Chemically castrate anyone who gets aroused by anything under 16 years of age
Chemically castrate anyone who gets aroused by anything under 16 years of age
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sorry 15 year old boys.
*test anyone over the age of 18
Saturation bombing with nukes of the entire planet till it becomes a blasted hellscape with no means of sustaining life, if not splitting it down to the core.
doesn't .45 ACP work?
You arent ever going to deal with the pedo problem. The elites eill suppprt locking up low class pedos but good luck going after powerful pedos.
Fuck off you Greek scumbag. Death to antis, death to old hags.
Also you should update this with 17 and 18 since the 18 update video has been out for months.
As this video clearly shows girls become sexually attractive before 3yo, peaking around 6yo, and tgen sexual attractiveness dropping off after 10yo. This is objective facts.
Hate to see how you'd react to a spider in your room.
I'll have a #14 pls
Freedomfag is that you? Fucking kill yourself already you freak
You assume that pedos are motivated by being horny.
There is something way less human about pedos and why did do what they do and the human thing of sexual desire is way above these monsters.
Pick one
>meme flag
No, I'm the other one. Nobody ever remember me except him. I used a name for a long time too.
well, she looked better at 12 desu... she was aging way too quickly, its not uncommon here to have hags of 20yrs old but she is probably one of them by now.
H-Hitler? Is that y-you?
why 16? a girl has puberty at 11 12, which means she is capable of breeding at that age.
If nature things its okay why dont you?
things *thinks*
I wish
Naturalistic fallacy
imagine this as a pet
>if not splitting it down to the core.
That's a complete meme. We have nowhere near the amount of power required to do that
12 or 13 best age.
Naturalistic fallacy what the fuck is that even suppose to mean
likely if youre on pol youre anti homosexuality too
12 to 13 should be fair game
Hey OP I made this with the image you posted
Hope you like it
only the offending ones
i am pretty sure most pedophiles don't offend out of fear of jail time or they just think it's wrong to fuck kids even though attracted to them
>45 year olds wanting to bang 18 year olds is fine
>18 year olds wanting to bang 16 year olds is disgusting
Age of menstruation is irrelevant to sexual maturity
Into the oven you go
>Chemically castrating
Hah, pussy. Why not do it like the old days and without pain surpressors.
This is the reason your kids flock to arab and african men.
who determines sexual maturity?
You need to go back.
You should make a collage with a screenshot from each fuckable age for that(3 and up).
>Age of menstruation is irrelevant to sexual maturity
Then what is revelant to it? If physical sexual maturity is irrelevant then what is relevant? The feminist drivel you've been fed?
Have a (you) for graet justice
There's absolutely no excuse for being a pedophile. Our brains are wired up in a way that we cannot feel sexually attracted to a female who cannot breed yet.
Pedophilia is solely psychological.
Disgusting desu
She needs to wash her scalp
Douse yourself in high grade gasoline, and have an illegal migrant worker light you on fire, so a pack of Somalis can stand in a circle and piss on your smoldering knife-fucked corpse you fucking piece of shit.
Not interested in arguing with a pedo. Hop right into the oven
While I am burning you alive I will laugh as you shout "what of the child consents!!!"
>sexual maturity meme
what does she look like today?
Nice roll
12 is patrician tier
>who cannot breed yet
so what as soon as they start bleeding it's fine? okay.
nuf said
>As a pet
Plz stop being so edgy next u gonna say the n word
not a pedo, maybe a pedast i wont be fucking anything under 12
>5 replies to my post
>3 gets
This is a sign
Paedophilia is redpilles
>Our brains are wired up in a way that we cannot feel sexually attracted to a female who cannot breed yet.
Thats a load of bullshit.
>rargh I don't need an argument, I have feminist rage
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.
Damn, boy.
i think that's just the end of her eyes
Better yet, mandatory euthanasia for anyone over 29. People are useless and only a drain on society at that point.
A rock spider?
At the end of the day, this is a question of respect. Would you want your daughter to have sex with a creepy old man? No. Sure there are attractive females. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. But just because we think they are attractive doesn't mean we should act on them. Wait until they are adults. (i.e. 16) The whole 18 thing is nonsense though.
would f uck all but left-upper corner
kill them all.
problem solved
If i get deuces i swear to God I'll clean my room
damn son
Is there any greater joy?
too old
then there would be a lot of jews without balls.
they can get away with anything, did people forget what happened in australia?
Always remember to report meme flag and weeaboo pedo posts
last pic looks like already been stretched by 4 BBCs tbqh senpai
Women are extremely selective. They choose boys with a better character at a young age, status and such comes at a higher age.
Honestly if you're an 18 year old adult and get aroused by 15 year old child(that's even one day before her 16th birthday) you should be sent to jail, put on a list, and have your whole life ruined.
She does not wear that dress well... fug
never said otherwise. You seem to not know what pedophilia means though.
With that said, just because you can feel sexually attracted to a 13 yo girl doesn't mean that you should feed those feelings in any way.
11 is too young. 12,13,14 she looks her best 15 she is starting to age badly.
Fucking biology
12 could easily say she's 18 and most ppl would be fooled
>all muh excuses for moral relativity
You sound just like a jew.
I'm just brining OP's argument to its natural conclusion.
if there were no consent laws, there would be no problems
Your digits confirm
I'll take all of them. Where is the button to take them all home?
That image makes me gag Jesus Christ
Fucking delet
>why are girls becoming so h-
They have to go to work. And they can't stay with the boys they were attracted to in the first place.
the longevity of the human race depends on old men fucking young girls, you know that right
that is why women dont die after they stop menstrating
old men show that they have genetic advantage to let them live that long, and young bodies are perfect before developing genetic disease to raise healthy babies
Badly designed policy. Its normal for men to be attracted to young girls provided they well into puberty.
Just jail or terminate anyone who watches porn of prebescent girls or assaults them. Much better policy.
Id be inclined to terminate them due to the highly improbably chance of them reforming and the expense involved with imprisoning people.
She is absolutely buttugly.
youd have to castrate every non-asexual man
>leaf poster wants the male majority to go to jail
Jails are private. If you make it more profitable to lock up the population for human testing they will lobby to make more things illegal so they have more products to sell. Using prisoners for cheap labor or violating ethical research practices has never had anything but horrible effects on innocent people being sent to prison to create ideal testing and work forces.
>chemically castrate everyone
It's about not having sex with immature people, not not being aroused... Some 15s look adult, come on
Don't over analyze el goblina just sexualize her u think too much
In b4 we all permabanned