Not long ago former sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference demonstrating forensic evidence that Obama's birth certificate was a forgery.
Not only was the press conference avoided by the MSM, but it was seemingly ignored by POTUS Trump and almost all right-leaning outlets. If the claims were false, we would expect to see them debunked in the media and on fact-checking websites, thus dismantling Arpaio's reputation along with Trump's by association.
This topic hasn't been discussed much on the chans and I want to see what the community believes is going on with this elephant-in-the room. A single tweet to the presser from POTUS could constitute a major MSM crisis.
i remember that press conference, it got no national airtime, only the local phoenix city fox news covered it. 9 points of forgery found on obamas bc, and they found the one they lifted the info from. the paper was too new as well
Kevin Lewis
Yes, you're correct. But why would Trump, who was smeared for doubting Obama's origin, not give this story some air? It clearly vindicates his doubts.
More importantly, what are the ramifications?
Gavin Russell
I think he just didn't want to muddy the waters for something that wouldn't get him anything. Everyone who would believe this was already on his side whereas liberals would just go insane, well more insane
Bentley Scott
This is fair, but it's within his powers as POTUS to declassify the whole affair.
But to the other question: what are the ramifications of these revelations? And why is this topic not discussed on Jow Forums? Even when it was fresh it hardly saw play.
Connor Nelson
>What are the ramifications? If Obama is deemed not qualified to of served as president, potentially every single action he or his administration did could be reversed and the government sued for lack of oversight in catching it.
Zachary Long
It seems that we need an effort to get this presser in front of more anons. If it's not true I'd like it to be formally debunked. Having it just hanging in the air like this, completely undenied is fairly insane, is it not?
Kevin Ramirez
>Having it just hanging in the air like this, completely undenied is fairly insane, is it not? Yes but you have to understand this is pretty much business as usual in our modern government. It's hard not to black pill when you start examining our political system just how bad things are
Jacob Nguyen
Anyone who saw that video can see pretty clearly that Obama's image of a certificate is a fraud. I went from being neutral on the issue to being a birther after watching that conference.
it would make sense not to use your silver bullets to catch a stray dog, but use them to take down a unicorn
Trump has 7 years left, why not wait for the unicorn to come along, and/or if it helps with re-election if he thinks he is using
he can tap that slut anytime he likes, he knows where it is now
right now he is being pursued by Meuller for obstruction of justice which is fucking HILARIOUS, he might want to keep his talisman around a little longer
Liam Stewart
Trump has proven to be a coward, won't go after Obama, won't go after Hillary, he ran a campaign on disturbing the order, but when he got elected he just melded with the swamp and didn't want to rock the boat.
Caleb Bell
dumb frogposter
Jaxson Rivera
You know how presidents do all that weird shit in their final days in office, like presidential pardons and whatnot? He'll probably do it then if at all
Cooper Sanchez
I agree there are probably dozens of issues like this one that, if true and if blown open, would rock society. However most of those others at least have some subversive "debunking" effort. This birth certificate claim (separate from the actual origin of Obama) has seen no play from any of the media counter-punchers.
If it's 3D chess then you might have a point, however with each day that passes we get closer to potentially losing the House, or worse (Trump being assassinated or dying of natural causes). It's better to strike while the iron is hot.
Also >A dozen posts in and no shills touching this thread
Colton Murphy
The cons outweighed the pros and quite frankly, Trump needed to focus on the his presidency being sabatoged from the spying, appointing his cabinet, and delivering on his campaign promises and getting to work. Imagine the political backlash of a newly elected president (whom the establishment absolutely hates/fears) going down that road as POTUS vs a private citizen.
He's just bitter that he'd go to jail for posting that picture.
Luis Hughes
Same reason he just arrived 700 billions for the zog warmachine and gun control
Christian Sanchez
>needs to focus Exactly how long does it take to tweet a link to a presser on YouTube?
Aiden King
A day late and a dollar short. Call me when this dude builds a time machine s he can go back and fix shit.
Chase Evans
>what are the ramifications of these revelations? Absolutely nothing. What's done is done, most of his illegal executive actions are already reversed. Anything voted on through congress would stand because it wasn't the president alone that made it possible. It would just be another blow to crush Obama's "legacy."
Which is why Trump dropped the breadcrumbs to the evidence then let it drop. It's good to know, but the fact we elected a sandnigger foreigner isn't what's important; it's uncovering the people behind him that made it possible.
Andrew Nguyen
No one gives a shit about obongo anymore. He's already gone
Aaron Morris
So you don't believe that these revelations would motivate conservative voters? You don't believe knowing that a potential usurper sat in the oval office is relevant to the political discourse, and might impact future elections?
If it turned out that Obama was an illegitimate President, then I think your analysis that it would mean nothing for the laws passed under him could be flawed. However I acknowledge the point as possibly true.
James Ortiz
Except DACA....because turns out Trump's a bigger softie than Obongo. Trump dropping enough breadcrumbs to feed all of Mexico apparently.
Parker Perez
Can we meme? The claims are substantiated and if spun right, they'll force people to start "debunking" it, thus spreading the message further.
Brandon Sullivan
It's more then that, if you accept that Obama is not a legal citizen/his birth certificate is false. Than you must ask who put him into power, and why. Obama was basically an idiot puppet for someone else
Logan Gonzalez
>DACA Doesn't exist atm.
Austin Green
Dubs Correct Obama is a CIA stooge We got bigger fish to fry
Levi Morgan
I'm hopeful that this happens. I'm still shocked at how successfully this who episode was ignored, even in places like the chans.
Jaxon Gray
how is Trump going to force the kike run news to cover it?
Bentley Peterson
Democracy is a failure, most people know it at this point. Calling out all of the government corruption would leave us essentially without a government as the majority of members would be removed and things would fall apart. It's the same reason why left leaning cities/states after increasing their spending to an unsustainable level keep increasing it. You reach a point where going back would collapse the system so you double down
Oliver Gutierrez
The royal bloodlines include Obama... "Barack Obama often jokes in his campaign speeches about a genealogical survey last year that found he is a distant cousin of Dick Cheney.
Now there is more bad news for Obama: a study published yesterday found he is related to George Bush as well.
Researchers at the New England Historic Genealogical Society, founded in 1845, said Obama, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, can call six US presidents his cousins: both Bushes, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman and James Madison. The society, a non-profit organisation, found he is also related to Churchill."
Thomas Adams
Lol. Some Sherriff from a state full of crackheads and spics is able to detect forgeries in birth certificates but the entire United States government and it's intelligence agencies are not? You idiots will believe anything.
Camden Moore
>Except DACA DACA was ended. The dead line passed the jewish courts have been blocking it to keep their illegal program running as long as they can.
Even sanctuary cities are starting to fall.
Jonathan Morales
Same way he forces them to cover everything else: a tweet or two.
Noah Harris
Did you even see the evidence? They do whatever they can to hide the fact that these royal bloodlines still run the world.
Carson Cox
>still talking about Obama
Holy shit just drop him already. Republican/Conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot by constantly going after politicians who have no influence.
Holy fuck you're retarded. Obama is the son of a white college professor and a Nigerian bum. There's nothing royal about him.
Luke Myers
Here's the deal. If the current presidential administration OR any of the government branches OR if any of the alphabet soup agencies gave an official declaration that... 1) Obama was not a naturally born citizen 2) He was married to a tranny named Michael who still has a penis 3) Their children were not biologically related to either parent
The nation would collectively lose their shit and their faith in the government as we know it as "if they could fool us over this, what else have they fooled us over? And why did they do it?"
Case closed. Also, reminder that the tranny couldn't even memorize when the fuck 'she' got married.
It's naivety, some people still believe in the integrity of government. They go after them because they honestly believe they did wrong and want justice. I agree with the sentiment, but it's more of a childlike view point that hasn't been crushed by the reality of how bad things are yet.
Just think, if constitutional requirements for citizenship were taken seriously we may have never had to deal with Barack Obama.
Caleb Parker
or if you are that lazy..
Jaxson Rogers
Why would you want hard forensic evidence of a major conspiracy to not be discussed? It tarnishes the entire Democrat brand.
Liam Roberts
No Barack Obama would also mean welfare housing recipients wouldn't be placed into small town white America.
If only.
Landon Foster
Yeah just stop talking about Hillary too, it doesn't matter, she lost. If someone committed a crime, it shouldn't matter because they're not in power. Who cares if Hillary is going to run again, or that Obama vowed to remain politically relevant? Who cares! Just let them have this win, we''ll get the next win!
Adrian Campbell
Obamas out, going after him just reflects poorly on Trump so he's safe unless something more than invalidating his presidency ie treasonous doings
Ryder Powell
>Obama and Bush are 10th cousins, once removed, linked by Samuel Hinkley of Cape Cod, who died in 1662. Pitt and Obama are ninth cousins, linked by Edwin Hickman, who died in Virginia in 1769. Clinton and Jolie are ninth cousins, twice removed, both related to Jean Cusson who died in Quebec in 1718.
>While family trees such as these throw up interesting links, genetically they are meaningless. While children carry half the genes of their father, cousins as far removed as Obama and Bush would have no more genetic link than someone they bumped into at random in the street.
That was from your own article. Instead of cherry picking paragraphs, why don't you read the entire article before you make a fool of yourself.
Lincoln White
>If it turned out that Obama was an illegitimate President, then I think your analysis that it would mean nothing for the laws passed under him could be flawed. "Balance of Power." A president alone can't pass legislation. The President alone doesn't do shit, and in the current state of the Jewnited States is barely above status of a monarchy figurehead. Almost all government power has fallen to the president's handlers and the other two branches. One party being a bad actor is offset by the actions of the other two branches. Any laws that were properly passed by Congress would be valid. It might encourage new bills, but would not automatically invalidate the old ones.
Obama being a traitor is irrelevant as our entire governmental system is designed to operate with a single point of failure. Exposing King Barry as a fraud is simply a starting point to exposing the deep level of corruption in government, but as a lone actor it's about as unimportant as realizing that Michelle had a bigger dick.
Joshua Ortiz
>you can't handle the truth This is very degenerate and destructive reasoning. The country would be shocked for a week or so, and commerce would continue and people would continue going to work. People would demand a fix to ensure it didn't happen again and we'd move on. You're actually arguing that the solution to structural problems in our government is to pretend they don't exist.
Jayden Parker
>Holy shit just drop him already maybe into a vat of boiling oil, nigger needs to die for what hes done
Aaron Carter
I'm sorry, sweetie, but this is so outlandish of a nutjob conspiracy theory that we don't even have to bother debunking it.
Aiden Powell
I wonder if Trump's opponents will stop calling him a Russian spy, and stop pushing charges once he loses in 2020.
Nolan Russell
ok then refute the evidence, it should be easy since it is so outlandish
Dylan Jenkins
Remember those suspicious allegations against Arpaio around the time of the press conference. No Trump could bring this guy up after that bullshit in the fake news. That guy was toxic even for Trump. That said, Trump still should have said it and not given a fuck
the point is they are related, which means Obama is nothing more than an empty suit, elections are a farce and there is no difference between republicans and democrats in power
Kevin Gutierrez
There is no """evidence""". If he wasn't a US citizen then he couldn't have been elected in the first place. You alt-right monsters are fabricating and forging documents to try to ruin the shining legacy of America's first PoC president.
Lol, are you acting like an illiterate or do you genuinely not know how to read?
>While family trees such as these throw up interesting links, genetically they are meaningless. While children carry half the genes of their father, cousins as far removed as Obama and Bush would have no more genetic link than someone they bumped into at random in the street.
What part of that did you not understand? Obama is as related to Bush as you are.
Josiah Perry
I agree, Obama birth certificate is forged.
Parker Perez
Are they related or not? Yes, they are.
Ian Campbell
If Arpaio was that toxic and untouchable, Trump wouldn't have been able to pardon him.
If anything, giving the presser a wider viewership would have vindicated Trump.
Eli Diaz
Fox is literally propaganda
Hudson Nguyen
>Are they related or not?
No, they are not. The article that you linked yourself even says as much. Your parents must have given you a double dose of vaccinations because you're a complete fucking retard.
Noah Powell
All US presidents except for Van Buren (1782) are related to the former king of England John Plantagenet, this is not up for dispute.
Connor White
I'm not suggesting that at all. I'm suggesting the answer to why the mainstream media and our government won't reveal what's already been investigated and researched.
Nothing I typed was intended to be read as a 'solution'. dunno where the fuck you got that.
Julian Bell
Let me educate you, ignorant drumpfkinlet. President Obama's birth certificate is real. Your racist homophobic Apario personally forged the birth certificate to create fake news about President Obama's birthplace. Get your facts straight before you speak
Lincoln Jones
Shit maybe Trump just cucked out on the birth certificate issue then. That's some bullshit seeing as he was one of the major propagaters of the idea around 2010 or so
Michael Roberts
>study published yesterday found he is related to George Bush as well. Do you see the word 'related'? That means they are RELATED.
Christopher Garcia
Keep in mind you share 50% of genes with the common banana. Genetic similarity is practically meaningless in the way you're talking about.
Eli Jones
>All US presidents except for Van Buren (1782) are related to the former king of England John Plantagenet, this is not up for dispute.
Post your sources. Also, what do you mean by "related". Do they share 1% DNA with him? How related are you to this former king?
Daniel Hall
Then refute the forensic evidence of the professionals who claim it is a forgery. I'll wait for your evidence to the contrary.
Sebastian Collins
Was Van Buren /ourguy/?
Nolan Rodriguez
We are talking bloodlines, not bananas.
Christian Taylor
My ancestors are not from England/Germany so no I am not related to them.
Jaxson Carter
thats doesnt always work
Matthew Campbell
Well we won't know unless we try, will we user? So far every time he has posted a Twitter blitz on a topic, it gets massive MSM play. I'm still waiting for the exception.
If you study history, you notice many countries started with very small populations and now have very large populations. Most people in most countries are related in closer terms than what you're speaking to. Same way many one group of Asians may all share a common ancestor (Genghis khan) or many people whose ancestors descend from the British isles share common ancestors.
Dominic Fisher
He's not going to, he has sucked up way too much to the New York Times and other jews over the past year to blow it all away by doing something for us again.
Cameron Scott
Van Buren's overarching goal at the national level was to restore a two-party system with party cleavages based on philosophical differences, and he viewed the old divide between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans as the best state of affairs for the nation. Our guy? Probably not.
Lincoln Scott
Don't forget our population grew because of immigration as well. I don't mind it from European countries but bringing in low quality shithole countries peoples probably isn't the best idea.
Easton Wright
Well if he loses the House and impeachment proceedings get underway, do you expect him to go nuclear and start tweeting redpills on the regular?
Jeremiah Nguyen
I don't disagree, USA - even before the revolutionary war. Was composed of almost every type of European you can imagine. It was never just a British thing, French, Russian, Spanish, English, Scottish, Polish, Dutch, Swedish, and so on, all had notable presence in colonial America. Bringing in Negros or other mystery meat groups with Negro admixture is the downfall of our society and the others which have done so. As is miscegenation among non-animal ancestral groups.
Isaiah Ward
So what ?
James Gutierrez
So POTUS engaged in a conspiracy to produce forged documents and present them to the American people as authentic.
Tyler Nguyen
Kevin Adams
>maybe Trump cucked It seems that this may be the case. He continues to ignore the perfect presser vindicating him.
Ethan Bell
New posts are no longer bumping this thread. Mods confirmed shills.