Calling Norway Pol

Guys, I've got some pretty cool news. Please assemble.

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Boys, things are happening.

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Are we breaking the conditioning? My facebook page is getting some fucking serious traction.

A few days ago, something happened, I read an article about Norway relations with South Africa, just a small article, nothing much, no media fanfare, just a single source, the delegation was lead by a women called Marianne Hagen. I have no ill intentions nor wish any ill will against Marianne, she has a job to do.

What struck me as odd, was that she was boastful about Norways support of Apartheid ANC, and that Norway would not have a problem with Agricultural Expropriation Without Compensation going forward.

The Agriculture is ran by Afrikaners, Boere, they supply South Africa's black population with 90% of their food, brushing aside an attempt at Zimbabwe 2.0 is careless, and dangerous, not only to white, but to the well-being of millions of black people as well!

I was 9 when Apartheid ended, but I see that things are again in motion now, and phases are being executed against the minority, I want to reach out to Norway, and folks in Norway to please just keep an open mind, and do not believe everything you are being told about South Africa.

Marianne Hagen:
"And also if the reform is just limited to agricultural land, that’s also understandable." (Expropriation without Compensation)

"Norway wanted to be here in part because of the personal, emotional ties the country felt with South Africa, having strongly backed the anti-apartheid movement."

Nord normies seem pretty fucking angry about this.

Norway bros wtf does this mean?

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Secretary of State. She works for the department of foreign relations, and she's a member of Hoyre, the "conservative" party of Norway. It's really just a bunch of rich social democrats dressing nicely. Set up a Discord or something if you want to keep a discussion going. I ain't hainging around Jow Forums for serious discussions.

Oh. And she's in SA atm,

The dude who said fuck this I'll talk to her had this logo with him.


I didn't know Norway normies were this easy to redpill, holy fuck son, every one I've encountered is pissed off as all fuck.

She was a banker then she was the communications director at the royal house when the king made his turbo cuck speech.

I bet you 5 bucks shes a infiltrator pretending to be "right wing".
My globalist radar is going off hardcore.

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Kan vi få FRP til å si noe som helst om dette? Kanskje sende dem bilder av gård angrep?

The dude who said that is a pensioned air-force officer who served in Lebanon back in the civil war. He holds no political positions, nor is he in position to influence decisions made by the secretary of state.
The logo is just a link to her profile on the government's website. It simply states that she was in Johannesburg the 22.03 and 23.03.
Again, if you want to keep a serious discussion, set up a Discord or something Google won't index for the next 100 years.
You're doing great work, pic related.

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SP kommer mer sannsynlig til å bry seg. FRP er EU-shills.

SP er jo bondepartiet.

Senterpartiet er bare lureri. Jeg fatter ikke hvordan folk kan tro at de bryr seg om folk. De har bare en interesseorganisasjon og det er bondene.


Also I know south Africans and they are happy to be here and not there to put it mildly.

So nothing is happening?

Doesn't seem like it.

All I can find is that she had some meetings about business days in SA, nothing more.

If she applauded the farm expropriation it would be big news. The fact that there is no link to such statement makes me believe it's bullshit until proven otherwise.

The seed has been planted, guys, it worked.

need a fucking QRD plz

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what does it mean?


angry about what?

Som bo i Norge?

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Fugg you lads are quite quick to pick up this shit, holy shit. Do live in fucking DIsney world?

fuck off, we're full

White farmers welcome. Plenty of vacant farms here. But be aware, farming close to the arctic circle is quite different to farming in S.Africa.

Just don;t let this happen again.

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