Be White!

Stop being cringey internet racists and become the man you ought to be.

Get in shape. Take up a sport. Eat healthy and sleep well. Learn sincerity. Laugh at nonsense. Create art. Read good books. Study history, literature, culture, philosophy, and political science in depth. Engage in self-reflection. Write about it. Think up new possible ways forward that will resonate with intelligent, sane, and well-adjusted people. Be legit from now on. No more corrosive insincerity.

Reject resentment and affirm life. No one will ever give you an ounce of sympathy for your "privileged" position in life as a fucking white male, so you should never expect to receive it from anyone. You don't need it anyway. Stop waiting for the revolution. Embrace self-determination right now.

Let go of obsessive, reactionary, basement-dwelling racism. Become a pro-white innovator.

The best revenge against resentful anti-whites is to become the best white man you can be, and don't feel bad about it. Make no apologies. Be proud of what you can discover and accomplish. Care about what's true, what's beautiful, and what matters. Talk to the girl you like and consider starting a family. Deconstruct toxic modernity. Undo the spell of slave morality. Make this life your last stand. Even if we don't win in the end, you can still make your time on earth worthwhile. It's worth the fight.

You have to try, user. Let nothing stop you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Recommended reading:

Bump of support. Become a titan, my friends. Work out. Hit up /diy/. Build skills and become a craftsman. Grow your own food. Stop giving money to the the systems that are trying to crush you. Network with similar minds. Trade within your community. Ignore those deconstructionist anti-whites like one would step over an insect on the sidewalk.

Good thread, better than a quarter of what Jow Forums has become

Ever since I've started /sig/ and went on Jow Forums my life has improved a lot. I'm going to start going to the gym this weekend. I'm eating healthier. I also plan on getting some guns in the next few months.

in the very first sentence, you say "stop being racist" and use the word "cringey"
you again say "let go of racism"
you recommend talking to "the girl you like" and starting a family, but fail to mention that she should be a white girl
you then spread defeatism and attempt to rationalize white extinction: "Make this life your last stand. Even if we don't win in the end, you can still make your time on earth worthwhile"

your post reeks
why do you hate white people so much and want them to go extinct?

Currently I'm trying to do as much cardio as I can, and completely quit drinking. I'm having my mom teach me how to garden since she knows about that stuff, and the wisdom of our elders are better than infographics. I'm not sure what i'm going to do next. I want to make a server for non-fiction ebooks or something, and get back into woodworking.

As for the arts, I know my way around the ivories, but I know nothing of sound production. That's probably going to be my next focus.

What are you anons working on?

oh shit I forgot about learning to shoot. My family never had any guns so I have no idea how I'm going to get into that. I basically need to be taught from the ground up

Also, stop using alcohol, drugs and cigarettes
They're degenerate

my fellow whites need to go to gold's gym

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Bump of support, ironpill is best pill

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Thank you op. This is what the movement needs.

Shut up you fat fuck

Yes yes yes. This is all excellent lads keep it going.

>Laugh at nonsense.
lol so random xd

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>The best revenge against resentful anti-whites is to become the best white man you can be
Truer words were never spoken

I'm actually trying to deal with the whole salt/sugar addiction thing too, as an American. Its fucking unhealthy as shit. I've been alternating between salads and mixed veg/rice everyday, but I still hear the siren call of juice and seasoning

Start gym this weekend? What are you doing right now on the computer when you should be putting on your Nikes and running outside

Also dropping some of motivation folder

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White man can't be pro-white without calling out racism. The jew has a strangehold around his neck and if he so much as looks up, like take care of pro-white sentiments, he is castrated from society.

No thanks. I like video games too much to give them up.

This is true.


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Don't give them up you mong. But balance them. Physical health will ensure you even live longer to play your shitty videogames.

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personal fav

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Well, don't be a cringey racist stereotype. Be a thoughtful racialist.

No white girl worth marrying is going to want a discombobulated internet nerd as a husband. So that's something to consider.

This is an anti-defeatist thread. You should strive to lead the best life you can, even if victory is not guaranteed. This is the ancient Indo-European idea of the Last Stand. Even if a man feels overwhelmed with impending doom, he presses on and fights until the very end, regardless of the outcome. Sometimes it ends with defeat - but if he fought with everything he had, then it was at least an honorable struggle! And sometimes it ends with a surprising victory - which is glorious. In either case, you can't give up and stop trying. The fight is worth it. Give it everything you've got and lead the best life you can, and nothing is in vain.

I've been running a lot lately too. I have a resistance parachute that is very helpful for cardio and leg muscles.

Don't skip leg day faggots.

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That is true, but that may include calling out the oppressors of the white man, who have made any pro-white sentiment and extreme taboo in society. You are right though, a man should strive to have some accomplishments in life, a trade or skill of that produces something of worth for people around him. That is where he should be spending more time. Revival of white culture is very much possible.

>That is true, but that may include calling out the oppressors of the white man, who have made any pro-white sentiment an extreme taboo in society.

Sure, that has to be done. But we have to find smarter ways of doing it. As many of us may know, abruptly bringing up the subject of "the Jews" in public discourse doesn't usually go over well - no matter how many sources you might use to back up your claims. We have to be more subversive. There are certain areas of online discourse where we can discuss this stuff freely, but we have to figure out better ways to shift public conversations in polite society.

The greatest task is answering the existential question for whites and convincing them to stop apologizing for their existence as whites. Once that is done, they're usually willing to consider certain friend/enemy distinctions that they wouldn't have thought about before.

Started lifting last may. I installed a power rack in my apartment so I don't have to go to gym to work out... only cost about $170... getting nice results...

also reduced fapping to once a week, although I don't fap at all the past month because I have been having sex with new gf...

One thing that changed my life the most was learning "game." I now feel like I can go out in public and talk to a girl that I find attractive in order to try and get a date... I fail most of the time but have learned that just having the balls to approach girls already puts you ahead of most guys... plus the more you approach, the better you get at it, the more comfortable you feel, and the less embarrassed you feel about getting rejected... study game. It helps.


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Love this thread.

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How do I release stress? I push 60 hours a week in work and have two exams imminent.

Drinking hasn't helped stress like it normally does

Become the best version of yourself, increase your wealth which also has the ability to multiply your influence. Live life as a realist and don't feel like you need to hate everything in order to reject it.

Sage all shill threads too.

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exercise, exercise, exercise.

I tried that, but it means I have to get up at 4.30am. That leaves me only a few hours for sleep / study

get a treadmill or bike and read/study while using it. That's typically what I do.

Amen brother, you have put into words the general feeling I have had about life in these last few weeks. This spring I feel like I have woke up from a long slumber. I live in Canada and I have completely stopped saying "sorry" and feeling guilty all the time, which is a huge difference in my general mental health. You have no idea how utterly cucked Canadian men are, they are defined by self loathing. I have broken free of this. I hold my head high, have my hair short and I have been working out and eating shitloads of good quality steaks and greens instead of fast food. I have cut sugar entirely out of my diet. No more cola, candy, cakes, or cookies. Once you stop eating these sugary pancreas bombs, they are disgusting to you and you will never crave them again. I crave red meat, fresh veggies and rice and bread like a motherfucker all day.

I feel high on the raw power of a healthy and proud body like all the time, it is surreal. Being a self loathing white is like hell on earth, I nearly killed myself from the sickness. Now I feel like a killing machine and something in my blood has awakened from a long sleep.

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Surfer here. Use snake diet to get your weight healthy. Fasting beats lowcal because it doesn't fuck your hormones.

You have to carve out the time for yourself bro. All that shit isn't worth it if it kills you and crushes you inside. Try to get it down to 40-50 hrs, and carve out some time to lift and train boxing, judo, or BJJ of some sort.

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Nice bro. Get back to those strong Canadian roots. The men who conquered the vast wilderness, and tamed the savage peoples and beasts of the land. Be proud of the civilization that was built for you, and return to the strength you came from.

op is Jordan Peterson

Do you fast everyday. I stop eating after dinner, and don't eat until lunch the next day.

Love these type of threads. Is there any Discord or group to keep motivated and talk to people that want to improve themselves?
Jow Forums is one big black pill for me at the minute with the D&C, Bait and Constant bickering threads.


holy molly is this nacism or fucking reading club.

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Glad other people are growing out of the reactionary edgelord bullshit too.
Obsession with Muslims and blacks is just another (((distraction))).


Such a goy

Why is that guy eating fishing bait?


Thanks user. Godspeed. These are the posts and posters why I still endure the wave of shills in this board. Eventually we still find each other. And nothing is more alarming and frightening for our opposition than intrepid white men organizing themselves.

That's fish eggs you cityfag

>fishing bait
its caviar. food of gods. pure protein

just reads like some encouraging words to me bro

The self-help faggotry is the cringiest garbage on this board.

It's like a large neon sign that says Jow Forums is full of amotivated losers

KYS yourselves

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>get Jow Forums
Yeah. Sure.
>leave the internet to shitskins
Nah. This is my second home. I have no real family lads.

>title: be white
read first words of every line

fuck outta here cunt

wow you must feel really intelligent for being able to google "cool statue"

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Thanks, I was a crybaby pussy only a few short years ago, the disgusting drugs and porn and the mental fog and the lost feeling was like a black sludge drowning me. I cannot believe how different I feel. I recommend that other anons quit lashing out at one another and try and lift the ones lost out of this utterly hopeless soyboy lifestlye a lot of our selves have found ourselves in. Shame the weak, but not without showing them the way out. Otherwise they will turn to suicide, instead of self improvement, a dangerous mistake I almost made.

All I need is my firearms licence which I am getting this year and I am all set ready to try being a real man. I'm only about 7 years behind the men in generations past... goddamn lol

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Based Russian Quints

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This would work pre iPhone release. Women now compare you to every guy they matched on tinder, and rank you accordingly

what have you done to become a better man OP?

I think Jow Forums is an OK place for motivation. While Jow Forums is my home, i have been feeling the same way. To many mugs replying and bumping the bait. Tired of that shit.

Thanks bro. You can go back to your 5 gallon bucket of mountain dew now.

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It's never too late bro. Stay at it, and even when it gets tough, don't look back at that old shit life that was crushing. You can make it.

Dude found the fountain of youth at the gym. Jeez.

stop being racist and go outside you fat fucks, read the communist manifesto. Marx might be right and you're too scared to be proven wrong


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went through my university today
Full of pictures of white trannies on the walls and coloured normal people
And rape culture

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Not me, just posting his progress for motivation.

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Let it slide off. Don't let that shit program you.

you should include this clarification / work it into the next thread

and spread redpills, whether online or in poster form or at the dinner table

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Ignore kike propaganda

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Sure, I'll totally do all of those things.

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You don't necessarily need a fancy gym membership to get started.


Fuck off, (((Goldbloom)))

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>Alfred (((Rosenberg)))


yeah does anyone know of a discord or twitter group?? I need fitpol minded people.

There used to be threads, like in summer 2017 where people made discords for htese topics. but i htink discord took them all down.

he was natsoc. His writing is natsoc.

He's a BASED Jew huh?

Rosenberg is a German name. A lot of names ending with "-berg" and "-stein" throughout Northern Europe were originally Germanic names before Ashkenazi Jews started adopting them. But a lot of German and Swedish gentiles still have those names.

That being said, Rosenberg's 'Myth of the Twentieth Century' is a fascinating book that goes deep into subjects of race, culture, mythology, religion, philosophy, politics, art, aesthetics, and the Jewish Question. The book encapsulates the National Socialist ethos.


Stop drinking soy, feel proud of being a man, be the best man you can be.

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>A lot of names ending with "-berg" and "-stein" throughout Northern Europe were originally Germanic names before Ashkenazi Jews started adopting them. But a lot of German and Swedish gentiles still have those names.
This. OP wrote it, don't be a braindead racist, be a thoughtful racialist

keep drinking your pop, eat your sugar and carbs, meanwhile fuck off.



Here you go

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>heart explodes


Had my 4th lift sessions this week today and managed to eat at least 90 grams of proteins each day

Otherwise I'll contribute with a spectacular thread theme and book recommendation. Pic related is a must read for every pro-european white man. The lad was a true warrior and a helluva rolmodel. Warning to frogs: Ernst ravaged more french girls than you probably ever will.

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Not quite as intelligent as you feel when your spite gets the better of you and you just have to try shitting on someone elses enthusiasm for life.

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Currently reading the selfish gene. I know many of you hate dawkings. Fair enough. However he mentioned in the book one of the ways to prolong lethal genes from kicking in is by producing features that a younger person would have. This post reminded of thatWhat it seems he is saying, is what we already know. Keeping your test high, HGH high, preventing damage from bad eating and being lazy will keep you younger. If you dont use it, you will lose it.

You can do all those things and despise non-whites, user.

I've already let the hatred go, working on self-improvement and I've been reading more lately. I still feel like shit, but maybe this'll change once I see more results of my work

I realised it was myself I hated, not anyone or anything else.