Jow Forums thinks this couple is evil

>Jow Forums thinks this couple is evil
>Jow Forums would use violence to separate this couple

Admit it Jow Forums you are the bad guys

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why can't Jow Forums accept that you can't stop love? Stop being so hateful

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Go back before it's too late.

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have fun with a mongrel child

>La creatur..

Oh wait actually no

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just leave man, srly, gtfo before is too late...

>It's not evil so long as the man is white
>mug colonialism

Cherry picking
You have more chances to have a freak than a miracle.

he's flushing his dna down the asian toilet
even a 2/10 white trash fat sow would be a better vessel for his semen

still a fuck up, even if its light and has big eyes

She is pretty average actually

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>Jow Forums is a board for White males
>Jow Forums is taking a pro White male view on various issues even if it's not consistent


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This is your average race mixed faggot.
Not your model.
Now shoo shoo schlomo

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how long until their son shoots at school?

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This thread again

>they're all part nigger
>still more attractive than real niggers
really makes you think
imagine if they bred two cute races together.

mixing with n*ggers =/= mixing with asian qts

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Everyone knows the Japanese are honorary whites, user. This is silly divide and conquer. There is nothing you can do to drive a wedge between America and Japan. The only person who has ever succeeded in doing that was Franklin motherfucking Roosevelt and it took him 8 years of gaslighting the Japanese into thinking we would attack them.

He is the good kind of hapa (WMAF) so never. He will probably become a doctor or engineer

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Yeah, I’m the bad guy. Looking at who the good guys are, I’m ok with that.

how cute

now post the male offsprings

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countdown until that weirdo longing for death starts the spam


>clearly some faces with mongoloid features
>lol all are niggers xD

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A lot of them are mixed with asians you fucking reatard.Grow some balls and ask a white woman out instead of drooling over yellow insect like sub-humans on the internet

Why are White male Asian female relationships so aesthetic and beautiful?

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Yeah Tenda Spencer aka EurasianTiger from r/hapas is already here

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Nah this is not bait, this is autism, this is what happens when a person who makes the same threads over and over again is obsessed with asians and wants everyone to know it.

look at that jew nose.
there's no way he's really part asian.

I have literally made this thread one more time and it was in a completely different timezone. Stop being on Jow Forums 18 hours a day and get a life

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You don't tell me what to do.

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Stop posting my picture, asshole. You have posted it for years now.

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pretty hot

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Evil is just a concept that varies depending on the person.
/pop/ would actually deport both so that they can love each other somewhere else.
Leave now faggot, it may be your only chance.

White + Asian = Asian
2WhiteAsian = Asian + Asian = 2Asian
(White + Asian)^2 = White^2 + 2WhiteAsian + Asian^2

In other words, most White on Asian relationships, end in Asian offspring.

They look hWhite to me. Also there is more to Whiteness than phenotype

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>Keep making yellow fever threads. It makes the shills extremely mad

get a noose and kys for defending kikery

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>no matter what you do your kids will be samurai

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Reminder to sage and hide racemixing propaganda

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>I am JIDF because I defend the masculinity and sexual agency of White men

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>cherry picked examples
>All Asians are Samurai
The idiocy has no end with the Asian cum dumpsters
Fuck and dump Asians. That’s all there is to it.

Pump her then dump her

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i n f e r i o r

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the best white women belong to asian men

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>Board claims to be against white genocide
>Threads that want MGTOW which will reduce white birthrates
>Threads that want WM/AF that will reduce white birthrates

>Stacey is fucking Tyrone REEEEEEEEEEEE
>Haha stupid roastie asian women are superior

Date White
Love White
Marry White
Have White Kids

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Autistic yellow incels go back to your subreddit this thread isn't about you. Can't you just act like normal human beings for a while?

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The product of this couple would be a mutt product of blood sin and a soldier pf racial chaos. It has two paths (both of which are materialistic): consumer bug-man or bolshevist blood-spiller and chaos-bringer. A population of such degenerates would bring about eons of human suffering and death and misery. Trying to avoid this future is not evil.

>asian men

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Good for you, but im going to continue to be married to my Cantonese qt wife.

Women of all races belong to the white man though...

The board doesn't claim that. The white nationalists do. There's a shit ton of shabbos goy lolbertarians on this board who give no shits about the white race, and even openly hate on working class whites.

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>Everyone on Jow Forums is a white nationalist

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This kind of autism is why asian women hate you asian guys so much. Now stop sliding

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Kill yourself before your mutt spawn does it for you.

>just fleeting 8% of white world population are left
>everybody else is either black or asian or latino
>somehow we're bad for not tolerating interracial couples because "muh luv is stronger than the grand picture" meme

lol your kids are gonna have so many health issues and go through so many identity crises and its all your fault

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WMAF is the only pure pairing

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>implying my end goal is not to have an asian qt
Well I guess you still believe that Jow Forums is some far right boogie man right?

Take the koreaboo pill
Dislike nigger media as to why they went to obsess over Asian popstars
Reclusive and pale
And actually white

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>Now stop sliding
Holy shit newfaggot detected. Spamming one thread is not sliding.

>implying asian women dont like autists

Have you SEEN the men asian women go for?

Beta as fuck. He isn't even taking her like a man.

Literally a country run by a feminist cult. kys

koreaboos only date asian men

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holy hapas batman

Only happens when you create amerimutts (black + white, brown + white)

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I don't think they are evil, the guy could do better though

Old Jow Forums was
nu-Jow Forums is a civic nationalist dumpster fire

Most Korean men are literal queers. Now go back to your gay subreddit you cringy gook

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I have a qt Japanese girlfriend for 4 years now. Gonna merry soon. Most German girls are fucked: They only care about their carrer and going shopping or clubbing. They have too much testosterone in their body and therefore have a big body and wide shoulders.

My gf instead has good Asian genes and stays young forever, good shape, feminine, loves cooking and cleaning, likes classical music, good humor, can cook amazing Japanese food, always hungry for my cock. What's also great is that she cares a lot about me. Whenever I get sick she is always at my side, cooking tea, helping me out, etc.
German girls I had were all extreme selfish and only their problems are important.

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>Old Jow Forums was

No it wasn't. Stormfags used to actually have to debate their bullshit instead of circle jerking over it and calling everyone shills who criticize it.

Not relevant here
Not entirely true, they won't date degenerates though

Hans have you ever been in a relationship? He's doing the right things you unromantic bot

Pretty sure insanehapa is a Tenda Spencer sockpuppet

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How the fuck are we circlejerking when 90% of the board are lolbertarian retards?

better to live 1 comfy life than 1000 times as puppet of what the traitors leftists vote in for the country

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>when 90% of the board are lolbertarian retards?

More like 2%

is she mongol? is she tall? I have a thing for tall mongol girls.

maybe back on /news/ that happened but Jow Forums was racist from day 1 and there were debates but there's a reason why racism remained a core part of the board. You can't think of Jow Forums without thinking of racism.

Utterly delusional. Maybe it just seems that way compared to your home.

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Never said Jow Forums wasn't racist. There is a difference between racism and white nationalism though. Huge difference between hating niggers and kikes and wanting to kick all non whites out for being non white.

You just haven't been here very long, it's ok bro

Is this what you call white burger?

he looks dutch to me

Be a little more honest

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I'm actually jealous


t. east asian

all race mixing is bad

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Now ask yourself this why would he have another son with another woman? Could it be because white women are traitorous scum that will divorce you for money?

its what i call a mutt. i was using him as an example that all racemixing is bad, not just black and white

date a koreaboo user

>Could it be because white women are traitorous scum that will divorce you for money?

All women are whores with greed.
No exceptions.

Cmon, it's like putting the blame on white men why heidi klum married a nigger and had ugly nigger kids when she had a perfectly good white one

>Could it be because white women are traitorous scum that will divorce you for money?


>The Japanese Ambassador held an interview with German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath, once again asking if the term "colored" applied to the Japanese too and if it prohibited Japanese-German marriages. According to foreign sources, von Neurath answered that the term "colored" did not apply to the Japanese.
>Johann von Leers, who was an active Nazi propagandist and would later become a university professor, stressed that Hungarians, Turks, Estonians and Finns were treated as Aryans despite their foreign origins. He thus recommended the application of the same policy towards the Japanese, who belonged to the same ethnic group of Asians as the abovementioned group, and suggested that the intermarriage ban, which only affected very few people to start with, should be lifted.
>He further stressed that many Japanese had a lighter skin color than many of the Mediterranean peoples which were counted among the Aryans. He was convinced that the Japanese race showed some Nordic characteristics--traces of blond hair, for instance--and had other striking similarities with the Aryans.
>The memorandum thus called for clear definitions in German race laws lest they insult the Japanese. According to the author, the laws should apply exclusively to "Jews and primitive races."
>Unlike other non-Whites like the Chinese, the Japanese received preferential treatment. The intermarriage with Germans was not legally prohibited.

Nu/pol/ has stricter racial policies than Nazi Germany. Wow

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Both of us know thats not entirely true.
Yes but for non westernized asian women the chances of them fucking you over are smaller since they were grown in a more traditional place and such will value you more.
Why do you think I care what white women choose to marry or have children with?