Why So Much White Hate

Black user here. Why tf is it cool to hate white people? I had someone make a joke about "white genocide" that I was vacationing with in a non-sarcastic way. She was the type of person that the nuances of seeking genetic purity would have been lost on.
>muh feminisim
>respect my pronouns
Personally, idgaf about keeping races pure or separate, and I actively pursue white chicks at parties/bars, but I understand the sentiment.
But now its like no one wants to view white people as individuals, or peopel of any race at all, and just lump them all together in these bins like "Black people are incompetent, let's give them help and stand up for them," or "White people are rich, fuck them" and so on.

Vouching for the annihilation of a race, in person, or deeming someone's problems are irrelevant because of the color of their skin is racist.

But if I say that off of this board, then all of a sudden I'm weird. The world doesn't make sense anymore.

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The Marxist revolution failed when capitalism improved conditions for the average person to the extent they voupe no longer claim to be oppressed. Now the Marxist vanguard, that special snowflake you saw, is trying to agitate you as the new proletariat.

The cultural Marxists are trying to start a race war.

'Sup OP.
Collectivism is the domain of the dumb, weak and morally dubious.

It is seen as a means to an end. In order to put your new culture/order in power the thought is you need to destroy the one that is there now.


Yellow user here. I don't hate white/black people.
I love all burgers and burger land.

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You see this happy merchant?

Everyone is either a Jew (honorary or otherwise), a lazy Jew (4channers), or a Nigger (everyone else, snowniggers included).

Niggers don't do their own research. They need to be spoonfed things because they rather do nig things.

Therefore, it is in the Jew's interest to spoon-feed the niggers of the world information that would make those idiot nigs go and MARCH FOR THEIR LIVES and all that other crap that put shekels in the Jew's pocket.

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Like and that's the thing. Between college and internships and getting hammered on the weekends, who the fuck has time to worry about the 85th social movement of the week?

Why can't people just be content and subsist on alcohol memes and sex?

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everyone anglo/germanic should die

Didn't know there was a word for it but that describes the thought process.

I figured that as a group of people who are so anal about some infinite lexicon of made up pronouns would be able to separate individuals from a whole.

>everyone anglo/germanic should die
lol why?

Become separatist OP. Ethno states for everyone ! Diplomatic missions and trade. Homogenous communities at home. Neutral zones ! Specific city-states for mixed races ! Visit degenerate homoland, where EVERYONE is queer, then nuke it ! Fun for all the family !

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These are the female equivalent of nerds and a couple of guys hungry enough to orbit them, they don't do the party thing.

Also, a third of them are outright NEETs

>But now its like no one wants to view people as individuals
You fucking idiot. The media installs these thoughts into people's brains. Your thoughts and self image are manufactured in a board room. You have no identity.

That's funny because Blacks seem to be hated the most here for no reason. We need our own general

I think that we ought to learn to actually not see race and just not give a fuck.

Or at least conduct an actual eugenical study first before we start compartmentalizing people.
>where EVERYONE is queer, then nuke it

Maybe I'm just thick skinned but I see the black hate as being either satire, sarcasm, or actual racism, in which case 90% of the time its tied back to the jews wanting to cleanse the white gene with negroid dna.

We don't need anymore echo chambers. That's where all these brainwashed libs and shemales come from

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Blacks are exalted on the whole rest of the internet

Now try it in real life and see how the reaction will be different from "fuck white people"

>annoying retard here; this is a bunch of pointless garbage that has nothing to do with politics


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Thank god all of you fucking morons playing this identity politics game will die off before the life-extending medicine and technology become available to the common person.

None of you fucks truly want cultural stability in western society. You don't really want integration or welfare systems eradicated or affirmative action programs dismantled. You don't really want minorities to have stable families with two-parent households. You don't want crime rates in those demographics to go down. You higher rates of employment or education within those demographics. You don't want more minorities to see themselves as individuals instead of a monolithic group. You don't really want them pursuing higher goals and enrich themselves, their surrounding communities, and the greater society.

The "alt-right" and far left at two sides of the same identity politics coin. You fucks need each other to serve as their respective boogeymen.

I'm not denying our evolutionary history as a species. We are tribalistic in many instances, because of that. The difference is that we've managed to advance to the point where we are capable of seeing each other as individuals. If you are willing to be a forward thinking, reasonable, upstanding member of society, I don't give a shit what shade your skin pigment is. Not all cultures are equal, not all humans are either. We owe our existence to that.

Having this bullshit play out all over again on Mars or any possible future off-Earth settlement would be fucking depressing.