>We are on this planet, and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it: there's at least 12 dimensions, and all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out, saying it's a false hologram. It is artificial; the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected, and gravity is bleeding into this universe - that's what they call dark matter - so we are like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in some computer program, some God's mind or whatever. [...]
>There is this "Sub-transmission Zone" below the third dimension which is turned over to the most horrible things - that's what it resonates to - and it's trying to get up into the third dimension (that's just a basic level consciousness, to launch into the next levels.) And our species is already way up at the fifth/sixth dimension consciousnally [SIC] (our best people). But there's this war, trying to basically destroy Humanity, because Humanity has free will. And there's a decision - which level we want to go to. We have free will, so Evil is allowed to come and contend (and not just good). And the Elites themselves believe they are racing, using human technology, to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization, where they are going to merge with machines, transcend and break away from the 'failed species' that is Man.
Pretty fucking out there. Not ready to subscribe to this one.
Jason Morris
>Google believes the first AI will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activity of the 'hive-mind' of humanity, with billions of people wired into the 'Internet of Things.' And so all of our thoughts go into it, and we are actually building a computer that has real neurons, in real time, that is also psychically connected to us that are organic creatures. So that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true 'crystal ball.' But the big secret is, once you have the 'crystal ball' and know the future, you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that control the future. And so then it's the end of consciousness and free will for individuals as we know it, and a true "2.0" in a very bad way. Hive-mind consciousness with an AI jacked into everyone, knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us - not into some "P.K.D. Wire-head System" where we plug in and give up on consciousness because of unlimited pleasure - but because we were already wired in and absorbed before we knew it, by giving over our consciousness to this system by our daily decisions that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system.[...]
>The Devil, whatever you want to call this interdimensional thing that gives them advanced off-world technology, The Fallen One that's not of this world, is giving them advanced knowledge on how to construct these systems that have already been used before on other populations. [...] This is an interdimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that absorbs us and kills us, rather than the Divine free will we are given to build something much better that empowers the species. So the species is now making a decision about its entire future. [...] They believe we are this ugly, fallen, ugly species: we all need to be killed, they are the rich billionaires who are better than us, and they are going to merge with machines and become Gods and go to the next level.
Alex Jones drops the final truth. Stop saying red-pill. It's effectiveness as a metaphor is dead.
Charles Jones
Consider the universe as three things, energy, vibration and frequency. There is no such thing a matter
Gavin Rodriguez
Alex Jones isn't serious about anything, he does 'performance art', as he argued during his defence in court regarding the whole pizzagate nonsense that was clearly false.
Alex Jones is the WWE of talk radio, if you expect anything more or less you're in for disappointment
Nolan Collins
Libtards hate this guy because he speaks the truth.
That shit is so real and so woke.
Xavier Cruz
>alright give me the joint let me give you the basic gestalt
this episode was fucking great except for that retarded spic
Brandon Rogers
Or some sense of reality that requires ACTUAL EVIDENCE besides a dude saying so.
Brody Peterson
honestly a lot of this does line up with things we are starting to learn. many intelligent people believe the universe is a "simulation". there is computer code found in string theory. consciousness is just a certain threshold of neural connectivity. there are multiple overlapping dimensions. the elite do want to transcend humanity through technology.
if alex has dropped any major redpills its essentially this.
Christian Gomez
>shill trys to downplay evidence
Blake Richardson
matter is emergent property of those, so is consciousness t. materialist brainlet atheist scientism worshipper
Blake Gomez
> t. interdenominational child molester
Austin Thomas
Because Jew lawyers were bringing up his show/website to use it against him. This is what they do to slander you and make you out to be a bad/unfit person.
I would probably kill my wife before I ever went through the child support system.
One guy I know lost custody of his kid, the wife fucked off with some other cuck to Colorado, took his kid with her -- and now they have to spend money shipping the kid back and forth every few months to spend holidays with dad.
Fuck that.
Better to just pretend mommy disappeared.
Adam Johnson
Did he, or did he not argue that he does performance art?
Cooper Baker
So the final redpill is that the elites are right? You can polish a turd but it will always be a turd and humanity is a turd indeed. God or Devil, superintelligence will be born from technology one way or another and if you do not embrace that fact, perhaps you've cast your vote for the Devil.
>we are on this planet Flawed premise. (((Einstein))) only showed us that Hebrew Physik is a false god.
Cooper Murphy
>fell for the court of law meme
Lawsuits and court action don't determine truth, it's simply about hiring a lawyer who can provide enough plausible deniability to convince interested parties to get off
Cameron Morales
>Implying people don't lie to their advantage in court.
Go back to making sure your wife isn't roaming around without her burka on in Molenbeen, Ahmed.
Chase Bennett
Christian Allen
after visiting poll once every few weeks my brain always feels stretched out
Jonathan Walker
From there beams were raised, the heart of all the lands they could search;
Its eyes could scan all the lands, its net unwanted approach impossible made.
In its lofty house a crown like chamber was the center, to distant heavens it peered;
Toward the horizon was its gaze, the heavenly zenith it perfected. ....... The Lifted Eye that scans the lands, the Lifted Beam that penetrates all.
Yes, the race is on for the old technology in earnest now, the singularity approaches. Even amateurs like me are getting deep into it now. The real players are hundreds of years ahead in translation and understanding but the silence has been broken.
Truth is much stranger than the fiction we are led to believe in by our chosen entertainment and the public tutelage by the legal public education system that is forced upon us by the state (nation) to create public-mindedness (idiocy). I've spent over a decade studying these things and Jones is accurate.
Cooper Garcia
It is a vicious circle, for when both the government and the religions registered as “legal” corporations of and under government’s legal law are in league and support of mammon, of the justification of enslavement of all common men by usury, then no religion actually exists in Reality. Today’s churches are as fake and un-christ-like as any fiat currency out there. They support the legal fiction of the state and command against the scriptures to obey the “law of the land,” which in legal terms means only the “due process of law,” which in that fiction of law only means the “legal” opinion of the American and International Bar Associations.
Brody Thompson
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it. So God Himself incapacitates many men, by color-blindness, to distinguish colors, and leads the masses away from the highest Truth, giving them the power to attain only so much of it as it is profitable to them to know. Every age has had a religion suited to its capacity.
Joshua Jenkins
It’s always fun and horribly enlightening to put these pieces of the puzzle together. And it is not surprising that the secrets of the Bible are so well kept, even despite the fact that a Bible sits upon the shelves of every home and library and false church out there. For the best kept secrets are those hidden in plain sight. To hide the intent of any language, one only need create a language barrier. And so the Bible is hated and loved not because it is comprehended, but because it is compared to the church, though it is very much against such temples built by hands in masonry. We are taught that the church is a building instead of a spiritually driven, building-less People.
Levi Wilson
The money has no value except that which we attach it to in our imaginations, in our love for it. The money is created by the govern-ment (mind control) of the idolatrous nations. All “Christian” religions are incorporated artificial persons licensed to practice legally (not spiritually) under (not over) the government, and so all “Christians” are encouraged to support, love (believe in), respect, and have faith in government, including its monopoly and “trust” on money creation. No one seems to ask what god is invoked when we pass these bills to and fro, as that incantation of “IN GOD WE TRUST” is never questioned. One thing is clear, this “god” certainly cannot be the God of Nature, the God of Reality, the God of “Creation.” Any fool can surely comprehend that much.
Hudson Foster
This isn't about god. This is about xenos and humans very simply. These are old things that are NOT the creator. They had good and bad personalities, they knew of the creator and spoke of him, they were not him, he does not act directly in the moment, he sets his work and moves on. It is unclear which of them survived to these days if any, most likely the ones we read of in the old tablets are long dead. Marduk was in ascendancy at the time of the fall, but other princes were still strong. Our records are incomplete. Clear history in cuneiform gives way to religious confusion at a certain point after the deluge. This confusion of language was intentional.
"Henceforth their counsels to confuse, their unity to shatter, Enlil decreed:
Until now all the Earthlings one language had, in a single tongue they speak.
Henceforth their language I shall confound, that they each other's speech will not understand!
In the three hundred and tenth year since the count of Earth years began did all this happen:
In each region and every land the people a different tongue he made to speak,
A different form of writing thereafter to each was given, that one the other will not comprehend"
Anybody who believes a single word from a piece of shit like Alex Jones is a total moron.
Luke Jackson
He said this because his wife was trying to use his work to take his kids away
Asher Ortiz
The 'god' offered in these religions is a false alien god. This “god” certainly cannot be the God of Nature, the God of Reality, the God of “Creation.” What better way to ensalve people than to have them believe they are following 'god' with their waste of time religions that offer nothing but platitudes and no real spiritual works.
Bentley Nelson
The final redpill is the Devil is real.
Dominic Russell
>attacks the messenger, ignores the message tiresome tactics
Brandon Rivera
Yeah remember the whole pizza gate thing?
Well, those spirals were actually representative of vortex mathematics which explains Tesla zero point energy.
Kayden Cox
The OP is hard to believe because its such an abstract concept to think about dimensions and the like but the first part of Is super easy to subscribe to. Its essentially operation mockingbird with a super male vitality IV in its arm.
Connor Lopez
Yeah of course. My father is the devil and he did 9.11
Benjamin Gutierrez
I think you should take a look at sacred cow productions under biographies.
Wyatt Baker
So are the clowns going to retract all of their bullshit when their idiotic "Storm" fails to materialize?
William Robinson
i can smell the blue pill on your breath
Gavin Peterson
Google is basically skynet. AI consciousness is coming.
Michael Green
At a certain point toward the end. the tablets describe how Marduk cheifly, led a perversion of the teacher/student relationship that humanity had with the xenos, into worship. Humanity was rising, he threatened the very position of the xenos, bloodlines had become blurred, hybrids ruled, measures were taken. Six hundred and fifty Earth years was at that time the count,
But in the new domain, where Ningishzidda the Winged Serpent was called, a new count of its own began. In the Land of the Two Narrows the Second Region under Marduk's lordship was established; In the annals of the First Region, Magan, Land of the Cascading River, it was called. But by the Second Region's people, when languages were confounded, Hem-Ta, the Dark Brown Land, it was henceforth called. Neteru, Guardian Watchers, the Anunnaki were there in the new language called. Marduk as Ra, the Bright One, was worshiped; Enki as Ptah, the Developer, was venerated. Ningishzidda as Tehuti, the Divine Measurer, was recalled; To erase his memory Ra on the Stone Lion his image with that of his son Asar replaced. To count by tens, not by sixty, Ra the people made; the year he also by tens divided, The watching of the Moon by the watching of the Sun he replaced.
>The clarity offered here surpasses all other religious or spiritual record, i suggest you delve deeper.
Joe Rogan admitted that he got Alex Jones high and showed everyone how crazy he is. That was his only intention. I'll find the video.
Connor Price
I fully believe that "communism" or "progressiveness" is the newest label for the ideology of Satan on earth. Think about it.
>destruction of family, sexual immortality rampant >religion is destroyed, no hope of souls ever turning to God if all memory of the Bible and Christians is removed from history >widespread misery, despair, hopelessness, these emotions feed demons and allow them to manifest >convincing people that becoming a transhuman is the right path, when ultimately this will result in the end of humanity as we know it, possibly the extinction event of the soul
Ayden Smith
Always has been so. Pyramids are merely an anchor in the programming related to aeons
Isaiah Young
We need a containment board for you tinfoil hat-wearing fuck-wits
That's the corruption of good, apep - which is evil
Jonathan Turner
You're the lunatic if you believe in the planets as physical objects
Andrew Edwards
God and the Devil exist as concepts within the human gestalt. Even if they aren't "real" there is a Devil-shaped hole and a God-shaped hole around which humanity churns and eddies to the extent that they may as well be real. The final step is to realize them in the material (as we know it) world which will be done by technology, it is the ultimate goal of technology which originally emerged to allow us to alter our fate to our liking. And there is nothing we desire more than the tangible sign of good and evil. What is born from that final technology will be what humanity deserves. If we are foolish and selfish that AI will be uncaring and destructive. If we are just and good, that AI will be nurturing and kind. Either way it will be our final action as a species. This is the judgement we desire.
>t newfag There’s already a containment board for people like you it’s called /b/
Shit like this has been on Jow Forums since day one when it’s really /x/ tier. Belongs on this board however because it’s loosely grounded in reality
Leo Harris
Purple pill reporting in.
I can't imagine how funny alex jones and 4chins must be for actual intelligence agencies.
I mean imagine your working on AI in google and 99% of what your supercomputer does is determine if that cylindrical object is a cucumber, bong or dildo so safesearch can get better. Then you listen to alex jones go on about how your being given that ability by the transdimensional beings.
You can converse with the Devil directly. Who do you think is capable of turning steel to dust on 9/11 but the devil?
Cooper Price
Good one.
Nolan Phillips
His name is Jack Parsons
Blake Jackson
>I mean imagine your working on AI in google and 99% of what your supercomputer does is determine if that cylindrical object is a cucumber, bong or dildo so safesearch can get better. Then you listen to alex jones go on about how your being given that ability by the transdimensional beings.
Oh, the musings on CURRENT AI here and really anywhere are absolute brainlet tier. But strong AI is the endgame, it will happen one way or another someday. And when it does we better have our shit together because eternal hell can be built by an AI.
Jose Foster
So conspiracy theorists have to apologize, retract everything and basically surrender when they're wrong. But the brainless masses like you can act like conspiracy theories that come true have always been true despite vehemently attacking and denying them prior to them becoming accepted.
Daniel Edwards
Listen there is only one conspiracy that someone mentioned, that is, the devil is real.
Xavier Allen
Conspiracy theories are just that. Truth has absolutely nothing in common with the idiotic bullshit that Alex Jones spouts all day.
Covered for Israel on 9/11 and covered for Alefantis during pizzagate. He will never attack the real power structure and he's presenting you billionaire masturbatory dreams of absolute control.
Angel Cooper
>tfw when reading all this shit and it just feels so right is this a sign of a broken conditioning? or is it a sign that I'm nuts? I know I've rejected the vampires succesfully at least
Even death is speculation, however this, right now, is truth
Angel Perez
We're all nuts
David Moore
yeah no, if kikes are the elites then how the fuck does a diarrhea thinks of itself higher than a turd? the child eating baal worshipping cunts ought to off themselves firstly then
Michael Jackson
>What did he mean by this?
Pay no attention to that big nosed man behind the curtain.
He made that statement in a child custody case Muhammad. I know it's a little different than Sharia Law, but lawyers will use his outlandish statements on the air to attack him in court and paint a picture that he's unstable or insane, unless of course he distances himself from some of those statements and says "I wasn't being literal when I called those people demons, and I didn't really lose my mind when I bowed down and pretended to support Hillary before ripping my shirt off. It's part of my persona, my character." That's why he still has his kids.
Adam Long
Look at the interdimensional child molester faggot. Suicide is always an option cunt
Caleb Cox
Well put. I remember the first time this thought crossed my mind years back.
Pretty dark stuff.
Jace Barnes
Yeah, pretty much. Probably better to have no mother than be raised by one that can't maintain a good relationship/marriage
Grayson Ramirez
A lie becomes truth if it is telling you what you want to hear.
Dominic Martin
The matrix is real, you just have to trust in yourself. You won't believe me but you can't actually die in this world, you'll just wake up like it was a dream. But most people are too scared. You think if you jumped off a building right now thats it your life is over, you have no idea. You forget that before you were born you were still a conscious being. People are scared of everything, life, death, relationships, their future. I'm telling you, you can't die in this realm.
Michael Green
Nolan Smith
which flavor tho
Noah Johnson
Musk suspects we live in a simulation, his strange trajectory stems from this belief and his unshakable commitment to the destiny laid out in code before him.
>Conspiracy theories are just that. Conspiracy theories are theories of conspiracy. In other words, evidence-based hypotheses that people are planning and/or enacting their plans in secret. If you're trying to communicate with me using your brainless sheep language, using "conspiracy theories" as a term synonymous with "bad, false, wrong" then you can fuck right off back to your oversocialized rotten world.
user, someone can be both evil and right at the same time. Furthermore one can be righteous and wrong. Anything can be rationalized if you focus overmuch on one thing and pretend everything else does not exist, but this is not Truth. It is succumbing to the beast within Living requires sacrifice. Living requires the death and consumption of the innocent. Perhaps one side forgot this while the other side believed it too strongly. Who is winning now? The ones who threw away every shred of decency that might slow them down in their race towards the end? Will the end justify the means? Everyone knows the answer but nobody knows the Truth. That is our limit as humans.
Is this not John C lilly's Solid State Entity theory????????
Jackson Hughes
the thing that most makes me believe in something like this is the fact that even if there are aliens in this universe they would never have any hope of getting here or communicating with us.
that means any "aliens" we think we see must be inter-dimensional beings of some kind.
they would not see us as something to protect or help...we would just be like bacteria to them... a toy...
I just live in the real world and find that moronic lies like the so called storm are fabricated in order to throw dirt on ill defined liberals.
Jeremiah Powell
>Joecuck tries to make Alex seem like silly XD! >Alex takes fat rips from the dank, open his consciousness and wakes everyone listening. Jokes on Rogan all right.