Stephon Clark was a typical Din Do Nuffin "Clark had a criminal history, four cases in four years that included charges of robbery, pimping, and domestic abuse" He Din Do Nuffin user!!

Attached: how-many-nuffins-did-a-din-do-nuffin-do-a-12128974.png (500x522, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:!i6RD3ICI!oeeKW0SMOxzh-sMDVP4hcQ

Attached: funwblacks248-BLM-nigga-crazy.webm (340x310, 2.18M)

Attached: funwblacks230-BLM-no-seriously-NUTS.webm (336x276, 2.76M)

Attached: funwblacks225-BLM-no-seriously.webm (300x256, 2.91M)

Cops need to finish the job!!

I decided to look him and his brother up on Intelius and just get this SHIT. Stephon clark had 2 friends on facebook and they were both that lady with the weird name. I wonder if it is his mother

Attached: clark.png (1007x1387, 286K)

>that lady

Attached: funwblacks251-gma-clark-crazy.webm (720x406, 1016K)

Attached: 1490731674404.jpg (540x540, 29K)

Having a record doesnt give cops the right to kill you, you bootlicking retard

>the right to kill you

Attached: funwblacks167-police-stop-popped.webm (360x202, 2.83M)

>kill you

Attached: funwblacks36pullover.webm (640x360, 2.35M)


Attached: funwblacks35pullover.webm (318x240, 2.04M)

He was a nigger, many tax dollars have been saved

Slavery was the biggest mistake in US history

I'm pretty sure everyone with a functioning brain on Jow Forums assumed that already.

Keep em' comin, I'm making a folder for this shit now.

Cocaine's a helluva drug

Also requesting your mega link, I missed it earlier.

Yes it does. You must have one yourself huh Tyrone?

Slavery was a mistake user. Should of kept them in Africa

Attached: 1506629759067.webm (640x480, 2.27M)

>nigger changing vectors to avoid getting shot
It's not the first time he's ran away from bullet fire.

Attached: muhammed.png (854x470, 525K)

He had a past... but he was just starting to get his life together.

He'd been working on a music career and had just finished a rap album. He was also thinking about going back to school for his junior high equivalency certificate according to his son's mother

Steveon Clark is a gift... he's so out there, even the hardest of hardcore leftists is going to know *on some level* that he's societal cancer.. and that his brother probably was too.

It's just hard for a sane person to have sympathy for somebody like this.

>, I'm making a folder for this shit now.
no need
its all HERE!i6RD3ICI!oeeKW0SMOxzh-sMDVP4hcQ

Attached: funwblacks243-sheboon-tears-up-store.webm (240x360, 2.86M)

>Steveon Clark is a gift...
i demand more of him.
he forces the left to digest his toxic poison

Attached: 1522418224154.jpg (998x801, 135K)

I love how the media is making him seem like this perfect angel while also saying he ran from the cops and when they cornered him and told him to put his hands up he pointed his cell phone at them like a gun. Whats the cop supposed to do? "Please Mr black man shoot and kill me I dont want to be a racist?" I dont care if he was white, green, pink or yellow he deserved it.

Attached: 1517249100942.jpg (974x527, 316K)

Attached: 1503884008456.jpg (545x403, 19K)

Attached: funwblacks255-BLM-nigga-bananas.webm (328x204, 2.85M)

Attached: 6gl5YVq.jpg (700x700, 133K)

Are these webm without sound so we can post on here? Because I want to hear what happens in the video.

>Because I want to hear what happens in the video.
tough shit

Attached: CryFaggot.webm (960x540, 1.96M)

Move it over to >>/gif/
Even then you still have to reprocess the webm for no sound, so they stay caged.

Must have hired the actors from the same company as Stoneman Douglas shooting.