Watch out,Jow Forums, Weinberg is on a rampage

watch out,Jow Forums, Weinberg is on a rampage

Attached: download (1).png (626x318, 50K)

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Never fails guys.

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well punch em back and stfu
stop wasting time with this stupid bullshit.

fuck, guys...we gotta worry about punches AND drone strikes? maybe we should back off...

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behead those who say Islam is violent!

It's afraid.

Kavetching is in his family name.

Also who is this cunt and why is he verified?

Must be nice to be a jew and incite violence on Twitter.

>every noname jew gets a blue checkmark

>I don’t like people saying mean things about my false political narrative
>literally threaten violence constantly and wanting to encroach on constitutional rights

I wish someone would force their hand already and get this thing started, they’d get btfo’d so fucking hard that they’d cry about it like it was another Shoah.

>cyber drone strikes

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Isn't the outrage pornstar legally old enough to vote and join the military? Why are they treating him like a child?

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ive seen this on history channel before...

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>W-why you no feel threatened yet goyim?

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Meme terrorism!

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The salt, the salt must flow.


I mean, 100-something likes is nothing.


I think Scott Weinberg should do more Bergin' and less Weinin'

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Jow Forums has actually conducted drone strikes , unlike tim doyle

holy shit Weinberg is going to soy overdose

Attached: scott_400x400.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Punching someone in the mouth is a good way to get shot in self defense

Someone needs to tweet him to meetup in LA and periscope it. His noodle arms are only strong enough to pickup shekels let alone throw a punch.

He's a verified jew.

Attached: juden.jpg (400x362, 31K)

Report it as a threat of violence towards others. \_O_/

Or post some variation of "come at me bro".

Report him to Twitter. Use their tactics against them.

well meme'd!

*le tip*


Constructive Criticism of pic related?

Attached: FuckCommunists.png (586x847, 529K)

Maybe it's better like this.

Attached: FuckCommunistsSimplified.png (290x418, 242K)

Why are Jews so Jewy?

Attached: Hyena_elephant_butt.gif (443x325, 1.98M)

hes not wrong though

I don't understand why the march for life founders didn't sue these people. They should really hit the airwaves hard trying to get donations for next years march moron liberals would end up contributing.

both those kids are nothing happened ? HAHAHAHAHAHAH

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It's almost like he has no intention of fulfilling the treat.

*le sorry* :(

*sad tipp*

>Parkland student

get lost you fucking heeb

Who is Weinbug and why does his opinion matter?

Does Scott want to say that to my face?

So he is of the "kill them all and let God sort it out" school of war?

Like punch a nazi movement

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I wouldn't mess with this man desu

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no u XD

*le sassy tip*

Jow Forums won't be able to survive this onslaught. The tide is turning against the altright.

Literally who?

he thinks this place is sleazy

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of course he pretends to be white

Attached: file.png (560x188, 27K)

nicely done


>hatching alien egg avatar

very fitting for this high blood giga-jew

report him for violence

And of course anyone who deigns to question his bipolar inspired liberal worldview must be a “bot”. These people deserve death.

Good idea... But will probably get the "our teamed looked into it, and didn't find any community guideline blah blah blah"

>Blue check mark
Hell, he could distribute sensitive locations of US troops resulting in several deaths and all they would do is take his check mark away; He's basically untouchable.

>I think these kids are stupid, does that mean you would punch me
if he responds yes you report him

Bring baby boy. Denmark has anti-drone Hypogrifs. Hail the North!

Or arrange a live face to face meeting.

>drone strikes?
Anti-drone gun, senpai. We are set.

Attached: March05BNDroneShieldPic.jpg (1440x960, 171K)

I built a microwave emitter.
It's ridiculously powerful.
Of I turn it on it will kill electronics for 3 miles.


Attached: 1343163949797.jpg (234x250, 10K)

>I turn it on it will kill electronics for 3 miles.
Impressive. I want this gun though.

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Kek, check out the hilarious replies to (((Weinberg's))) tweet.

nice digits, brother

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jewberg is doubling down

Attached: download (3).png (619x356, 57K)

Attached: Todd Cruz.jpg (600x400, 42K) look at this mealy mouth shit..."allowed to attack" fucker threatens ppl for not buying this parkland psyop garbage and we're attacking them LOL

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These violent Jews are flashing some hard signs in the hood, gents. Wat do?

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Hahaha he blocked me for making a good argument. Nothing of value lost.

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Tim Doyle doesnt know Jow Forums already carried out a drone strike on April 2016

Thanks /sg/



Why does modern western society elevate victims to near sainthood?

Damn, who's the real fascist now Mr Merchant?

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meanwhile on Jow Forums...

Attached: syria general helps airstrike.jpg (2300x6510, 3.05M)

Just gonna leave this here

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Pic related. (((They))) can fuck off

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yes, this is a great way to debate policy.
have some liberal kid say something, silence any opposing viewpoint, and if you critique the liberal, dor instance point out poluticizing other childrens' deaths for viewpoints they did or didn't agree with, your opinion will be met with violence!

the only way to make the world a non-violent place is to be violent to conservative opinions!

Oy vey! How dare they speak or criticize? Meet it with violence! Look un the replies below and report all the mean comments as russian bots, goy!


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