Do you remember that "global warming hiatus" that the skeptics went on and on about?

Until 2 years ago or so, they were saying the global warming has stopped forever. They were wrong, it did not stop. What are you skeptics saying now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Global Warming is fake and opie is a faggot. This is now a gun thread

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You are a phaggot not t just OP

It's really interesting when you look at the progression of myths

>Myth 1: Satellites show the Earth is cooling
this one died in 2005
>Myth 2: the temperature records are severely contaminated by urban heat islands
this was rejected in 2009
>Myth 3: Global warming stopped in 1998
it "restarted" in 2014
>Myth 4: Climate sensitivity is low and models are overprojecting warming
shown to be wrong in the literature until the present day

my guess is that the next talking point is going to be that global warming may be real and man-made but it will be beneficial, and when this is untenable, the final argument will be that it is too late to do anything anyway and we should keep going as long as possible.

Global warming is the only way to solve the food shortage crisis that is causing those poor africans to starve to death.

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We are at a historical low average temp. Leaving the little ice age so temps are going to go up a bit. All global warming is here for is to implement a carbon tax so the jews can get more sheckles.

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One single degree celsius of temperature is not going to change anything of substance. It is barely noticeable. Spare us the talk of dire consequences of catastrophic climate change.

>it's warming
>no wait, actually cooling
>...or is it warming again?
>NO, definitely cooling now
>rinse and repeat

Has there ever been a """science""" as fucking retarded as climate science.

What is it with liberals and their idiotic focus on modern day?
They act as if we've always existed in the current state of society and always will.
Seriously, what is this way of thinking they have? Is it simple mindedness?

the data shows that the earth is cooling

I realize you are american and stupid and out of touch with reality

let me help you

...and probably a dumb fuck american at the german army base

All this bull shit about weather does matter a fucking bit. I live close to Yellowstone and that motherfucker is going up soon. When it does we can all kiss our ass goodbye. Only thing left will be boss hogg and cockroaches.


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They have corrupted the historic databases.
Global warming is a liberal invention.

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where is this image from?

You can find the source both in the title and the image itself.


Here's sea level rise in my nation where white people every day take sea level measurements which can be double checked by a white man simply by going to the tidal gauge. With uncorrected paper records going back over a century.

Funny how there is no acceleration when your datasets aren't constructed by jews with no paper trail.

Attached: 23.png (350x140, 10K)

the data is "adjusted", i.e. fraudulent, as proven by teh climategate emails

the earth has been hotter in the past

the most potent greenhouse gas is water vapor, 98% of the greehouse gas efect is produced by it. humans only contribute 0.02% of water vapor

>global warming may be real and man-made but it will be beneficial, and when this is untenable, the final argument will be that it is too late to do anything anyway and we should keep going as long as possible.

these are both already being peddled.

You forgot the best alarmist bleat, "The oceans are going to rise six gorrillion feet by 2020!"
We're getting wise to the Noseberg kikery.

>thinks a single data point is indicative of global climate change.


the article you reference makes no mention of that idea.

also what data do you refer to?

all the climate data I have seen shows it is warming. please give your source (or are you confusing local weather with global climate?)

> thinks sea level change is directly related to global temperature

>thinks climate change is jewish

wow the science is fail with this one

>as proven by teh climategate emails
ever read them?

no? thought not.

ever read any climate science?


thought not

this could be because the geologic record kinda says that we already past the tipping point. the ice caps arre going to melt. we really need to worry about the ozone cycle now.

>"The oceans are going to rise six gorrillion feet by 2020!"


oh, no one ever said that, you are just being a strawman building idiot.


faked numbers are still faked, faggot.

yes, I read them

yes, I have

wow, you are as wrong about me as you are about your crazy climate religion

didn't al gore claim the polar ice would all have melted by now? did that happen?

are you disputing that 98% of GHG effect is from water vapor?

A virus

But the USHCN and GISStemp datasets ARE contaminated with urban heat island. Oh, you're just pretending this was effectively dismissed? Did you think everyone on this board knew fuckall about climate science? How about the lack of incorporation of equatorial upwelling and subsequent convectional shift not being included on historical models or fucking topography (winds, rain shadows, etc) not being included in any of the meter scale models? How about the 1000s of peer reviewed articles that counter all anthropogenic climate change?

Get raped by niggers. You country belongs in the dustbin of history.

Oh I agree - I saw the data twenty years ago and thought we had already gone over the edge then, but that is different to the big oil and coal and gas shills who are now spinning it to be a reason to keep using the oil and coal and gas.

the "it is too late to stop the catastrophe we might as well make money crowd" is simply vile

i'm saying you're still reading reports generated and manipulated to sell you the nonsense line, so you'll bitch that my country wont give shit poor countries money so they can pollute longer.
whats your answer you fucking brainlet? where's your big response to this? or do you just have the balls to come here and say we're wrong with zero proof.
fuck off

>(((climate hysteria)))

Attached: modern climate.png (1151x850, 371K)

Climate change isn't Jewish. It's climate hysteria over the Earth's climate (which is always changing) that is 100% Globalist-Zog propaganda.

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>thinks sea level change is directly related to global temperature
On a multidecade scale? Yes, yes it is.
>>thinks climate change is jewish
>Give conclusive evidence of consistent non accelerating climate change, Islamic jew tries to pretend I disputed climate change ...

No Schlomo, accelerating AGW is jewish.

Heres some ice core samples also that prove co2 follows heat, not the other way around. Anthropomorphic climate change is a lie perpetrated by globalist who want to tax the entire world just for being alive.

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I'm sceptical too but there is a saturation effect. The water vapour effect is highly saturated, the CO2 effect is not (different absorption bands), so increasing CO2 has a much bigger effect than increasing water vapour (though it's still only logarithmic).

Climate change is real. Retards and Schlomo McShekelstein are using it as an excuse to regulate and tax more even though that won't really fix the problem.
Any of the hippie faggots who think we can do anything without nuclear power are also retarded

but is the figure of 98% correct?


what will really make you laugh is if you go to the IPCC's funding page and look at who puts the money in. It's mostly funded by the gulf states and they intentionally hold back the research that would make the models look worse than they do. oddly it would make the models more accurate rather than overly optimistic. they will not even include florocarbons until 2020 despite the fact that they have roughly the same effect as the total CO2 in the atmosphere. eh this shit will end with a blue water event which is happening in about three months.

>7 billion people to grow food for
>7 billion people to make clothes for
>7 billion people giving off body heat.
Ther's your problem right there. Solution: quit propping up failed people groups with UN contributions. Let nature run its course, that is if one is truly interested in the ecosystem.

This is an example of what I mean in . Border policy has nothing to do with climate change. Opening borders won't stop anything, in fact it'd likely increase CO2 emissions because the average person in a developed country puts more carbon into the air.

They completely changed data from their sensors a few years ago because it wasn't showing what they wanted. If you believed your sensors were wrong, a real scientist would throw out the data. Climate scientists just raised the temperature reported by each sensor, and then would you look at that, global warming is real, skeptics btfo!!!

I've worked with climate scientists before, and they are without a doubt the scummiest bunch of lying cocksuckers in the hard sciences by a mile.

I don't understand why people aren't more worried about the temperatures plummeting; we're repeating the same exact pattern that has happened 7 times in a row.

btw, it's Spring and it's freezing cold outside my door.

>intentionally hold back the research that would make the models look worse than they do
you mean the 50 or so models that all failed to predict the hiatus?

why would you trust models that can't predict?

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Listen to the (((Pope))) and sort out your recyclables, you filthy, golem animals. STop causing (((global warming.)))

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The cold winters in the US last couple of years are just more evidence for global warming ... because of course they are.

Exactly. As our solar systems moves around the galaxy, it has effects on the sun that causes it to get hotter and cooler just like our yearly season. Only the suns seasonal trip around the galaxy takes 50,000 years. It matches up perfectly with every ice core data sample ever taken.

A galactic year is 250 million years long you fucking moron

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dude, the "global warming" pitch has been revised like 2398047230987 times since 1970.

look idiot I used to work for the LDEO. we did all we could to make the models look like it was not an emergency. and yes everyone at columbia is a jew and yes we did distort the data for sheckles. sheckles given by KSA the UAE a Quatar. I quit in disgust. BTW the ocean is a big energy sink and it's where the heat went during those years. we had the ability to include it in the models but we did not becuase of the KSA moneys. but hey I am just a jew telling you how you are being jewed. stay stupid.

Europe is already overrun by nogs and faggots. Why do liberals want to feed the Africans and complain about climate change in the next breath. Nogs, poos and chongs are the ones killing the planit. Not us good goys who dindu nuffin. The first step to save planet is eliminnate nog and fag. The EU and UN will not help us so why would we pay them to help stop climate catastrophe (which if true is a judgement by God for our unceasing faggotry and is well earned). They would only spend the money on caviar and child rape anyway and cannot be trusted. So whether anthropogenic climate change is real or not is a moot point at this stage.

What's a grand solar minimum and when is thee next one due ?

you are admitting the models were fake and not to be trusted

I was claiming the models are fake and not to be trusted

we agree

Anyone who thinks man made climate change isn't happening is stupid. But anyone who thinks carbon taxes and solar panels are going to stop it is equally stupid.

>They were wrong

Keep trying to shove your agenda down our throats.


A new study from the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) finds polar bears are thriving, with the population growing or stable despite summer sea ice having dropped significantly after 2006.

Based largely on American biologist Steven Amstrup’s assertion polar bear populations would decline if summer sea ice fell sharply, many scientists were surprised when polar bear counts showed the various subpopulations were stable or growing modestly despite summer sea ice levels falling by nearly 40 percent after 2016. In a separate article, biologist Susan Crockford, author of GWPF’s study, notes ringed and bearded seals (the primary prey of polar bears) north of the Bering Strait thrived in a longer summer open-water season, which improved their access to fish.

“More food for seals in summer means more fat seal pups for polar bears to eat the following spring. … [A]s long as polar bears have lots of baby seals to eat in spring, they get fat enough to survive even a longer-than-usual summer fast,” writes Crockford.

A 2007 study by Christine Hunter et al. said if summer sea ice levels dropped by as much as they did after 2006 “for eight out of ten years (or four out of five years),” which climate model projections suggested might occur as soon as 2050, 10 of 19 vulnerable polar bear populations would be extirpated, leaving fewer than 10,000 of the animals worldwide. Despite sea ice hitting the danger levels feared by Hunter’s team 44 years sooner than projected, just the opposite has occurred. The U.S. Geological Survey estimated there were approximately 24,500 polar bears in the world in 2005, before sea ice levels dropped by as much as 38 percent after 2006."



A new study by a team of researchers from Japanese universities, research institutes, and government agencies provides further evidence the vast majority of climate models overstate the atmospheric warming effect of greenhouse gas emissions. Aerosols are fine, solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in air. Natural aerosols include fog, dust, material exuded from forests, smoke from forest fires, and steam and matter expelled from geysers and volcanoes. Anthropogenic aerosols include haze, particulate matter, and smoke. Almost all climate models assume aerosols tend to cool the climate, both directly by diminishing the amount of incoming solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface and by contributing to cloud formation, thus offsetting some of the warming effect of greenhouse gas emissions.

The recent Nature Communications study adds to a growing body of literature indicating climate modelers get aerosol effects wrong. Using a model incorporating microphysical processes of cloud formation, including the influence of aerosols, referred to as a global cloud system resolving model (GCSRM), the team found other climate models routinely overestimate the aerosol affect and could even be getting the direction of the effect wrong: aerosols may, on balance, warm the climate. GCSRM simulations show both positive and negative effects on cloud formation, but overall the GCSRM shows climate models significantly overestimate the cooling effect of aerosols, which could have a warming effect for some locations and periods of time. If you reduce or even reverse the presumed temperature impact of aerosols, the most widely used models would suggest the earth should warm even more than they currently show. This research on aerosols indicates climate models grossly overestimate the atmosphere’s sensitivity to additional greenhouse gas molecules.

SOURCES: Climate Etc.; Nature Communications

I had access to the good model and have been using it to trade commodities ever since. it's actually just hit the point were it will not work in the future due to the blue water event that is likely to happen this year. And yes you are both correct. the models are gimped and no carbon taxes and solar panels will not do shit. they are solutions that would have worked 30 years ago but we are way past that point. we only need to worry about the ozone layer getting fucked by someone who thinks they know how to do geoengineering., I am going to ride it out in the PNW.

>didn't al gore claim the polar ice would all have melted by now

when was Al Gore a climate scientist?

also, int he same speech he quoted several studies that suggested it was possible in 22 years, or as little as 7 years (which would be 2013 or 2028) he might yet be right. Certainly the proportion of old ice is the lowest ever recorded, and the area of summer ice is the smallest recorded, and there is open water close o the pole now. It would not be surprising if we had a near total melt within the next decade.

I find at amazing that when they adjust the data its always up and never down, why ? it's almost like they are desperately trying to fit the data to make their incorrect models work. Strange one that.

"Seizing the means of production." Does it ring a bell? Globalists and commies saw CO2 as the quickest way to bring nations under the UN, for the end game of a the New World Order. They vomit all of these views (contradicting each other):

- we must decrease the population
- whites, have less babies, bad whites, focus on "careers"
- uh oh, the population is lowering due to natural generational cycles, we have to artificially keep it high to increase the (((GDP)))
- we must increase the population
- bring the the third-world in who have no allegiance to the nation
- sub-Saharan Africans need perpetual aid, welfare, can't build their nations
- sub-Saharan Africans are just as intelligent, will greatly benefit foreign nations
- you (((need to))) bring 1 billion foreigners into the modern west
- differences don't exist
- differences exist but don't matter
- differences exist and whites are oppressors
- whites need to liberate and aid everyone else and fight as the soldiers for Zog's wars
- whites have magical privilege
- diversity is our strength
- wow goyim Israel needs to remain an ethnostate, you "antisemite"
- diversity is beautiful
- we need to eradicate diversity and make all nations melting pots of grey goop
- blacks aren't more violent, it's "nurture", goyim
- crime stats are racist, don't pay attention
- wow look at crime stats, (((it's time to disarm all of you)))

Diversity is a code word for white genocide and soon Asian genocide.

Attached: jews (((environmentalism))) white genocide babies news media.jpg (681x1046, 110K)

go away jew


fuck your globalist, shithole world

that's very convenient

>But the USHCN and GISStemp datasets ARE contaminated with urban heat island
As I said, NOAA already dealt with that in 2009. The record of surface temperature stations far away from urbanized areas is essentially indistinguishable from the entire ensemble record. Furthermore UHI, even if it were significant, could in principle only explain part of the warming over a fraction of the land surface. It couldn't explain rising SSTs or the high-latitudes (which include some of the fastest warming regions of Earth)
> How about the lack of incorporation of equatorial upwelling
That's not true, upwelling is taken into account in the form of ocean general circulation models that include a mixed-layer ocean and a parameterized heat transport.
>or fucking topography (winds, rain shadows, etc) not being included in any of the meter scale models?
There are two falsehoods here. First, topography is explicitly included. Even the earliest climate models used in the FAR included some degree of topography and the accuracy has improved ever since. One can argue if it is sufficiently accurately represented, but to argue that it is excluded is simply idiotic. Secondly, there are no coupled climate models with a meter-scale resolution. Running such a model would take up enormous amounts of funds just to simulate a few hours.
>How about the 1000s of peer reviewed articles that counter all anthropogenic climate change?
Can you please be so kind to provide one or two of them?


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Winter-chan will free us from the African scourge. There is nothing to fear, my friend.

he is not the jew I am. I am the jew telling you that we took money from the gulf oil states to make the models look better than reality. before I went into commodities trading I worked for the LDEO(columbia uni) and took a copy of the non gimped model when I quit. quit being a fool and be prepared for the future because there is no way off this train.

calling people stupid isn't an argument, you fucking retard

>I had access to the good model
you just expect us to believe you?

>need to worry about the ozone layer getting fucked
isn't ozone created by rays from the sun hittting O2?
>When UV light hits oxygen gas, it breaks it down to two oxygen atoms. Then, when an oxygen atom meets oxygen gas, it forms ozone gas

>the proportion of old ice is the lowest ever recorded, and the area of summer ice is the smallest recorded, and there is open water close o the pole now
please link your source fren

do you agree climate scientists have an incentive to want to keep grants coming in so they can get payed?

Made up adjustments, heat island effect ignored.
Gore said by 2008 that NYC would be 10' under water.

What happened to the sea level rise?

In what way? The scientific literature has been clear that human emissions of greenhouse gases will have a warming influence on the planet - the only question has been about the detailed response (how much ice is going to melt how fast? Will temperatures rise markedly or modestly? What regions of continents will experience water cycle shifts how fast etc. etc.)

Maybe the popular media is guilty of what you claim, but they couldn't represent science accurately to safe their lives, so I don't see anything particularly damning about that.

so you reckon this sea level change is directly related to climate change, over the last two hundred years - - so what is the data on the climate change that is also linear that you point to? what do you make the connection to?

is there any other reason for sea level change at that point on the earth's surface? (for instance I know that the level of the land in some areas is rising in a post ice age bounce back - does this chart take that into consideration as well, or is it relevant? - is there any other reason for this change that is not factored in? how can you be sure it is directly related to climate change and what does this mean in terms of climate change?)

I think the graph is interesting, but I do not see that it by itself contradicts anything.

>sea levels rise
It happened in AI

>What happened to the sea level rise?
It accelerated

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...because (((climate hysteria))) lets snakes with political agendas pass legislation to take over the world. They won't tell their media tentacles to be worried over cold climate until the temperatures move in that direction, at which point they will sell the exact same polices with different words.

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if you put shit into the upper atmosphere to try and cool the planet you can fuck with the production of o3. just don't let people try and get out of this by geoengineering. we will fuck it up. just because humans.

which climate change denier site did you get this from?

>you reckon sea level change is directly related to climate change
I like how for today's thread you are just going to be disingenious about how rising sea levels has always been one of the talking points of AGW.

How very Jewish of you.

Anyone notice the only two defenders of the Jewish scam are also contradicting each other?

are you a Climate Freak OP?

Attached: climatefreak.jpg (799x809, 436K)

>the blue water event

please tell more - what do you mean?

why would we want to cool the planet? we're currently in an ice age, as evidenced by there being ice at teh poles

it's also nowhere near as hot as it has been in the recent past

have you looked at teh data from the greenland ice cores?
omg, 2 cm? I'd better buy a boat

What greenhouse gases do humans emit that will have a warming influence on the planet? Think carefully before answering.

>it's also nowhere near as hot as it has been in the recent past

great. I am so relieved that it is ok if we go back to a half desert world where all our agriculture is fucked up.

I feel soooo much better now.

On second thought you probably shouldn't answer that question.

>climate hysteria
Emotional pleas have no place in science.

look at the latest NASA photos. the arctic ocean is basically a slushy at this point. the winter freeze did not happen. we are going to have an ocean with .1 albido rather than .9 for at least a month this year. 2.7 watts per sqrm vs .3 watts. I am out of all my positions this year and just loaded up on ADM.

Geee I guess we have to pay more taxes then.

Selfishness, narcissism. They can't imagine living 50 years ago, let alone 1000. They can't comprehend different ways of thinking. They are "tolerant" of foreigners and such, but they actually think that muslims, for example, think just like them. They think they can reason and empathize on the same level, despite any radical or foreign upbringing. They think they can be taught to be like westerners and be taught liberal (not US liberal, classical liberal) values. They think that rapefugees are simply just muslims that can be taught to be western and retain their previous identities, bc muh tolerance.

They deny reality at every turn. There were marches against anti-semitism in france, led by the same people saying we need more refugees in europe. Fundamentally stupid.


how can it be a desert world whilst also being drowned by sea level increases? make up your mind, faggot

Honestly, it baffles me how you and the rest of the brainlets here think you're even qualified to doubt a thing that the bulk of the real scientists agree on when you know jack shit about the topic. Do you seriously think they haven't considered every single point your little brains can think of?
What the fuck do you think they'd have to gain by falsifying results? Research money? They'd get far more of that by stroking the grateful golden oil/coal cock all day.

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That's just uninformed flippancy. The paleorecord and our physical understanding suggests than meter-scale sea level rise is highly plausible within a century. A single meter would already be a catastrophe for coastal cities and would increase the return period of storm surges nonlinearly
CO2, CH4 and N2O (+a handful of MPTGs)

you know you do actually sound knowledgeable and scarily trustworthy...?

it's about agriculture. uncertain weather makes bad crops. sea level rise is not well understood and is likely less than projected. wars happen over food not lost beachfront homes.

its still not hot enough

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1995 and on... wow! Impressive. Someday you'll learn the sea has always been rising and falling and you're being played by globalists (if you aren't one yourself).

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