Gay is not ok

I need some redpills against homosexuality. There is going to be a referendum for defining marriage between a male and female in Romania at the beginnig of June.
So post some redpills so we can translate them and start posting around romanian cities.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>coated with HIV+ blood
Fuuuuuuuuuck that

>HIV + blood
Don't even have words to react except for these.
Gays are walking redpills for anyone with common sense. If that shit doesn't make you think, you are beyond saving.

Next is the right to adoption. These sick perverts are coming for your kids.

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>deadly infectious disease
>the stigma is the problem

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>I don't like that people like things that i don't
In this case it's dick but the idea is the same

Translate this and do a live talk:

You will die of AIDS


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We'll all die of something my guy, you should leave this hate behind and enjoy yourself while it lasts

Use memes on facebook.It was big help here and i don't think you are that diferent.
There are enough already,you just need to translate them.

Figures that the commie is a faggot

Good luck finding anything about the correlation of STD's and homosexuality online. Major search engines have done a nice job of sweeping most of that info under the rug.

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It's a literal disease. Nature itself tells us to avoid it.

>Wear HIV-Blood-Covered Tiara
>Get HIV from shaving cut
>Get HIV

Sounds like nature at work.

>I need some redpills against homosexuality

Sounds like you're gay if you need pills...

>that guy with the hazmat suit on the right

Attached: tenor[4].gif (220x160, 586K)

>develop fetish for traps
>catch the gay and start using grindr
>realize gay people are evil and mentally I'll
>still sort of a fag but scared away from ever having sex due to how crazy gay people are
Wew lads

Switch to 2D and toys. Better than catching GRIDS.

The insanity of gay people fucked me up and I will never be doing that again. I never actually met up with anyone but I talked to gay people and it scared me away from being gay because they are fucked in the head.

In what way? Intrigued

thank you for your input based Rabbi

There is a huffpostqueer twitter account and it has over 300k followers. How much lower can we sink?

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Gays are nihilistic, malevolent, sadistic (or masochistic) domineering self-centered sociopaths. To sum it up. Being gay is not just a sexual fetish, it is something that I have seen have a destructive impact on people's lives and the more people indulge in it the more they break down mentally. I thought I could experiment safely but in reality that community is so fucked up I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. The disqust factor outweighs any desire I once had. Fortunately I am attracted to women too.

lol faggot

This guy used to be a hardcore gay activist in the early 90s

Is that destructive impact a result of internal strife or the external stigma of being homosexual? I ask because my uncle recently came out and introduced the family to his partner - he's relatively well adjusted and in all other areas displays what you'd typically define as 'straight' behaviour.

The real issue is these queer extroverted gays like OP

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Isn't doing that literally illegal? Public safety etc?

it's not illegal if we call the people to vote and not say explicitly vote yes. posting statistics is a grey area, better done at night

I don't know user, I've met a few gay people who are well adjusted on the outside but have various mental problems that they are able to manage. They still have mental problems though. Maybe some people can make it work but for the most part I think the gay lifestyle is emotionally damaging to people in the long run. Also the more I think about sex the more it drains my energy and attention from other things and when you think about gay stuff you tend to go on binges where you are horny 24/7.

more like fuck hat amirite

I’ve never met a lesbian who wasn’t screwed up

Do you want links or a write-up?

>Let me expose you to incurable virus and human blood.
>What's wrong, DON'T WANT TO GET AIDS, bigot?
Fucking gross.

Most lesbians I have met seem like interesting girls whose lives just got really fucked up for multiple reasons. I think being self-centered and eccentric is a big part of being gay/lesbian, I'm not sure why it manifests in wanting to fuck the same gender though. Lesbians are generally fucked up but I don't think gays are any less fucked.

That's true. Gay culture seems to revolve around narcissism.

>looks like a demon
>acts like a demon
>has the ability to infect people with enchanted tiara

shit demons are real

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holy shit, my sides. Poor man's Aussie bringing the bants.

Why even live, then?

I've met some cool gay people in my life, and I've met some absolute predators. I would have to say, there are more rotten apples then good.

If they define their personality foremost, by how many cocks they gargle; chances are that they're garbage.

>poor man's Aussie

Shit, at least we can own semi-auto guns

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Do not interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake

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Not even the most liberal of states(CA & OR) voted down gay marriage as it is straight up abominable behavior that no majority who doesn't have an alternate agenda will ever vote for/approve of...EVER!
We will all be cleansed via fire before it gets to that point. Sickening utterly sickening behavior. EVIL FILTH!

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>I need some redpills against homosexuality.

Have some Plato.

Attached: plato.png (585x249, 90K)

Fair enough, my good sir.

>Read fairy tale to children
>Unironically dress as a nightmarish villain
The complete detachment from reality is frightening.

How close is Plato to Christianity?

What is the statement?

Christians will like his mind-body dualism and how he considered the material life to be an illusion, and that the ideal life was far beyond the stars because they can say it sounds like he's referring to heaven

I have heard people call Christianity neo-Platonism before.

these "people" are fucked in the head.

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Basically, there are pretty few of his beliefs that aren't compatible with New Testament Christianity
Catholics love him too though for some reason lmao he wouldn't love them

I meant the HIV+blood-soaked veil, user.

We know

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