Soros funds Ingraham Boycott

NEW YORK — The George Soros-financed Media Matters for America progressive activist group has been helping to fuel an advertising boycott targeting Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show following Twitter comments the media star made about Parkland shooting survivor and antigun activist David Hogg. Think Progress, the media project of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress, has also been using its platform to hype the boycott.

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Ingraham was a fool to apologize to them.

Yes she was, give an inch and they'll chop your head off. These conservatives should have learned this by now.

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Fucking no shit it was Media Matters, the same group behind all the previous Fox News dropped advertising campaigns (Hannity, Carlson, O’Reilly, etc.) They were the ones behind the dropped advertisers yesterday, Hogg simply provided one of those openings they’re always seeking in their never-ending campaign against Fox News.

And their fucking owl

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Tha fuck?

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huh wow no for real?

yeah no shit. and notice how they were allowed to use the #neveragain tag, but now had to back away from using it?
its an adl hashtag

if she apologized to that little turd she deserves whatever happens desu

should have just called him a turd and shown all the retarded shit he's been saying instead

This woman is tallented, sexy, and very smart. If you'd like a great look into who she is, just watch her CPAC speech. She is almost goddess like.

how is soros not in jail?

she's retarded for tweeting @kids.

She stated the truth theres no reason to apologize or engage with those clowns

Actually I don't think so. The left thinks the kids are off limits. A major news anchor confronts them anyway. Its game on. The mistake was the apology, but maybe not. They now just look like what they are. Puppets.

proberly not related but a thought i had reading this, the media reports mostly on events laterly that spread fear(guns,violence,death ect) and technically that is terrorism spreading fear to gain power, to push an agenda i.e gun control, since sorros is funding such things is he basically funding terrorism?

What she said was unforgivable. We don’t need people like her in our organization

Sedition. But they are working this from the bottom up. I don't see how he survives this.

>our organization
???? this is Jow Forums faggot. There is no organization.

the left or right doesnt matter

hes a kid

why you so scared for, he'll take yer guhns?

I think we are to blame for it.

With anonymity, we make it look like it's now very safe to insult retarded leftists and their Jewish masters.
So, actual personalities with a career and an image jump in, and realize too late that the Left hate machine is still very powerful.

Then, they stutter some apologies and go back home with their tail between their leg, usually because they realize they don't have the balls to become a committed trolls, like Milo, Crowder or other Alt-lighters (not that those are particularly brave: they were just complete nobodies and never had anything to lose by re-tweeting pepes)

TL;DR: she shouldn't have trolled with her real name account.

>TL;DR: she shouldn't have trolled with her real name account.

This, have throw away for this reason

>hes a kid
What of it? Youth gangs are far more violent and dangerous than adults. The right doesn't care who or what targets them, you get rid of the enemy. You think this country will stand for a youth led Mao revolution? Not only are you subverting our country, you are subverting our youth. You're going to get wiped out.

>being keen on tweeting underage kids.
pol stupes lower by the day. i happened boys?

Soros said Facebook and google had to die and within days Facebook came under attack and has been under relentless attack for weeks now. This motherfucker is almost admirable in how far he can proliferate his Jewish paranoia into white society. I’m genuinely thinking about picking up some long term puts on google, but I don’t know that even he has the power to undermine googles influence. Even then, the destruction of Facebook is most likely a deliberate movement to disrupt comms between the insurgent American population in the case of resistance to an elite takeover attempt. My balls are tingling and telling me that the elite have shifted plans to push us towards war sooner than they expected. The conditioning has broken and therefore survival depends on lashing out and disrupting and seizing power while eyes are elsewhere.
I’m prepping for

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We don't tweet, we tweet *back*, low-iq leftist.

Imagine my shock.

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Deep state sticks together.

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great post
nice way to admit you're pathetic like I said

Deep statists are all pedos.

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It pisses me off to no end that when they're crusading for their agenda it's "LISTEN TO THESE KIDS! THESE KIDS KNOW!" but when they're criticised or mocked it's "Wow, they're only kids!!"

>Deep statists are all pedos
nice idea, but no proof, kinda like you are just making this stuff up without a thought of how you look

You losers and your obsession with Soros...

>tweets from 2015
So he's supposedly 14 or 15 at the time (even wikipedia doesn't know what year he's born). I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but these do not sound like tweets by a 14/15 year old. I mean, "pledge to stop sexual assault"... nope, does not compute.

because you challenge kids opposed to tackling an audience, its no wonder you feel pissed off

The cuckservatives have never learned this. That's why they always lose

>it says he was 15 reeeeeeeeeee
stay mad faggot

That's his business model. He takes a short position in a company, country, or currency, then sends his crew of social justice warriors in to drive down the value of his target. Extortion 101.

5 cents on Fox forcing her too

This is the most retarded post I have read today. I mean its really faggot tier.

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exactly - only thing that ever works is just refusing to budge an inch, then they lose interest

SJWs and feminists just want the easy wins. Same reason you never see them protesting agains mosques not having women leaders etc.

These people are retarded, why they think apologizing would change anything is beyond me.

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It does not make a different how old a threat is a threat is a threat

fash Lurua

im amazed your dumb redneck brain can confuse kids with lawmakers but who am i kidding here, my point is proved.
hogg for president. pol turned into low iq bullies

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Why has the phrase "follow the money" never caught on with rich people? They literally aren't capable of doing anything without leaving a trail of publicly available evidence in their wake, yet they pretend they are being all sneaky.

>bullying children
>bullying survivors of a mass chooting

Oh repu*licans, you never fail to deliver. There is a special place in hell for people like this scumbag. I will be watching Fox all day and calling every single company I see advertise a product. She's going to be off the air by monday. Absolutely fucking disgusting.