Men here how were you prevented from expressing Masculinity growing up?

Your mom making a couple comments here and there about men isn't making a rule against you. What could you not do? People always talk about it but they don't give concrete examples

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I was forced on Ritalin.

>what could you not do?
keep foreskin

how old were you????

Zero tolerance culture, feminist muzzling of the expression of attraction, equating unwanted sexual interest to rape

Nine or ten years old, can't remember.

They create a fantasy system where men and women are equal and the dynamics between them are equal, girls ask guys to the dance, then the reality where women at most will have the courage to show you their neck and be upset and rejected if you don't try to bite it.

>all girls club
A okay
>all boys club
Sexist, you need women and niggers

Fat, weak, ugly, sour-stinking, empty-headed lesbian teachers, making the education system a boring, uninspiring and vapidly sedentary process where vigorous male behaviour is over-reacted to and punished and insipid domesticity is the rule.

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well here's what I remember from elementary school
>no competitive shit during recess
>literally get detention if you get caught keeping score in soccer/football/basketball
>no cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, soldiers, or anything that involves putting your finger in a gun shape
>not allowed to draw anything interesting in art
>if you're hyperactive because you're not allowed to do shit they'll put you on drugs

High school examples
>coursework tailored towards women
>weighed disproportionately towards soft subjects
>self directed study? HAHA! Go back to reading Anne Frank's diary again

>women get weighted admittance
>women get a shitload of scholarships and other campus programs
>feminists get money to bitch at you daily

I mean we could really go all day OP

My mom wanted me to be a girl when they were trying out for there second kid. I think she might of read some kind of books or something to make sure that your fetus becomes a girl by taking certain pills or something. I mean my penis is underdeveloped (4in erect), I've got manboobs like you wouldn't believe, and most of my body fat goes straight to my ass I always have girls starring at it. This hormone alteration messed up my development and gave me early stages of onset balding since my body has to produce more dht to combat high levels of estrogen.

Don't worry, I was still a pathetic beta and no doctor ever took a knife to my benis.

>>literally get detention if you get caught keeping score in soccer/football/basketball
That must be the most retarded thing I have read all week. Why would they do that? And no less as many years back when you were a child.

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Isn't suspension for a day a reward though? It has no minuses. It's like being punished by being given cake

keeping score makes the fat/stupid kids feel bad

Believe it or not the permanent record meme is at least partially true, get suspended all the time and your chances for getting into a good school go down the toilet even if you've got straight A's and a great SAT

Elementary School
>Everyone had to do monthly counselor meetings
>This was around 2000-2010
>They had these stickers with GIRLS RULE! on them and BOYS DROOL!
>Couldn't run at recess. Couldn't say bad words like gay.
>Didn't listen to rules, called kids faggots and played like a normal boy. (Wrestled with my friends, threw pinecones at eachother, ect.)
>Was forced to take Ritalin up until middle of middle school.

Middle School
>Couldn't say faggot. Gay, faggot, queer, and homo were suspensions.
>No disection in science class because a muslim kid sued the school over it.
>Had a 60 year old jewish woman come in for a school presentation on the holocaust. (she claimed she was at dachau)
>Got suspended for punching a nigger for stealing my Ipod, he got off with a warning and I have a hate crime on my record.

>No Place For Hate, a club that was started after Unite The Right
>No public display of affection, straight couples cant kiss or hug in the hallways because it might make a sexually different kid feel uncomfortable in school
>Feminism is rampant in English classes
>History is always EVIL WHITE EUROPEANS

I cant wait to leave in 30 days.

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If you can't remember then why do you say you were 9 or 10 years old?

My mother removed my bedroom door so she could make sure I never masturbated, had a wet dream, or looked at pornography when I was a teen

Because I can't remember which one, smart guy.

Man, you guys had some bad experiences I always told my teachers right off the bat that they were below me and they understood that shit til the end. Detention, referral, suspensions, and other bullshit that couldn't enforce so I just didn't heed to it in the first place. Nignogs and the bitches would fight each other constantly and I was the only woodpecker in that fucking crowd. I don't hate niggers, I hate their pussy "gangster" culture.

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Honestly my friends and I weren't really prevented anything, I guess back then pc culture hadn't really caught up to my town, probably because of the large military base it's attached to.

We were allowed to play dodgeball and kickball and things like that during recess, and there were only a few supervisors on the field and they only really did anything if kids went to them. We also were able to run around the neighborhood doing whatever, we would hide in people bushes and shit playing hide and go seek tag and lots of other things.

I remember our favorite game was 'swords and shields' basically we would get our hands on whatever medieval prop weapons we could and beat the crap out of each other. We'd also do our version of snowball fights at the beach building trenches out of boogyboards in the sand and throwing hard balls of wet sand at each other. I'm sorry all of you had shit childhoods, I really am. I feel strongly that boys would be much more well adjusted and successful if they were allowed to have the childhood my friends and I got.

Then why do you say how old you were if you cannot remember how old you were?

I was raised by a single mother along with my brother. I can remember distinctly that when we were becoming teens, (13-14) our mum almost made like an attempt to ignore the fact we were getting older. So it was like she did not want to acknowledge that we would start becoming interested in girls and shit.

We were never really told what i means to be a man, how to be a man and really any masculine pursuits. My brother and I were never allowed to play team sports or do other shit because of bullshit reasons. We never had much money growing up and always struggled financially which made things more difficult.
I was also very depressed in high school and my mum never knew or did not want to deal with it.

But I am pretty masculine now so you can recover and make life better for yourself.

Though what I find the most interesting is that we were always told that to get a girlfriend you have to respect women, be nice to them and shit.
Well I did that for a while but kept getting involved with totally shit women. One left me homeless and in another state after I was promised so much.

After that I resolved to never listen to women on advice about other women and stopped being nice to them. I will never respect them and no woman is fucking better than me.

My brother however is fat, balding, almost 33 and has a gf who is 32, still lives with her mother, does not drive and is a 'teacher' in a child care center. He 100% believes that you HAVE to respect woman. Even though his woman is at least 50kg overweight and a total pig. She always reminds me of Homer in the episode of the Simpsons, Supersize Homer when he is wearing the mumu.

I have a great deal higher standards.

get born
Mother constantly screamed at me growing up
dates multiple men before middle school
claims shes a christian yet doesn't know a single verse (Shes a throw the first stone turn thy cheek larper)
start taking all kinds of meds
move with father
lose almost all eyesight
stay in my room for 6-7 years
now anti social
can barely see
don't work
both parents cant parent
sorta mixed (just enough)
can barely do math
feminine and flabby
cant find job
parents blame me

>mom never let me have my own BB gun
>always had to borrow neighbors BB guns for cowboy and indian wars in the woods
>felt bad man

>What could you not do?
Anything. Dad wasn't around, and my mother (like most women) was a control freak when given a chunk of power.
She basically tried to take over everything I did, until I would skive off doing the things I actually wanted to do, just because I didn't want to be managed while doing them. That stuff can be crippling when you are a teenage boy and it's a woman doing it.
Luckily for me, I joined the Army when I left school, and she couldn't interfere. If I'd gotten a civvy job, she'd probably still be running my life to this day. Some parents just can't let go. My nephew has the same problem. I help him out when I can, but his mother's fucking hard work.

The fuck is this how bad primary education has gotten?

Oldfag here, we never had to deal with this shit growing up.

> parents bought me GI Joe as a toddler
> played with B.B. guns as I was a kid
> Grandpa, dad and uncles took me on my first hunt at 10
> killed my first buck at 12
> had my first beer with my cousin before he left for Basic when I was 14
> became an Eagle Scout
> met the woman who became my wife durring homecoming, never felt the desire to cheat on her.
> became QB senior year
> had to give up a scholarship when she got sick
> joined ROTC in college to get on that active reserve deal
> took over her family farm when her father passed
> raised 3 sons to adulthood with her before she passed

I now have a grandson named after me. I plan on giving him the M1 my dad gave to me.

Living is a masculine endeavor.

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>I've got manboobs like you wouldn't believe
height and weight please

Great if true.

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You need to seek help from a Chinese medical herbalist, they have devoted centuries to the science of putting lead in your pencil, they will give you some disgusting packet of odd roots and shit, make it into tea and drink it. Be adventurous mf, find your lost balls, if they took your fucking foreskin, go to Israel and take it back deus vult.
Fuck all that depressing shit, go outside and rape several bitchs, smash something and set it on fire then drink the blood of a living creature, you will feel better, you'll get a few months in jail and life will be on a a flash new track. You can't let it eat at you like that faggot.

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I grew up in the 90s when everyone was treated equally, unlike today where they show favoritism towards girls

School is the quintessential curbing of masculinity.
>have to sit down for hours (something women are inherently better at)
>can't run around
>can't go outside
>get treated like shit by your cunt of a teacher because you ooze toxic masculinity

My mom homeschooled me. She taught me by having me and my siblings play she and her husband's form of dungeons and dragons. She made me dig in fields and plant plants and stuff. she gave me toys and took them away with cruelty if I inconvenienced her.

My dad was a larping viking that wanted to live off the grid. I think he murdered some metal guitarist with a paring knife or something. Anyhow I hate their guts. I feel like a lifelong autist

I was forbidden by my middle school principal to make jokes about the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. She pulled me away from my table at lunch and accused me of talking like a school shooter.

I never got to do any of that and it seems pretty certain that I never will.

absent father, lack of enforced gender roles

There's long recess and gym though

>My dad was a larping viking that wanted to live off the grid. I think he murdered some metal guitarist with a paring knife or something
Well that escalated quickly, I always appreciate my dad more after reading these sorts of threads.

> Generation Zyklon Rises

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this. Usually humanities teachers.

wow some of these stories...

my dad took me hunting and fishing, and though I didn't like it at first definitely paid dividends to find manhood in it again.

get outside and off Jow Forums

you forgot
>speculated my offspring's future into a property backed pension fund whilst telling them to just go find a job like I did.
>because I'm a boomer.

>long recess
they make you stack cups in gym now, you rarely get to play sports and when you do it's always watered down to the point of uselessness.

>Thought that my childhood was bad.
>Read some of these American posts.
Holy fuck is this where we are heading?

Damn dude. I grew up in the 90s and it was shit back then if for no other reason they put boys on ADHD drugs just for being boys but this shit is wack. You know, my girlfriend has been going on about us having kids, and I told her the first year that we were together that they'd have to be home schooled if we do have kids. This is why, and I didn't even know the full extent of the problem. I just knew that public school was an emasculating, liberal indoctrination machine. Fuck.

because he was asked?
you can't actually be this retarded, can you?

This post is peak Jow Forums, good work.

5'10 215lbs I'm a C cup

got in a fight, was expelled from high school cause I had a little tiny swiss army knife in my bag attached to a keychain which I forgot was on there.

had to go to the delinquent continuation school, where they put all the kids that couldn't function in normal high school. basically ruined my education completely over some really dumb stuff, took me awhile to catch up as an adult.

My parents were for kids being kids so they rejected any medications for me or my siblings. I blame the parents because they were too pussy to say no to the school.

They tried to have us play tag rugby. Unfortunately for the indoctrination protocol my year had long since learned how to play regular rugby so it never stood a chance.
Tag rugby is where you wear these tags and if someone pulls it off then you've been tackled and have to give up the ball. Yes it's as retarded as it sounds.

Drinking grass ain't gonna do shit.

I want allowed to have any toy out a weapon, nor any toy of a "bad guy."

I wound up just turning sticks into guns anyway.

I remember school. People played games like red rover, cops and robbers, caught frogs in the pond, picked teams and had kickball.

My first child is due in two months, I've been told it's a boy. I've been thinking about this kind of thing a lot lately, I do hope that we can have some kind of cultural reversal in the next few years.

>Weigh just over 10lbs less.
>Same height.
>Flat chest.
Mate you need to work those abs. If your muscles aren't atrophied then you should seriously consider stopping drinking tap water.

>expressing Masculinity
define that specifically please

>tfw remember all the times in middle school/high school girls would outscore me on science tests
>meanwhile I'd score below failing grade/barely passing grade

Being brainlet is hardest feel bros, I hated those smartass qts.

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you sound like a raging faggot

Holy fucking shit.
Good thing they haven't done this in my country yet.
God damn.

Was very tall and strong for my age. Would fight back after someone hit me. I’d be the one to get in trouble because, to quote the principle, “you’re bigger.”

Not allowed to play fires up at recess because it was unfair for the shorter kids that were my same age that I would was so tall.

Liberal teachers would not let me get mad like the other kids. If I got upset they’d treat me like Hulk. It seemed my getting upset was worse that other kids my age.

Spent the rest of my life being pushed around by people I could just otherwise destroy due to not wanting to be put in prison.

Fuck the United States education system.

just become a qt trap bro

Absolutely nothing besides having to sit at school for hours on end and the fact we couldn't just beat the shit out of each other like the older generation because communism has already failed and people started to trust into these funny concepts of police, video cameras, rule of law and other such nonsense.

>I always appreciate my dad more after reading these sorts of threads.

Yeah same, man Dad is not the manliest person there is, but he was a good dad and a heck of a lot better than some other parents I hear about.

It however leads me to be a bit risk averse now, as I’d never want to have my children raised by a single mother or the state.


This legit ruined my day.

>when chad gets highass grade in test
>lmfao I barely studied this shit


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Who the fuck even know man, I also got ED when I was 23 years old.

No its just a preop girl.

My mom forced me to do the "dab"

It's okay bro. Just be a garbage man. You'll make more than any thot.

You poor bastard.

Seriously stop drinking estrogen. There is absolutely no reason for a 23 year old to grow tits and get ED. You could be literally twice your weight and the weight still wouldn't be what is causing it.

Went to school in the 90's. Teacher I had tried to get my parents permission to put me on ADHD meds, but they refused. I only found this out a couple of weeks ago, makes me shudder. Seems worse now.

why the fuck you faggots crying for ? join a sport and shut the fuck up

>what could you not do
keep foreskin
have a healthy diet
follow my own traditionalist christian faith
argue with logic

the entire education system is designed to get boys to act like girls. girls like sitting around talking and listening for hours. young boys do not. you cannot play rough on the play ground. you cannot get into fights. all female behavioral patterns are rewarded and female thinking is encouraged. all writing and english classes are taught from a perspective of how it makes you feel and writing assignments are supposed to be flowery bullshit.

Oh you know how they went art of war on our asses ever since we were born. We dont really owe you an endless list of big and small things done to us before we retaliate.

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school fucked me up more than anything. zero tolerance on violence made me really confused, I just didn't know how to express myself at all and became a cuck.

>b-be c-c-careful a-user
fucking lol

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The funniest thing is, not a single doctor is willing to administer HGH or put you on testosterone because you need it, but if you wanted a sex change they'd do it in a second.

Fuck all doctors. Fly to thailand. They'll hook you up for cheap. Trust me. Medical tourism is mad cheap there. Cycle some steroids while you're at it and develop huge muscles.

>german flag
>not able to keep his foreskin
Are you a jew or a mischling?

>being this oblivious to an autism joke

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I was punished for violence both at school and at home for standing up to an attempted bully. My father silently accepted what I did, but also just let the women condemn me for "not solving it by talking". I would have loved to see them talking sense to that ADD problem child.

Especially response of the school where (mostly female) staff was too scared of conflict with children and parents to even aknowledge confrontations between pupil made me bitter for a long time, it was basically "there is no bullying in our school user, you're just making up trouble!". At least I wasn't bullied for the rest of my school days, they found better targets

School didn't stop me, which is why my permanent record is filled with fights and class interruptions (I was smaller and whiter than the other kids so they always messed with me) and as a result, I wasn't let into university and the entire school system did its best to make sure I received low marks.

Too late for that now son, gonna join the military soon and let a sniper just off me as soon as I get a chance.

Cycling steroids is not that simple, don't lure the fags here into doing that without a doc's suprevision. Also I'm pretty sure americans can get drugs legally imported from a foreign doc's prescription, so its just a matter of formality to go abroad to purchase stuff like this.

English isn't my first language, oh no!

His post comes off contradictory.

Luckily there's the internet. You can order anything on here

>sophomore year
>english teacher spent the first semester womansplaining how impoverished niggers need gibs because they spend all their money on cigs because theyre “stressed from all the jobs they work”
>i unironically ate this shit up
>ffw senior year
>apprently she goes on screaming tirades over trump but the classes are getting sick of her bullshit
she still isnt getting fired
zykon B is awakening, the future is in (mostly) good hands

tfw British Bulldog at the youth club was called Murderball.

Will the military recruit you if you have bigger tits than the female recruits?

*generation zyklon
im so fucking tired goys

I just believe it's harmful, unnecessary and needs to stop. It's mutilation. People scream that FGM is barbaric (it is), but no one cares about male babies.

"tolerance" meme.

Here is what it really is, THEIR rights are more important than YOUR rights, that's all it is. Some are more equal than others.

Remember that if they ban something you do caus it made someone feel uncomfortable, say it also made you feel uncomfortable that you were banned, or prevented from doing the thing in the first place. So called tolerance is actually intolerance and favoritism.

>I've been told it's a boy
I hope you apologized.

In my elementary school there was a game we played called "tennis". We each gripped each others hand and took turns slapping the other and first one to quit was the loser. Unfortunately a Beta male teacher caught us doing it in front of my attractive female teacher and suspended us for violent behavior.