelligence for you. no idea where the fuck they are, or what the fuck they are doing lol. this is why you clean our toilets

You can cry but I have the facts on my side. You clean the toilets now.

face it pal. you're our bitch now. you look up to us now.

>but I have the facts on my side
Ireland, is not in the United Kingdom.
Dublin is not a city in the United Kingdom.
And you can not be the best paid brits, unless you are a British citizen.

so please do tell me what facts are on your side? Other then the fact that meme of the irish being absolutely fucking retarded, is reality

you can pipe down aswell paddy

Telling the truth to the world incumbent upon all of those who G-d empowers with the ability to make a difference.”

Can't agree more with this part, don't know why he can't say God, maybe like like how we can't say senpai

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Are you retarded? I was trying to be funny when I said that. However the facts are we are better paid on average than the brits, the Irish in Briton are also your highest paid people (according to bbc) and Dublin was ranked higher than any British city according to the OECD.

You were betrayed by your state.

>Are you retarded? I was trying to be funny when I said that.
Yes, only retarded people could not understand when an irishman is trying to be funny.
**my fucking god, these irish are so fucking stupid**

reminder that every time we bombed you, the irish were the ones cleaning up the aftermath mess.

we made money from bombing you and you took it like a bitch, cuck

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You are poor because you live in the UK :3

Arbeit macht frei, is that Polish for jewish soap factory?

OP is a KC refugee who has been spamming poorland related threads the last couple of days/weeks

Poland is getting targeted by the US and its greatest Ally:
Act S 447:
renamed to Act H.R. 1226 (which is a reference to the 1226 introduction of the Teutonic Order in the lands of Poland):

Now, why are these acts important? There's been a shitstorm brewing for the last few years around the phrase ,,Polish Death Camps'' and supposed Polish complicity in the killings of Jews. This is now used to push a narrative that Poles should be paying reparations to Israel (for, according to (((official history))), dying in the very same camps and saving Jews throughout the war?). Soon we will be forced to pay 65 billion USD to Israel as "reparations" and if we refuse the US will have a reason for some sort of intervention (thanks to the acts).
Saying yes to the demands will result in the Jews basically enslaving us and stealing whatever properties we have (since there's no other way for us to pay) effectively turning us into toilet cleaners in our own country.
Saying no will result in an intervention from the US, military or not.

Our senate has banned the phrase ,,Polish Death Camps'' by law on the territory of our country:

which has resulted in Israel and leftist media outlets accusing us of Holocaust denial:

which is, of course, not at all what this law meant to achieve. This reaction only proves Israel's greedy goal.

Israeli attack on Polish tourists (kike screaming ,,a good Pole is a dead Pole'' and throwing rocks):

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Israel Singer, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) from 1986 to 2001:
>“More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (…) They’re gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be “publicly attacked and humiliated” in the international forum.” - Reuters Agency, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 April 1996

Basically the World Jewish Congress wants to blackmail Poland into giving $65-300 billions worth in physical assets = JEWISH TAKEOVER OF POLAND.

Basic history

Jewish lobbying

Polonia counterattacks

U.S. State Department responds

Explanation by political commentators

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