(((Ruth Bader Ginsberg))) Death Soon

Is she going to die soon?

Can we all get some sort of collective ritual going to try to speed things up a bit? Today seems like an appropriate day to do so.

Attached: ruth bader ginsburg ouch eyes.jpg (2000x1000, 400K)

God, who knows ? No relevant information on this is public. Generally speaking the most partisan judges will simply convalesce in the McCain manner until death rather than resign from incapacity. That is simply not sit on the bench for cases citing illness. Could be years.

I sure hope so. The amount of salt spilled when Trump fills her seat with Scalia2: electric boogaloo will make all of his other bullshit worth it.

Digits for death...roll.....

Yes we'll do a spirit cooking ritual guise.
Just need some fresh semen and breast milk.

>mfw i notice the color of every id in this thread

Attached: fgm.jpg (500x281, 28K)

rolling for 666 instant death for her if i get it

if 33 she dies within the year

Attached: satan smug pepe.jpg (600x578, 30K)

Deadly doubles for dishonourabru death deploy!

the last few times this thread came up kek blessed those who mentioned that she'd die from massive diarrhea

And another one!