Pol humor

Attached: 1519333801613.jpg (640x606, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1519584112225.gif (500x398, 41K)

I hope this meme catches on.

Attached: 1522221623784.jpg (229x343, 35K)

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lmfao 10/10 meme.

Attached: 1522352329557.jpg (746x888, 64K)

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Attached: shekel meme.jpg (1482x686, 154K)

Attached: 1522329327821.jpg (874x1000, 442K)

la luz extinguido

Attached: 1522182553389m.jpg (726x1024, 124K)

Attached: 1522095932907.png (500x426, 153K)

May your soul simply disappear.

t. father trump

Attached: 1522095850356.jpg (460x693, 54K)

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Attached: 1521999357268.jpg (503x767, 89K)

Make that guy behind trump Jeb

the first shitposter

Attached: a fucking plucked chicken.jpg (460x424, 19K)

Terribly underrated.

Attached: donald laughing while drunk.jpg (228x221, 6K)

Attached: 1519049576317.jpg (640x635, 89K)

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Attached: 1521316046158m.jpg (1024x911, 96K)

nice image for ants

Attached: 1521510241018.jpg (425x567, 78K)

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Attached: PicsArt_03-30-11.40.44.jpg (241x116, 11K)

Attached: 1517689347612.jpg (620x559, 161K)

You should be able to read it fine you fucking insect.

Attached: 1520613057906.jpg (614x767, 115K)

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Attached: 1522188136835.png (749x1051, 409K)

do you run a 800x600 monitor you stupid asshole?

Attached: Capture.png (806x135, 105K)

Attached: 1520454774457.jpg (696x645, 188K)

Made some OC after having a discussion about the origin of ladyboys/trannies in Thailand. Basically thanks to all the American soldiers on that side during the wars, hookers were making bank, and the dirt poor men of Thailand decided they wanted in on it too. Now the country is best known for sex tourism and gender surgery. gg.

Attached: lksjdgljhsdfg.png (802x500, 495K)

Holy fuck. Can I re-use this response, based user?

Attached: 1519953572562.jpg (951x637, 84K)

actually funny for both left and right

>be american
>say "fuck"
>go to jail

>be american
>send a tweet
>go to jail

>be american
>mock Jesus
>go to jail

>be american
>go to jail

>be american
>be upset after your dad has a heart attack
>go to jail

>be american
>send a text
>go to jail

>be american
>tweet the word "nigger"
>go to jail

>be american
>throw bacon at Muslims
>go to jail for 15 years

>be american
>write a poem about the Muslim negro that rules America
>go to jail

>be american
>say there are only two genders
>go to jail

Attached: 1512322265660.jpg (1067x800, 549K)

Actually, it would

Attached: Nose crew.jpg (1322x5585, 2.87M)

Do what you like.

Attached: 1519422005711.png (716x714, 874K)

Germans and Poles*

i never got this one. someone care yto explain to a brainlet

Why are you so upset?
Post memes or GTFO dummy

Attached: 1517654114217.jpg (246x371, 23K)

Attached: Alien 3 Ripley Emma Gonzalez Commie.png (1079x539, 465K)


Open the image in a new tab and remove the m at end of file name

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Attached: El Scorpio is ready.jpg (520x483, 142K)

I guess tech support is is your blood.

Attached: 1517396605260.jpg (480x448, 25K)

Those scissors tho.

Attached: 1522406971511.png (716x714, 745K)


Attached: téléchargement (1).jpg (299x168, 7K)

Attached: Pusheen M60 Gunner Patriot.jpg (4000x4000, 1.4M)

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Attached: Trump Curse.jpg (6530x2941, 3.91M)

Attached: Ghostbusters Ghostball Rape Stay Puft.png (1079x809, 501K)

At least there was no nigger in my mother 9 months before I was born

Attached: 1521456146316.png (518x370, 376K)

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Attached: Capture.png (1345x280, 314K)

It is weird to think
But those kinds of magazines are going away.
In a few years a meme like that will be like a meme about record stores or video rental stores.

Attached: 1522294793107.jpg (1024x792, 121K)

Thank you sempai These are very troubling indeed.
Better get the word out, lest my country ends up being a 1984esque dystopia....
you know, like Britain

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Attached: THE TRUMPENING.gif (544x466, 850K)


a/sg/ardian spotted

Attached: reallynigga.jpg (629x362, 59K)

Attached: enhanced-buzz.jpg (625x826, 267K)

Attached: TRUMPED CNN.png (1079x775, 966K)

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Attached: Obama Smithsonian Painting Manchelle.png (1079x597, 946K)

Attached: Drug dealers v Drug dealers.jpg (660x880, 190K)

you spent a little too much time on this post and not enough time in the trenches to be taken seriously.

Attached: UK_freedom.jpg (924x578, 30K)

Attached: hahahahahahahahahahdushuhai.png (747x266, 46K)

>dude sits inside all day
>plays his video games all day
>is so lazy and lacks exercise that he buys full meal replacements to drink
>constantly involved with internet culture
>takes estrogen pills
>this is the fault of some bean