In his book, William Pearce already predicted that Americans lose their weapons because of ZOG laws. Another prophecies:
1) NWO in book - check IRL
2) halfhuman mixing propaganda in book - check IRL
3) culture decadence in book - check IRL
4) gun laws - ...........
Traitors first.
anyone a link to a PDF?
>link to a PDF?
Just listen to him narrate it on jewtube
>that part where they nuke the entire world to spite Jews
Fucking ridiculous, Pierce should've stuck with radio, how this book inspired a terrorist attack is beyond me
I know. Wouldn't the fallout spreading across the states have killed all the remaining white people anyway.
>It’s the 90’s
>MC wakes up to pounding on his door, blacks bust in, they’re deputized by the state to help round up anime
>Anime had just been made illegal. Most turned it in willingly, but some saved caches of it and burried them in the woods
>Using data from crunchyroll they were able to track down anyone who didn’t turn in their anime
>mc had burried most of his, but had a little umaru-chan plush hidden in the wall where he thought it would be safe
>they find it and arrest him, along with everyone else who didn’t turn in their anime.
>there’s too many to arrest so they let them go but say they can be arested any time
>they say fuck it and dig up the anime caches and organize a resistance movment and have hidden clubhouses that can’t be traced to them they decorate with anime
>They start killing the government doki-doki style and they’re all declared dangerous criminals, normies hear that and assume its true and go along with it
>some other shit happens and they bomb the fbi, I dunno
>in the end the weebs win and they discover the mcs own hand-written manga about it, and thats the story.
Anime is shit for cucks
Delete the goverment.
Claiming that his (American made game) is Anime is like saying taco bell is authentic mexican.
These people are so fucking stupid, it sickens me.
just listening to the audio book right now. it's eerie how he's got the left's "racist bigots and hypocrites" talking points down to a point. in 1975. wtf.
>it's eerie how he's got the left's "racist bigots and hypocrites" talking points down to a point. in 1975. wtf.
He was a smart man.
I used to listen to his broadcasts before he died.
sorry sweetie
repealing the second will be the GREATEST accomplishment in American history next to roe v wade
Podcasts are also pretty gud
I have had it for like half a year now. Still didn't read it.
Pretty crazy how it was made in 1975 and it could of been made yesterday from the stuff talked about in it. It makes you realise we got to this point over the course of like 80 years , America didn't become a mutt shithole in just 10 years or something it's been long coming and people have noticed since early on just not enough people ... and now we are here
is there anywhere to get all of them?
more like brave new world
silent lone suicide of the west
death by millions of tiny cuts