Any ideas ?

Remove quotas / positive discrimination.
Re establish freedom of speech.

That will do it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill all white males

"Dr Moshe Kantor, the president of ECTR, said: “Today, from Le Pen’s National Front in France to Jobbik in Hungary, to Golden Dawn in Greece and the Freedom Party in Austria, antisemitism, anti-immigrant and xenophobic parties are on the march, literally and politically. These parties are, in almost every example, rapidly increasing their support nationally and inching ever-disturbingly closer to the hearts of disgruntled supporters who express disdain for the mainstream."


Full article

Deport all the shitskins and racism will disappear overnight.

This proves to me that the world is irreversibly fucked. "Let's pay someone a million euros to come up with a clever way to force people to conform to specific ways of thinking." I can't believe this....

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Kill yourself, scum kike.

Can't remember the last time (((they))) were this worried.


Why would (((they))) be worried? The goal is and always has been to make whitey kill whitey. Seems to me the plan is once again fully on track.

I went from a minority center-left internationalist Democrat to National Socialist overnight. Let me find a list of why I changed...
The left wants to:
>abolish ethnostates (my small Asian homeland would be CHINA’d overnight)
>abolish sex roles
>abolish borders
>hook more people on drugs by legalizing it, selling it though gov
>make narcotic use socially acceptable
>normalize pedophilia
>legalize “simulated” child pornography
>offer surgery and satiation instead of psychiatric/psychological help for extreme sexual deviant
>erase the white race
>abolish ethnic purity, give every country an annoying minority that thinks its oppressed
>brainwash children into being Revolutionary Guards
>use children as ideological foot-soldiers; turn them against their parents
>deceive sexual deviants into thinking they’ll be accepted one day
>abolish religion and turn educational institutions against it
>literally wants to murder and jail people with socially conservative beliefs
>take away citizenry’s ability to fucking kill the government if things go south
>take away the citizenry’s ability to defend itself on an individual level
>install a command economy and destroy private enterprise
>install equality of outcome
>abolish meritocracy

These positions go from right-wing libertarian of the bad sort to hard authoritarian left. So basically neoliberalism and Marxism. I personally think most nations’ left-wing parties are
too far gone for me to ever consider voting for. In fact I’m going to devote a good portion of my life to fighting them at all cost.

Pic related is our current situation.

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Get rid of jews and niggers.

Where do I pick up my check?

Kill all the Jews.

When do I get my £1million?

It looks like RWN is more likely at this stage (all orchestrated by kikes, of course). The kikes have also indoctrinated millions of goyim who are just as bad as (((themselves)))

Stop importing a million foreigners a day ? Might help. Do i win £1m ?

Nothing will ever happen in Europe. Only americans can do something. Once they start fighting Europeans get their balls back and say we can do that too.
Honestly make it a contest. Who can fix his country the fastest.

psilocybin. gimme the loot

>implying it can be stopped

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I would agree, except America is not really white. Don't want to start anything with burgers but it's one thing to be e.g. Latvian and want to preserve your culture, and totally another to be American and preserve what exactly?

America will never be able to be a "white" state.

you can't have anti-Semites without Seiten
*black man pointing at his head

Admit that racism is a social construct, and must be dismantled.

Where is my million, faggots?

>stop trying to force people to get along. If I don't like Stacy Smith, Jackson Johann, or Tyler durdun, stop forcing them into my home on the grounds of tolerance
Jesus Christ hand me that money

Ask them what we should do about the Russian problem. If they say anything besides "There is no Russian problem," then they themselves are xenophobic.

A few of my family and friends are liberals and when debating them I notice a certain pattern emerging - they completely ignore/reject any claims made against "refugees" who are running amok in Europe. They'll look to (((fact-checking))) sources for info. It's impossible to get through to these people.

It's not about preserving blood/homeland for Americans. We are much more idealistic in focus. We want to maintain our values, and mudskins generally don't share them.

By that logic, kill all non-whites, there can't be racism anymore after that.

And crimes are never reported by race here.

>Wife's parents live in small German town, around 3000 people.
>100 refugees were taken in
>Crime skyrocketed, literally overnight
>they steal anything they see, have zero understanding of property rights
>they hang around in intimidating gangs/groups, all male, early 20s.

>legalize drugs
Problem solved.

How about an environment where all ideas can be examined and questioned from all sides in a transparent manner which allows the citizenry to debate and for their own well-informed opinions?
>stop name calling you pricks



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stop forced assimilation and the "problem" will solve itself

>Allow the discourse which you censor, silence, and ignore.

I take cash.

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Let do this correctly.

Everyone who thinks that deserve the money report here and we can make something.

We deserve it for fighting racism where it's actually hard.

why aren't there any details about the "think tank" behind the bounty?
smells like Soros is at it again

Fuck yeah Soros pay really well.

Take all the shitskins and move them back to their countries and there will be no racism in your country

When do I get that €1m?

I guess whoever wins those money will get them only after they become obsolete, huh. Nice try sholomo.

I bet the euro will survive long enough.

Common people look alive I know you like racism, but I bet you like money more.

Hivemind is best mind.

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>mfw this little competition start real holocaust
>mfw in the end there won't by any racism, antisemitism and xenophobia
>mfw everyone wins

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Can't you come up with a solution that doesn't kills our prize benefactors?

Friendship is a treasure

That could work.

Maybe we can start from scratch and just brainwash them again from the beginning.

That way we can duplicate the process the NSA use in our divide and conquer.

give every man a loli

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These are your ideas? Jesus Christ you are so fucking cucked.

ethnically homogenous states

also kys op, faggit cuck

A third world loli.
That won't fix racism in the short run and this prices are emergency measures.

the source of the problem is people are very dumb and will believe anything they are inclined to believe in already if the message is reinforced enough (which to most people leads down to doubling down on their biases and preconceptions)

so there are only 3 ways of combating this problem

1) make people actually smart > good luck with that, even the average european liberal isn't well educated /smart enough to escape his own biases most of the time

2) stop the spread of these messages = restrict free speech in society to those who actually deserve it like intellectuals and politicians > this could be done culturally like in Japan where the dumb populace is tacitly disincouraged from expressing their dumbass opinions and this is seen as a virtue (knowing one's place, being humble and sensible) or this could be done tyranically

3) play ball and ramp up your own propaganda machine, competing for space in the battlegroundof ideas

People can learn new things and change their point of view, at least enough to create "a perceptible change", we can collect the cash and run away before they realize that it's just aesthetic.