Europeans a.k.a. white people are the worst snakes on the planet

If you study the colonization of America, turns out white people from Europe have been the worst snakes in the history of mankind.

European nations Spain, Portugal, UK, France and the Netherlands went to America, fought wars against each other and hired Native American warriors from different tribes in order to have more men against the enemy. They gave Native warriors modern weapons and taught them to use them effectively. In other words they gave a tribe military training, weapons and in return for their efforts Europeans promised more land for the tribe. This land was called a reservation. It was to be excluded from the future United States as these tribes wished to remain independent.

One of the most successful tribes was the Haudenosaunee also know as Iroquois, which is a French word believed to be derogatory in origin. They were promised land and equal rights if they chose to peacefully co-exist with the colonists, which they did and still do. See picture.

Several treaties were made between the colonists and Native American tribes. The Haudenosaunee tribe still holds a treaty wampum to this day. The treaties these tribes made with the colonists were believed to be just as legit as any other treaty the colonists made, e.g. a peace treaty between UK and France. That turned out to be false assumption.

As soon as the colonists had fought their wars, they turned against the very tribe who had helped them. This kind of backstabbing is unheard of in the complex war history between European nations. The only thing that comes even close is Finland fighting Germans in the end of WW2 and that they did because Soviet Union gave them no choice. That is just something you don't do to your allies. It's an unwritten rule, a military code of honor.

Native American warriors such as Geronimo and Sitting Bull were humiliated and mistreated. Mistreatment and taking of promised land is still on going. What will you say for your defense?

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Why would anybody look up to you with respect after that statement? White people deserve to vanish. Backstabbing, untrustworthy snakes. Bwaaa don't tread on me bwaa. That is all you say but at least the picture is related. You are snakes.

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The world is a better place because of it think about all the babies lives saved due to the drop in infant mortality in this country then when savages ran wild

If a human being wants to experience the highest living standard in the world they gave to live in white nations even high iq Asians and Jews. The more we control the better the world is ran.

Hey, does anybody know what the price for an average African is this days? Do they come with chains?

>European nations Spain, Portugal, UK, France and the Netherlands went to America

Imagine a world without those countries. the world wouldnt be the same.

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Natives got sold a bad deal, but they never really tried to integrate. Pride was the reason for both. I feel worse for the buffalo though, desu.

You have to understand the differences in views at that time. The natives weren't considered on par with the European folk so backstabbing them is not as bad. Also study more military history if you think this kind of backstabbing is bad. eg. Roman wars w/ different families.

They literally viewed them as subhuman aliens. I think we've come a long way, even if it hasn't been pretty.

there were a few outlier americans that appreciated their culture, but it wasn't how whitewashed westerns paint it.

Your map is full of shit. Finland red? Nokia, Linux, www? What more do you want?

Native Americans gave modern democracy to the world.

If whites went further than your ancestors, it's only because they were just so much better.

Put your money where your mouth is. Boycott all things created by whites. Give up your computer that's white devil magic. You don't need frog skins for that car either. Avoid planes, trains, and buses too. Get some Indian to do snail mail since a cell is out of the question. Also make sure you get rid of all appliances in your home. I'm just as tired as you are of these white snakes. I will LIVE LIKE AN INDIAN and protest. You should too.

>White people deserve to vanish
They will as soon as (((industrial society))) collapses. They won’t live very long without their (((water treatment facilities))), lol. When i wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is go down to the lake, which is a 2 minute walk from my house, and take just enough water to drink for the day. Whites can’t do that because lakes and rivers are where they dump their shit.
>the more we control the better the world is ran.
Whites took our lands and turned it into a country where they get their foreskins cut off at birth, just like a nigger. It’s probably best if you people don’t run anything.

>civilization, history, empires
>talks about 2 companies created in the xx century

Integrate to what? Stupidity? How is fighting a war for the white man not trying to be friends? They were promised equal rights coexistence and more land. Colonists wanted to trade with them and then there is that Thanksgiving thing. Natives saved the starving white boys from a certain death. It's about what was promised and that is something these Native warriors dislike in white people to this day. Warriors don't do things like that in Native culture. Europeans are ashamed of it too, that is why they keep quiet about it in schools. Not their finest hour.

Native Americans are actually the only race I would posit to be truly genetically inferior. Due to their population being a bottleneck, they were unable to fight the diseases that came from the Old World. This was an exchange that was bound to happen, and their demise as well. They were so fucked in fact, that they had to take in the genes from Europeans & Africans in order to survive. In no way, shape, or form were these beasts of the land capable in any fashion to oppose our conquering of the continent and their descendants rightfully recognize us as their masters.I don't need to justify shit

>They won’t live very long without their (((water treatment facilities))), lol.
Because iodine is so hard to come by?

Better? Look at Europe and America now. Everything polluted and fucked.

I have no problem with that.

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Nigga who the hell do not think sold us the slaves? Savages are no different from the Europeans. Throw email a couple of gold coins and they will gladly turn on their own.

You are no better than us either, you are taking advantage of the sufferi of those fallen tribes just so you can sit there and pretend you're better than people who had nothing to do with those past atrocities.


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tits or gtfo, nigger hugger

Can you make iodine, faggot? No, you can’t because you’re a faggot, faggot.

>Warriors don't do things like that in Native culture
Yeah, honor isn't a primary trait for all westerners, and we often have conflicting in-fights about it. I can't apologize for choices I didn't make, it wouldn't be genuine.

You are using technology from Finland when you post your bullshit here. There would be a lot more, if the CIA had not prevented it during the Cold War. Those submarines seen in Titanic were build in Finland, they were to be sold to the Soviet Union and USA said if you do that again you will end up like Cuba. It's easy to judge other countries when you don't know the truth.

That's my brother.

Then do it faggot. Get off the internet. Never use a light bulb again. Stop writing in white man English. Just speak to others in your native tongue. But I know you won't because you like the convenience. You're a flaming hypocrite. Ya'll have no problem blaming whitey for something that literally happens every time a developed civilization met a primitive one, irregardless of race, but you won't give up the goodies.

just catch one yourself. build a simple trap with a melon as bait and you will succeed

Hi, disgusting fucking mongrel. White people are the only people on the planet. Everything you have was given to you by a white man. You are garbage.

Pretty crazy huh. So totally out of place. Almost enough to make you wonder if maybe other things weren't going on. Like maybe the whole story isn't being told.

Nah, couldn't be that. Kill Whitey.

That's why the whole world wants to move there.

Whites are best at everything except keeping jews out, unfortunately that turned out to be the most important thing :/

Iodine only works against Ionide you yet another retared fag on Jow Forums

Not the first time I hear someone say Iodine tabs work against any toxin. I bet you have a military rank.

Peyote, mushrooms, Ayahuasca, tobacco was given to us by the mighty white man? No cousin, you white people gave us nothing but alcohol to drown our sorrows in. Because that is all you are truly capable of bringing. Misery.

>you are garbage
Probably isn’t what the aryan women were thinking when i am fucking them.
I fuck hundreds of aryan women during the winter because I wear a moose hide jacket from a moose that i personally executed.

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So because I know more languages and cultures than you do, I'm doing it wrong? I urge you to visit a reservation. Then you would see there is hardly any electricity on a rez, people still live like they always did. A rez is more like a concentration camp. A price we got from trusting the white man. You're all spineless snakes, untrustworthy fags who pollute and ruin everything good. Pot is now globally illegal because of you. You fucking suck.

Where is the evidence you shit fag? White people in the colonies wrote this stuff on their diaries themselves, that is how we know about it. They surely did not tell everything and that is probably because they did not have the time and or could not believe their own kind could do such atrocities.

Where? The whole world as in 7 billion people all want to move where?

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The reservations should be dissolved and gambling legalized

>white people are the worst snakes on the planet
Here's how I know you don't genuinely believe that - if you did, you would:

>not want to live anywhere near us
>be terrified of making us an enemy

Hi I'm a white guy. I make pot illegal, peyote illegal, mushrooms illegal, ayahuasca and coke illegal, in fact I make all natural medicine illegal and make pills of them and put them in a plastic jar and put a sticker on it. Then it's legal. Such logic I have. Meanwhile I make everyone drink alcohol that turns people into addictive devils and then I buy stocks of gun companies and promote sales. That all I do while I make everyone work minimum wage jobs but at least they have a couch and a TV where I will be on with my bullshit propaganda lies 24/7. I'm the greatest. Remember to watch my shit on TV so that you won't see how we are actually enslaving everyone and making them pollute their own environment and not question anything.

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I don't want to live anywhere near you and I am terrified of making you enemies because no other race is that evil. I would gladly have you replaced with niggers, at least they can be somewhat trusted. White people bomb childrens' hospitals ffs and laugh about it. Who the fuck does sick shit like that?

If those injun medicines were so good why'd you all die of smallpox, kemosabe?

Reds: 0

Whites are the most degenerate race.

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Did we all die fucktard? No.

Whites: 1
Reds: 1

Because whites have stronger immune systems from never wiping their asses for 99.9% of their existence.

Natives did not lose anything. They fought alongside with you in your retarded wars. They made deals and were fucked over. In modern terms the contract was violated by the white man.

Even a child can see who did wrong here.

Fuck you corn eating nigger

Fuck you too foreskinless faggot.

> They made deals and were fucked over.
And now you faggots have reservations which are essentially micro state ancap communes where you get to decide the laws.
A privileged many Americans would kill for. Literally kill. So shut the fuck up. I'm sick of you bitching. Go live with your own people fuck off and die.

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You can't make a contract with an animal.

Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.

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Funny about this: you eat corn with every meal. You're just too stupid to realize it. You can't read the text on your TV-dinner box you inbred cousin fucker. I went to Europe once, I was surprised to see Europeans who knew what had happened to us and their hatred to their ancestors because of it was a sad thing to see. White people know they did wrong so don't lie about it you fucking spineless snake.

White people did right too. So don't lie you enjoy the benefits of western society on a daily basis you hypocritical faggot.

That is funny because Nazca lines and pyramids, peyote, mushrooms and ayahuasca. People are animals, Native Americans just understand that better than you do.

Your people are animals, mine are G-d's chosen.

Living in misery on a rez is called enjoying the benefits of Western society in your Orwellian language, I take it? Go visit a rez you pussy.

if we're to believe the numbers sited by liberals today.

at least 100 million died.

so yeah, pretty much all.

Take 5 grams of dried mushrooms or go down to the Amazon and take a Ayahuasca trip. Then we can talk more about it, if you still feel you are God's chosen ones. I bet you are too pussy to do it.

I grew up near one. That's why I can call you out on your bullshit.
Rez's are shitty because shitty people run them. Look in a fucking mirror for some fucking self-reflection you cunt.

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That is really weird because South America including Mexico the people look really not-white. I really wonder why that is. Europeans come to America and all the sudden start giving birth to kids who have Asian genetics. Wow magic.

Pow Wow in the U.S. and Canada, dancers don't look white. That is also weird.

You grew up near one rez but not in one. That is still just one rez. Clue: there are more than one.

I am more aware than you of the fact that some rez are run by FBI hired goons. You have no idea of what you are talking about. Go take a tour in all the reservations if you dare you fag with a pussy.

Iroquois were violent conquerors who attacked and defeated every other tribe around them because they want a trade monopoly with the europeans. They were also know for "mourning wars", violent attacks on neighbours for revenge or replenishing numbers.

In the 1640ies white missionairies tried to keep a fragile peace between the tribes. Iroquois captured some of them while they were travelling and killed them. Later that decade they would attack and destroy the huron confederacy, an ally of the french, with guns bought from the dutch.

But yeah, whitey is the problem.

Nice deflection you stupid faggot.
Your ancestors would be ashamed that you turned out to be such a whiny pussy.

obviously you have never heard about the Italians and the British in the trenches at midnight

One of the most successful tribes was the Haudenosaunee also know as Iroquois, which is a French word believed to be derogatory in origin. They were promised land and equal rights if they chose to peacefully co-exist with the colonists, which they did and still do. See picture.

So then why are the French monsters if they treated Indians as equals?

Whitey is the source of all problems on this planet. Polluting every place they go to. Look at Europe and North America now. Open your stupid white eyes and look. They took our democracy but made it worse. In the white man system, people are not to be listened to. Women should not have any power. Alcohol, guns, violence, never ending slavery. Taxes. Natural medicine is illegal unless it's in a plastic jar that has a sticker approved by some retarted bureaucrat.

None of this shit works and white people are starting to see it, but it's not their fault. It's the Jews.

>defiling your body like an animal
Umm, no thanks. The blessings of G-d are obvious, my people are the most powerful, wealthy, and influential in the world. Everyone loves us except for butthurt stormfags (and apparently jealous injuns too).

>Look at Europe now
ah yes, just awful

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They did not treat them as equals. Some tribes still respect the French though, they are still learning the French language while the French could not give a shit about the Native language in return. It's hard to explain why this is wrong. Either you understand what is right and wrong or you don't.

No thanks? Then you are a pussy who doesn't even believe his own God. Those plants were put on this planet by who?

Sure thing buddy. Shitting in the woods and watching a medicineman dance around to cure your cancer sure beats internal plumbing and modern medicine. Try not to genocide your own people next time

you are kind of really dumb eh?

you say that Europeans are snakes, yet you refer to their behaviour as virtueous when referring to WWII and then in other parts it is not

get fucked, you are not making sense

Looks a bit like Detroit

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Without us, you would still be living in huts like niggers and hunt coyotes.

Fucking shitskins. Be a little greatful that you at least get to collect free gibs

>They did not treat them as equals

Do you have any specific examples?

>French could not give a shit about the Native language

Then why were the first dictionaries of various Amerindian languages created by French Jesuits?

I feel sorry for you. Take 5 grams of dried magic mushrooms you fucking pussy. America had pyramids before England had Stonehenge.

Detroit used to be beautiful.
Now it's being reclaimed by nature.
Cycles of life.

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Without you we would still do great drugs and have sex all the time, we could safely drink from any river and there would be zero pollution. You can't survive eating paper money and you cannot take a penny with you when you die. White man is wrong, injun was right all along.

Now you see it but you still too narcissistic to admit you are a dumbfuck, so you blame the Jew.

I know it's hard for you to conceptualize, but G-d has given us domain over the entire Earth and all of the plants and animals on it (including you). Defiling your body makes you unfit to be in the presence of G-d, but it doesn't change our status as G-d's chosen people like the chri-tcuck idea of "Sin."

>sex and drugs is all i care about.
If all indians are like you it's no wonder they never managed to drag themselves out of the dust and mud.

You do not live forever you arrogant prick. You'll get it eventually. All the work you think you do for the mankind can be wiped away overnight. It's happened so many times. There once were these hardline commies who dedicated their whole lives for the Soviet Union...

Why are you ignoring my post?

Snakes are reptiles. You have no argument.

And Europe had intercontinental ships before America had wheels.

What is so great about your ancestors' societies anyway? It's fun to hang out in the woods, smoke drugs, scalp captives and rape your slaves, but not to get scalped or have your head chopped off and rolled down the pyramid steps. There are fewer highs but fewer lows in the Euro-imposed peace.

Whites could have been kinder to the natives but could also have been crueler. Rome conquered the rest of Europe when it was hunter-gatherers, committed genocides and took slaves and plunder, and left it with civilization. Similar cases happened throughout recorded history. It happened to you all too. You're welcomed-- privileged -- in the white man's society.

Why do crying niggers come here to complain

Sounds like crazy talk. Take 5 grams of dried mushrooms, ayahuasca trip, anything to that extend and you come back understanding you or your people are not special. It was all a lie to begin with. Maybe a necessary lie to keep you going, but a lie nevertheless. You can stop repeating it now. There is no meaning to it anymore. You have been released from that slavery. Stop lying. I believe one of your commands says it specifically. The creator created everything, there are no chosen people. We are all one, part of the Milky Way, part of the Universe, equally.

>You do not live forever you arrogant prick
No but I want a better life for my children and their children. And they're not going to find it in your retarded views. In the future when the earth's plate tectonics stop moving and the sun's luminosity increases uour descendants can die a slow agonizing death along with the planet while mine are out exploring the galaxy, discovering its secrets and living on.

>And Europe had intercontinental ships before America had wheels.

And America was fully aware of the nature of the whole Universe hence the Nazca lines and pyramids. Wheel and ships were a complete waste of time.

Why did you come to America? C-c-c-c-checkmate.

Wow what a dumbass. I still recommend 5 grams of dried mushrooms for you. They say psychedelics won't work on idiots but you so need that medicine.

And this is not about you. You are such a small part of the universe in such a short time. What does you and your children mean anyway?

>scalp captives and rape your slaves

Oops. Scalping and raping was done by the whites. This is a fact and the fact you tried to reverse it means your education on the matter is from Hollywood movies. GTFO. You wanna be a troll or learn something?

fuck off you whiney faggot piece of shit


you have no idea how Latinos were created, do you?

>Europe had intercontinental ships before America had wheels

Here we have a fag who lurks on Jow Forums and complains about immigration - embraces means to travel intercontinentally. That is it.

I'm going to write a song about the stupidity of white people and sing it everywhere I go.

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Yes I do, thanks for asking. Latinos/Latinas are part Native Americans, they have not gotten more white in a long while. 100% Natives still exist across America. We have 100% pure Natives, mixed Natives, white people with something like 1/10th Native in them.

no, they were an even darker skinned people prior to spanish control. Latinos are not ethnically the same as natives in north america. They're a combination of extremely dark skinned people and spanish.

Ad hominem all you want fag, you will still witness the fall of European culture. It's based on such lies it has no other option than falling. Go on, blame the Jew. It won't save your sorry ass.

We Natives are still looking at you like wtf are these morons doing. We are still here to help if you want it.