Why do so many white women love mass murderers, niggers and criminals but despise hard working...

Why do so many white women love mass murderers, niggers and criminals but despise hard working, honest and traditional family men?

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It's just basic psychology. Women want to be happy. Happiness is the emotion that makes you seek out new and better things. A honest, hard working, and traditional man doesn't need any work. Once she has him, the happiness is gone forever. Women generally despise contentment. Note how frequently they rearrange furniture, buy new clothes, or change preferred entertainment.

A criminal can, in theory, be changed. Trying to do that is happiness and it is a wellspring that never goes dry, because the criminal boyfriend will never settle down, never get an honest job, never treat her right. Even if he does, soon he will go back to his old ways and she can go about trying to fix him again. There is no contentment with the criminal boyfriend, so the girlfriend can be happy with him forever.

White women are not good.

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women respond to men who take risk, theyre usually highly sucessful or highly unsucessful, women like men who rock the boat, its there primitive brain subconciously responding to it, its a evolutionary reproduction strategy

In the Land of Soy women are attracted to anything that still acts like a man.

Bad boys give adventure and thrill to life.

That's true because I'm attracted to anything that resembles a woman, so of course women must be attracted to anything manly.

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Criminals do the things they set out to do, and so, they can make great fathers.
Let's say you want to have a kid. Would you rather have a limp-wristed husband that avoids conflict with it and never says a bad thing to it and encourages it at every step of the way, or would you rather have your husband insult and generally be an arsehole to it, making it emotionally mature way way before the rest of its' peers?
But that might be not true. The reality is that seeing a man behave, well, manly, turns them on like nothing else. We're nothing but monkeys that evolved just a bit more than the others, as much as women and men would like to make themselves believe in things, some things just can't be helped since we're fucking wired that way.
pic not related, it's a ramen burger

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They don't, you just hear about the 0.00000001% that send letters to killers from the internet, and you get men doing the exact same cringy shit, but no one's even surprised enough by that to get outraged lmao.

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Good guy.

ragnarrr lodbrok!!

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Otokonoko Delivery.

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Hans, are you still there? Lmao cumming to boys dressed as girls. No homo

Why are so many animevirgins concerned about women?

Jewish brainwashing

You can be quite the tease, you know.

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All women subconsciously want to be raped, basically. That's why they're much more likely to orgasm during rape.

Humans are descendents of successful rapists.

That's why women always vote to let immigrants in, the more barbaric and cruel the better. Those women voters want nothing more than the destruction of civilization, because civilization is just something males did. Women are destroying the entire Western world because they want to be raped and dominated and white men aren't doing it.

Because white women are defective and should go extinct.

Impregnate a non-white woman today!

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So all of our fathers are mass murderers, niggers and criminals?
Fuck off fucking kike shill
There is a huge /leftycuck/ raid going on right now lads.
These kikes are pushing race-mixing propaganda and demoralizing shilling.
Fight back with red-pills and see them flee.

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