End of Israel happening

This is it folks. Palestinians are going to start human waves and steam roll over everything Israeli.
This is why Netanyahu pretended to be sick, he is going into hiding while Israel collapses. His "strong hand" "beat the Palestinians into submission until they become rational" bullshit has failed miserably, being based on totally discredited 18th century bullshit.
Nigger should have read some Hegel or at least Nietzsche.
Palestinians are no longer afraid to risk death for freedom. This means the slaves now become the masters, and the masters must rationalize the new order or be erased from existence.
We know how this plays out.
Press S.

Attached: endofisreal.jpg (400x250, 31K)

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I need a gestalt. Where does Trump fit in?

>implying the kikes wouldn't just kill them all with white phosphorous

Attached: 1500580137101.png (1514x1010, 834K)

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pallies won't do shit as usual

they are dying well

no they aren't

>We know how this plays out.
American troops securing Israel for the Jews?

ok, its only 13 so far, but surely some of the over 1000 casualties will bleed out