Or just a filthy commie?
Is Hogg actually retarded?
They typically go hand in hand
>Retarded or Commie
Doesn't one imply the other?
2 hours of separation between comments.
Also, how does a leader of a social movement not realize what he is doing is a socialist tactic?
Came to say this. You don't unironically start endorsing communism or socialism unless you're mentally deficient.
How the fuck else do you advocate any of this fucking horseshit after the 20th century?
Probably. But I'd say the person creating threads to discuss a 17 year old is right up there too.
No obituaries for the victims and no ballot initiatives filed in Florida? Tough shit.
Public figure who is attempting to shape national policy?
Cry me a river.
My brother goes to Oxford University and is on the same course as Malala AMA
KEK. Is this parkland movement supposed to be a fucking parody?