H-hey user you maybe want to read the Bible together sometime?
H-hey user you maybe want to read the Bible together sometime?
My mom told me not to speak with strangers
Yes please :)
Forgot video
Only if I get to see what's under that dress bb
I w-would like that
I hope for your sake that's the King James version and not some heretic implementation
>h-hey annon do you think I could maybe pray for you?
>God, music, church, dance, crafts
>I am actually 18! I can be quiet, but I also love to just chat at times! I'd love to have a conversation about almost anything! I do not judge anyone based on their past, it's not my place to do that. I will accept you as you are! We are all unique children of God!
>I value respect so much! I want to be as Christ-like as I can be. If you need prayer I would love to pray with you and just enjoy being in the presence of our Father together!
>Please do not ask my to talk outside of this site. If I am comfortable with doing so then I will ask you. Otherwise please just respect me by only talking on here. Thank you!
>Remember God is always with you, no matter where you are! He loves us all so much! His love is unconditional! Thank you God!
>women are told to be decent and wear decently
>shows with no veil and half naked because so kawai
Nice religion, as long as it matches your view and muh deus vult its okay for you
Fred Phelps?
Looks crazy, and looks like she would be crazy in bed
>tips fedora
>well actchually
>nothing personnel, kid
Five minutes later on Jow Forums
Look me in the eye when you talk you stupid cunt
The West is collapsing and you want me to settle down and start a family? A true Fascist puts down his life at the first opportunity, risking everything, not settling for family life during Armageddon.
You have enough time to raise sons that will fight with you
>implying having children emboldens adults to drop life and go to war
You are an idiot. Having children enslaves and pacifies people. Parents don't pick up guns and wage war as a matter of choice. They keep their heads down and do what they are told by society/government.
read Ezekiel Chapter 23, with gems like:
>There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
>no veil
>Ladies are commanded by the Bible to have long hair. They are not commanded to wear an external head covering of any kind. If they do wear one, people will probably associate them with religions that preach a false Gospel.
No thanks, I'm not into jewish shit.
Sorry, already have a 14 year old girl interested.
You're not blonde with blue eyes either.
That's my plan.
I'll be training them as well.
Browsing Christian Dating
>US: 18 year old female seeking marriage partner "I will not boast of myself but I will boast of my God!"
>UK: 30 year old female seeking anything "My son comes first, love to Travel"
The point of online dating is to find people that dont live near you
>Archery, reading, cooking, camping, coffee, animals, movies, family, being goofy(:
>I am a Reformed Christian. I believe in TULIP (the 5 points of Calvinism). I am pretty confident and set in my beliefs. It is very important to me to find a guy who has fairly close to the same beliefs. My ideal man of God is family oriented and loves HIM more than anything or at least seeks to do so. I believe that the husband is the head and lord of the household, and the wife is the "helper" and server. I'm seeking to be like the woman in Proverbs 31. My mentor is teaching me farming, cooking, child raising, and how to be a "helper" and daughter of Christ. I hope to use these skills in the near future.
>Jesus has complete control in my life. Right now, I would like to find someone to just grow in the Lord with. I believe that would be the best way to get to know someone and the greatest way to build a relationship (with God and eachother). Building a relationship with God together is a MUST!
>If you think my ideal man sounds like you then please send me a message! I would love to hear from you. I hope we can build a great godly based friendship and see what happens from there. If not, then good luck to you on your journey :)
God bless!
>That pic
I want this so much
After all these years of being a degenerate this sounds better than anything.
w-we can go to a coffee shop or something
I would also say I hope it’s not a catholic. But those are Bible versions and not man made rulebooks so I think we’re safe in that department.
You do understand you’re not reading from the Bible but a perverted spin-off right?
Also, you do realize what that chapter is about right? You do understand that the Bible has records of mans sin in it?