Already in 1939, Great Britain was ready to agree to annex Stalin's half of Poland.
>In May 1939, the nestor of Polish geopolitics, Władysław Studnicki, wrote an alarming memorial to the authorities of the Second Polish Republic. He warned him that Poland was in grave danger. It was not just about confronting the Germans. Studnicki was also terrified by something else. What? Vision of the future alliance of Great Britain with the Soviet Union.
>The brilliant Polish analyst in the spring of 1939 flawlessly foresaw the entire course of World War II. So not only the rapid fall of Poland in the clash with the powerful war machine of the Third Reich, but also the establishment of an anti-German alliance between the Western countries and Stalin.
>"If Germany is defeated in co-operation with the Soviet Russia," wrote Studnicki, "it must be rewarded and may only be rewarded at our expense. The United Kingdom in its press, the parliament's performances, constantly considers our achievement of eastern territories as some imperialism, as shameful as all non-British imperialisms. The idea of the Curzon Bialystok-Brest border is deeply rooted in England. With a clear conscience, they will give [the Soviets] our eastern districts. "
>In the spring of 1939, Studnicki had no doubts - the United Kingdom would not fulfill his allied commitments to Poland. And its guarantees are guarantees without cover. He argued that the British, at the end of the war, would give the Bolsheviks half the territory of the Republic without losing sight. And thus, the Polish-British alliance is suicide.

That's what you get for trusting the Eternal Anglo...

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Der ewige Anglo needs to be contained

>How Winston Churchill betrayed Poland
>Winston Churchill
>In 1939
I thought that claiming that Hitler would leave us alone if we allied him against Soviets was a pinnacle of Zychowicz's retardation

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So no matter what, Poland was fucked either way?

Reminder to Poland that lithuanians disagreed to krouts offer to invade Vilnius day after nazis attacked and didnt participated in any killings like Koniuchy

You're an idiot. I've read this article yesterday and it doesn't say anything about the Churchill. Its about Chamberlain era UK politics of leaning towards Russia against Germany. In fact, Churchill was an extreme anti-communist and wanted to plan the Allied invasion through Balkans to cut of the USSR from gaining too much influence over the Eastern Europe. If someone has betrayed Poland it was Roosevelt who preferred siding with "uncle Joe" and left Churchill in opposition.
Sage, fake news.

my guess is that in an alliance with Germany, we would have at worst lost the corridor, which is a small area with small population, but it would make our international trade dependent on their control of the ports.

Yes. It was a choice like in "Jig Saw": which part of your body do you want to cut off to save the whole or not.

chuj kogo obchodzi jakas Polska w II WS ty debilu pierdolony, przestań spamować tym gównem

jeżeli nikogo nie obchodzi, to temat sam zjedzie do archiwum