Be American

>be American
>go to jail

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Well she shouldn't be able to vote anyway because she's a negroid and she's a woman.

Defend this Jow Forums

>Mason was indicted on a charge of illegal voting in Tarrant County, Tex., last year and found guilty by State District Judge Ruben Gonzalez on Thursday, despite her protestations that she simply was not aware that she was barred from casting a ballot and never would have done it had she known.

criminals aren't allowed to vote

>violate probation which carries 5 year jail time in her situation
>also vote but that's completely irrelevant to why she went to jail
omg. Is American democracy dead, you guise?

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Probation means she should have already been in jail.

>despite her protestations that she simply was not aware that she was barred from casting a ballot and never would have done it had she known
ignorance of the law is not an excuse

why aussies and brits can't be witty anymore?

Nope people like to focus on stuff like the sentence and ignore the fact that she broke the terms of her probation and now she has to serve the time. They make it VERY clear about what you can and can't do, so good hey dumb ass gets what she deserves for thinking that the times didn't apply to get

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>break the law
>go to jail

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