Tfw you bring in millions of the most Jew-hating race in the world so they can get rid of all the Jews in your country...

>tfw you bring in millions of the most Jew-hating race in the world so they can get rid of all the Jews in your country for you without you taking any blame for it, and if anyone criticises you, you can call them racist

Based Merggle. Has she been /our Frau/ all along?

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>most Jew-hating race
They really aren't, not even close.

Based Merkel

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she is hitlers biological daughter and her real name is klara mengele. of course she's /ourfrau/.

I was referring to Arabs. Who hates Jews more than Arabs?

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there are hardly any jews in modern G*rmany
its more likely to see a jap or a sikh than a jew

Merkel is a fat, old childless cunt who is very much responsible for the current situation in Europe. Fuck her, and I hope I she dies a horrible death.

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Japs or Sikhs stick out but Jews (((blend in))) well so it's harder to notice them

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>Arabs hate jews
The Arab center of Islam KSA is owned by kikes. Kikes were very influential in Islam from the very beginning. In fact it could be argued (((they))) set it up to counter Christianity.

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>i will bring in wild animals that will kill me and my neighbors to get rid of my yeast infection
>ooga booga, germans of genius

go be stupid somewhere else

How could they put that mudslime-loving piece of shit in office.

Germans gotta be the most fucked up people in the world.

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>Who hates Jews more than Arabs?

better question is who hates everyone more than arabs

>Turning your country into an Islamic shithole just to get rid of a few jews

>unironically shilling for israel-loving (((geert wilders)))

Kys the guy is a hardcore Zionist

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exactly. And they conveniently put the blame on the jews..


Wahhabists and the Saudi monarchy are Jews not Arabs. It's like calling Karl Marx German.

It's okay user they blend in well.

>while replacing and genociding the beautiful german race
that "jew-hating" race you see is only imported because they breed like rabbits
and will make better consumers for the big jew banks due to their hideously low iqs.

just look at the arabs, they're just as bad as black people when it comes to consumerism and
materialism, and remember this is all because of oil, not creation. jews and whites invest and innovate.

so who hates them more cunt?