Reminder: left still can't meme

In a sparsely-furnished office in an “undisclosed” strip mall, the #NeverAgain students and ShareBlue, a progressive liberal media group, have teamed up to declare a meme war.

Realizing their movement’s success was largely built on social media, Hogg & friends have dedicated themselves to dominating the discussion on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. Their strategy? Out-memeing the right.

Dylan Baierlein, a recent graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas says, “I came out the womb memeing.” Baierlein, 18, is still finishing psychology classes at Florida Atlantic University, but working full-time for the #NeverAgain movement. Baierlein noted that the NRA, the Alt-Right and users on Jow Forums have been his biggest inspiration for using memes to promote the group’s message. Pepe must be flattered.

Under Hogg’s leadership, the students and alumni have created a digital informatziya machine, powered by millions of fans and followers. As Hogg says, “the immediate choke hold that we placed on the news cycle, to make sure that people would not be able to look away from this. The captivation of the American public is why this time is different.”

They plan on branching out to YouTube with short VICE-style documentaries and political commentary. “It’s going to be a mix of actual education political stances and, like, the history of gun violence, and how you can register to vote,” Baeirlein said, in an interview with Vanity Fair.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The undisclosed office space was donated by a supporter, according to #NeverAgain co-founder Jaclyn Corin, and its location is a carefully-guarded secret. Meanwhile, a more public agency, P.R. firm 42 West, has volunteered its services for free, which gives the group access to big names in music, media and Hollywood.

Memes and “edgy” docudramas are just the beginning, the group plans to continue their captivating of American media to swing the 2018 elections in their favor. “After the march, our next goal is to have the greatest voter turnout in midterm history,” Dylan’s brother, Matt Baierlein said. “The numbers are on our side—if we can inspire young people to vote.”

https:// Forums-after-shareblue-and-correct-the-record-failed-to-infiltrate-the-site/

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you're attention seeking why

you can't infiltrate pol it's way too chaotic. it's like infiltrating a mosh pit

Unless they are willing to out-debaucher us, they will never win.

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wow guys, they have a whole team of meme gurus with 25+ years of experience in memeing

Best timeline.

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Meme lab. Jow Forums has meme farms, sun shine

the further they go with this the more people will learn of their propaganda

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The number reason why they are failing is they don't understand what memes do because they don't understand psychology of humans. Because they believe environment is behind culture they will never get it

the shills have already ruined something like 50% of the traffic but because there is absolutely no structure to anything- no subdivisions, no users, no permanence, etc.- it just washes away and every time an actual thread gains steam it's as if none of the shilling took place.

I've noticed that the percentage of quality users fluctuates quite a bit, and probably is in a downward trend since the 2016 election, but because of the nature of the site it is still impossible to actually 'corrupt' it short of removing all the janitors and replacing them with shills.

When they do try to do that, it's always humorless and gay. They think that being disgusting for the sake of being disgusting is a good retaliation. They usually have no connection to anything like a past cultural reference or an unspoken truth. Forget about humor too. They have zero sense of it.


>Came out the womb memeing


They will fail.

Memes are not made, they're born. You cannot will a meme into existence, it will only come about naturally.

All their memes will come up milhouse

Q predicted this

I agree with this it is a huge disadvantage that they can't properly analyze people because understanding how humans work is racist, sexist, authoritarian, etc. When you refuse to consider that human nature exists you are going to have trouble dealing with humans.

They have the upper hand in a different way though, which is that their ideology, being essentially utopian, is much more attractive than a realistic appraisal of humanity, and as such they always have way more true believers, and they can coordinate much more efficiently due to the 'bullshit is a better rallying force than truth' virtue signalling effect.

Pic related from the article. What a mess. All that work and "thought" going into making memes where autists do it effortlessly.

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its been in a downward trend for 10 fucking years

Pretty much you have to put something beautiful in the ocean of piss for them to be subverted and they don't get it. They just keep adding more piss thinking it will take root

Memes are done naturally by hand, memes cannot be mass produced.

I wonder if ex-shareblue user is still around and would share his thoughts.

Them's the front lines of the meme wars,

We can easily beat them, but only skilled faggots can evade the zucc.

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probably I've been here only since 2013, and I noticed a difference between 2013-2015 and once Trump started running.

It might just be that the amount of traffic went way up which usually lowers the quality.


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Desu senpai

99% of the people on pol came here when they banned memes on rebbid

Leftists memes are so cringeworthy they don't even understand why our memes are so popular.

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you can't "make" memes

they just happen

Lol what, I've never been to Reddit in my life dude

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so with meme war is this? third, fourth?
i know election meme war and cnn meme war, maybe there was more with i miss?

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>we need to compete with a chinese anime trading forum

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So Hogg is working with Share Blue.

Doesn’t surprise me.

I didn’t think it was possible to dislike him anymore, but this did it.

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'member Tumblr vs Jow Forums war back in 2014?

look it's the holeguy
please click on the share button to share the holeguy
share it

It never ends and it doesn't change user

lmao pls tell me that's a printed goblina photo

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yeah but back then there wasnt even term "meme war" doesnt it?

We will always win the meme wars, because we have no limits (Freedom of speech). We understand that hurting people's feelings is 98% of humor, and humor is what wins the meme war.
They will always lose, because they aren't allowed to say the shit we are. They don't understand how to be funny.

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they banned memes on reddit?

That meme lab will be their Chernobyl.

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tis true... libtards are basically this guy ->

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Good times

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huh? Hug trannies, maybe?

Look at these scared bitches, It's so hilarious.

It’s like American liberalism is a religion.

>its location is a carefully-guarded secret.
New Season of capture the flag?

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Awful. They can't even use a well established meme for their cause. Embarrassing.

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It needs a second picture with a man holding a gun standing by the sign and nobody touching the pipe

Someone help me understand this leftist meme. What is her point? Where is the pizzazz, the glitz, the glamour?
>t. brainlet

For great justice.

Just spam it with pony porn.
It works everytime

>its location is a carefully-guarded secret
Any autists tried finding it yet?


glad to see those gender studies degrees at work.

Boomer-tier gif

OMFG digits

bring it motherfuckaaaaaaaaaassssratatatatatataaaatatatatatatatatat

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>memes with garish colours

They learnt nothing from HilPepe.

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Basically, she is calling the NRA retarded.

Gore usually works the best imo.

Wonder what we'll get for this year's April Fools/Easter.

Last year we got /mlpol/ and there was autistic screeching everywhere.

You can't force real inspiration

Kek indeed.

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Meme War II? MJEatingPopcorn.GIF

/mlpol/ again I hope, it was beautiful

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For once, meme flag was not a faggot.

thats why you put tar with glass and a strong contact poison on the pipe.

HWNDU Season X?

I agree that the real reason why we are at a disadvantage, is the right is a conglomerate of Ideologies the left is not.

There three things that divide people:

Primal needs
Race (culture)

The left is made up of mainly White leadership who have their primal needs met. They also have one Ideology. Because of this they have took over all institutions.

The right is a bunch of Whites with different Ideologies. That is why it won't last.

The biggest weapon the right has is exposing the bs of the lefts Ideology the more the left Ideology is exposed as a false religion the more they will start to fall apart. It comes down to who will hold out longer the coalition of religions of the right or the false religion of the left.

"What do you mean bitcoin is at 7k FUUUUUUUUUCK put me back in and unbirth me"

imagine being less creative than one (1) autistic finn.

>checking yourself

Fucking newfag

>I came out the womb memeing.


They cannot possibly win the meme war for the following reasons:
1) Our black comedy works because we deal in harsh truths. The left refuse to acknowledge harsh truths.
2) We believe that there is a consistent reality that exists outside of your awareness and beyond your control(at least at the moment), the left believe reality is subjective.
3)We relish in division and conflict, accept it as part of life and enjoy the rush of shit posting and squabbling, the left NEED unity. Any kind of division terrifies them. Other opinions scare them to death. We enjoy laughing at other opinions.
4) In addition to making fun of everything else, we also enjoy making fun of ourselves. We enjoy looking like stupid faggots from time to time. The left absolutely hate looking stupid, such is their level of insecurity. Any joke at their expense sends them into a maddening rage and emotional meltdown. When we call each other autists and faggots, that's us being "nice".
5) The left overdo everything when it comes to art. It's either over-done art school shit or horribly lame abstract crap. We on the other hand genuinely appreciate high art but massively enjoy looking at pictures that look retarded. A well made meme just isn't funny because you can tell that the person that made it 1) tried 2) isn't retarded. Trying means you care and caring makes you a faggot and memes aren't funny if they look like they were deliberately made by an intelligent person. They are supposed to look like scribblings of a complete fucking moron. That's what makes it funny.

They cannot win this at all. Just look at what happened to EPEP the toad....

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it's just some mexican janitor

So it's confirmed by them now that sharejew was paying people to give us lefty memes, fucking kek

>The right is a bunch of Whites with different Ideologies. That is why it won't last.

The left as a party is now the party of diversity. That coalition will not last as the many subgroups that make them up at this point all have their own in group wants and needs. Their need to include everyone will be their undoing as we saw this past election.

Quit checking yourself, you literal fcking faggot. It counteracts all of Kek's magic.

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lets do this

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If you HAVE to create a "meme lab" the last fucking thing on earth you want to do is reveal the fact that you HAD to create a meme lab. Now all you have to do when a leftist posts a meme is post a screenshot of that article

You can't force memes. That is literally rule 1 of memeing.

They have to be birthed naturally through an infinite number of shitposters shitposting from an infinite number of their mum's basements.

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This. They are literally trying to make Milhouse happen

Yeah they start with the ideal. Which is fine if your ideal is the truth it will make it eventually. But the most effective way is starting with the target group and building from there.

sorry. won't happen again sir.

>Throwing thousands of dollars into meme warfare to go up against some NEETs and losers on Jow Forums who jerk it to traps
>Still lose

>The undisclosed office space was donated by a supporter

I'll bet my life's savings there's a Jew at the bottom of funding this.

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this has always been true of leftist politics of inclusion. they learn they all hate each other as much as the right. you only need to turn them on one another to beat them.

jew jew jew jew jew jew

you don’t make the memes. the memes make themselves.