How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

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Other urls found in this thread: this?

Attached: 8F8156DF-8B42-4D4B-B9E5-619B856ABD28.jpg (1024x683, 252K)

Melanin enrichment.


Those houses were too big for the size of the lot.

Build houses too big and they become ghettos. Especially when they're that close. Build them smaller with a little breathing room and people can afforf the upkeep and have more pride maintaining their yard.

Those damn houses, always ruining black neighborhoods!

Using Art tools in the 50s, wait 60 years and then get a camera!

Americans and their weird obsession for lawns. Ooh empty grass, neat. I'd rather have more livable space

That's more of a boomer thing.

Out sourcing companies. As well as cuting quilty control just so companies can make more money

They were built to be slums, just like the shit that's built today. Too much space to clean and maintain too clausterphobic like alleys between houses and no natural light on any room on the sides. Since it appears denser they go ahead and throw up a apartment building that kicks off white flight then whole houses become apartment buildings for 2 or 3 families. Europeans don't build their houses big for a reason, it takes more to clean heat cool and because of gypsies.

50s happy nuclear family was a myth, behind closed doors the dad was an alcoholic who beat his wife and the kids were gay and trans but not allowed to express it

You deserve it for going from pic related to this

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Its not a problem to maintain a smal house like that, but they are shit builded, to close to each other.
But the most problem are nigger neighbourhoods

Boomers are dumb because it's purely ornamental, Euros use whatever yard as gardens because they actually spend time keeping up their gardens instead of having jose or jamal cut their hedges and fuck their bored housewives when theyre at work.

Those houses are fucking huge nigger and you know it.

>how do you go from this...
hard times create strong men
Easy times create weak men

The following decade, the 1960's had long hair jews committing acts of terrorism and spreading communism.
>pic related

Attached: Days of Rage.jpg (300x300, 32K)

Desegregation, death of ethnic neighborhoods, and most importantly the creation of suburbs
Sounds pretty good and happy to me

>dad was an alcoholic who beat his wife
Is it true that in Arkansas you can beat your wife once a month? It often pops up in the "stupid laws" articles here and there.

No, lefties just hate family units so they make shit up like "Durr da dad wuz an alcoholic and the kidz hated da family unit dank god we can fug anyone for no reason"

The degeneracy in the west is so hardcore on Craigslist fag m4m...

For a Ukrainian it's shocking this goes on

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you don't really think that propaganda poster is real daily life do you?
just how dumb is the average american

You can't have that and internet I'm now 100% convinced of this

Then get an apartment and have zero space between you and nosey neighbors.

Yes, very interesting. From the beginning of the 20th century until 80's, most terrorists bombings in the USA were committed by Jewish 'underground' terrorist communists.

Europe doesn't have that problem. Their shit is stone. Can't hear dick from your neighbors. So comfy.

Capitalism is the cause, it turns people into consumerist drones


No commie fool. Capitalism rewards hard work as it has for centuries. The consumerism is relatively new creation. By a certain tribe who run marketing firms, credit card companies, and media empires. These 'merchants' have twisted capitalism into a distorted consumerist and globalist abomination that destroys nations and cultures.

Living in wood apartments where people hear everything you do does that. Hear who you talk to who you have sex with when you shower when you cook. Worse now when everyone cut the cable and has no substantial stereos except some gay portable beats pill speaker. Fuck I hate american apartments.

to this?

Attached: tothis.jpg (480x360, 39K)

How is one guy with 100 billion dollars and a trail of destroyed small businesses benefit anyone?

how the hell do you separate the axi$ of evil from of the money
show me a single era in which that was actually achieved

fake news. Back in the 80s kids actually played outside. Parents took their kids to picnic, hiking, camping and what not.

Nowadays kids go hiking in Skyrim and camping in COD

Attached: camping.jpg (640x480, 111K)

That sounds like a 'merchant' to me

is there anything better than knock-off cartoon characters?
robertcop thinks not.

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Decreasing white population and increasing nigger population

To this

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