It's over. They won

It's over. They won.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The (((good guys))) control the Vatican. Any problem with that goyim?

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>following the christ god
>being surprised at things like this

That is actually insane. Considering 10 years ago We would literally romanticize the crusades.

I don't believe these people will come to their senses on their own. There has to be war at some point.

This is why i'm orthodox.

well finally a pope is telling the truth
Gehenna doesnt exist, YET.

see revelation 20:9

He isn't the Pope.

Fake news. Look it up instead of trusting Jewish clickbait headlines.

If satan told you to sin and there were no repercussions, would you?

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>Mortal man claiming to know the divine

>pope doesn't grant interview with a literally who journalist
>pastanigger journalist then claims that the pope told him that hell doesn't exist off the record
>Vatican puts out statement saying that this is false
really activates my gabagool

no true scotsman


become sedevacantist

Funny how many people WANT Hell to exist. Be careful what you pray for.

As a Protestant I chuckle heartily knowing that pope is going to hell for heresy

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> Anglican
A meme church created by a fat retard who couldn't commit to a marriage


checks out

What's it like knowing that niggers work harder than your people?

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Christianity was always a kike religion.

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Two words:

Female bishops

>A fucking leaf
Roman Rite Baptism is the one true faith.


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What does the Anglican church stand for today? The female Christ, gay marriage, women priests, and refugees welcome!

Great news for all the pedophiles in Catholic priesthood.

It isn't over just yet

When the Pope has a sex change or gives birth to twins, then it is over.

Not sure what you're talking about leaf friend

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Checked and spooked.

he's right to, hell isn't a biblical concept, the church made that shit uo in medieval times

Fake news. He's still a spineless globalist though.

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Reminder, Christkeks, you're not welcome here

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Are we truly in the end times?

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Jew, jew, jew
the gas is calling you

>Cathololics denying and betraying the words of their lord and saviour
Stop the fucking presses.

The (((media))) constantly takes Frances out of context or uses snippets of what he says to make the Church look bad.

If you haven't figured out by now (((they))) hate the Catholic Church you're either an imbecile or living under a rock.

I genuinely think the Russian Orthodox church is the last bastion of true Christianity

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The Vatican...
Whatever one’s opinion of this monstrous empire of all empires may be, one thing cannot be denied. It’s value in monetary consideration is virtually priceless, from its private vault collections to its billion plus tithing members pretending that money is a tribute of forgiveness for sin. But what can we possibly call this beast system that has no purchasable (conquerable) price upon its hydra-like head, a net worth without a net, and globally a partner with most (soon to be all) nations and religions?

What else can we call this universal incorporation but mammon incarnate?

Kung-fuhrer returns

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so if there's no hell, there's no heaven.
this is what catholic cucks get

baptist master race reporting in.

Whats this you say, the cathocucks got cucked by kikes without putting up a fight?

Why thats the reason I left the church, sick of all the cheek turning and being taught the ideology of lambs for the slaughter

Alright, this has to stop, when will this marxist in disguise die?


Literally fake news

>The (((Vatican))) is a shithole and will get burned down

Q predicted this

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One of the biggest indicators that Jow Forums is dead is the fact true/pol/ would never latch onto a meme screen shot and run with it without proof.

But, since Jow Forums is now mostly poos and shitskins and most of the oldfags are gone. This is what we have now.

I'm actually considering becoming one at this point, what's the difference?

Russia isn't redpilled

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It's never too late to convert

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What did they mean by this?

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>False equivocation of laws

Jesus and God explicitly outline what it means to be christian, we're using those standards its not a no true Scotsman. Being lukewarm isn't enough.

Oh lovely, now we have the pagan jackals filling this thread and masturbating furiously at such news.

vatican is denying it
you all fell for clickbait

fucking rubes

>Shekel world order collapsing

checks out

At least the Filipino's are making up for the Pope's lack of religious fervor.

Christ's suffering wasen't good enough, so it's DIY time.

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“Christian” is an empty word, as are all of its denominations (names) stemming from the “Catholic” universal legal church and state.
If you wish to discover why you are a slave to this system of deceit and piracy, why his patriotic “truths” never seem to jive with the realities experienced under this legal police state, you better loose your ego and fully comprehend the following, and realize that the corporate, legal church and state, no matter what it calls itself, can only be antichrist in its artificial nature.

you mean sola scripturists won?

because that is what it looks like

This is ridiculous. If there is one thing we can be sure about in whole Christian doctrine, it's the existence of Hell.

>hell doesn't exist

no shit, frankie

Put Mormonism in the same category as Scientology and every other cult religion of the west.

He can say whatever he wants, it doesn't make it true. He doesn't have the power to change church teaching

but i thought the pope was infallible

took me 6 gorillion hours in ms paint

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>He doesn't have the power to change church teaching

that's literally his job

Only if he's sitting on the throne of st. peter while saying it. (Catholics actually believe this)

>there is no hell
>god loves everyone even fags and those who deny him
>he forgives everyone
This faggot is literally a satanist preaching Satan's law do as you will and don't worry about anything, he is basically telling people that no matter what they do they will be ok and never punished.

it was compromised by the kgb since the revolution

Chrism Mass?
More like Schism Mass, amirite?

So does this means he was right all along?

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>what is papal infallibility?

>Therefore, faithfully adhering to the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith, to the glory of God our savior, for the exaltation of the Catholic religion and for the salvation of the Christian people, with the approval of the Sacred Council, we teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman Pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA, that is, when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church, he possesses, by the divine assistance promised to him in blessed Peter, that infallibility which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals. Therefore, such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are of themselves, and not by the consent of the Church, irreformable.

It literally isn't. His job is to pass down the teaching he was been entrusted to guard

Hell or heaven is what you make of your life. Stop subscribing to sandnigger cults.


>chaste women
>liberty, guns, 'merica
>no debt
>stockpiling food and supplies

everything most christcucks pretend to be but aren't

The idea of Hell works the same way voodoo curses work.
If you're a holy man, and you tell people things; they tend to believe them, and behave accordingly. Then they go off and tell others. That was during a time when camels and horses were to preferred mode of transport, and people died naturally at around age 60. It's not like that anymore. Hell is an idea. It may exist; but nobody lives there full-time.

People still think this guy is "the word of god"

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He is the Vicar of the Lord. Look up what that means and how the things he says have weight.

It's okay goy, sin away!
Nothing bad will happen to you for it!
Be as degenerate as you want!

Again, taken out of context and comes from a non reliable source.

Fuck off unbeliever.


>crazy cult
>place religion before country

they are white muzzies, not to be trusted

you're a fucking idiot. Do a quit google search. There! now pick w/e source you want you fucking faggot.

>not being a rad trad catholic knight

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The pope decides who is the heretic. Actually you would be the heretic here.

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Hey don't you have a jew to worship or something, prottie?

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What exactly do you think hell is?
Do you really believe in literal fire and brimstone Dante's Inferno tier infantile vision of an after life?
The concept originates with the pit, the place for discarded things. Those souls who are not saved do not join the Father in heaven. The fires of hell are meant to imply destruction, as an incinerator. Something discarded and destroyed.
Why are you all pretending like this is some huge outrage? Being denied eternal paradise with God the Father is in itself hell. A cartoonish image of devils tormenting people is not.

The Vatican's statement is worth less than the bullsemen people spit in here.

If the pope actually said that he'd be worth following

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and you can be all those things and more without belonging to a false alien god cult

We will go down

you dare soil the name of KEKISTAN with that filthy anti-christ worship?
i pity the fool!
lord kek shall surelly smite thee in the end of times.

he was right about the catholic church beeing a corrupt mafia-like organization for sure. not so sure about his thesis on hell though. we'll find out eventually. kek

>jesus wasn't a jew

christucks truly are bigger LARPers than pagans

Fucking heretic should be burned at the stake!

if you say so

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The guy who makes those comics is also a Zionist?

He just cucked Trudeau a few days ago though