Been on pol 3 years

>been on pol 3 years
>still not facist
It's like I was born with an immunity to dumbness.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Checks out

>can't spell at age 18
Enjoy when you realize the shambles your life has become in 12 years.


I am not a Facist either, doesn't mean I don't dislike niggers and jews and mexicans.

>Immunity to dumbnness
Clearly no immunity to retardation though eh burger?

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>It's like I was born with an immunity to dumbness.
not according to your posts

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Yep, the ones that join the cult are the vulnerable types: frustrated and looking for a reason to live or a boogeyman to blame. The rest of us are here mostly to laugh... mostly.

lmaoing at your life right now op

You're embarrassing us. Stop it.

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I'd say he represents your lot pretty well.

>I was born with an immunity to dumbness

If a cartoon frog turns you into a fascist, then you're a fucking manchild.

>been on Jow Forums 3 years
triforce and club card newfag

More likely you were born as a nigger

check your wh*te privilege at the door you piece of shit

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>It's like I was born with an immunity to dumbness.
>still goes to Jow Forums

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>It's like I was born with an immunity to dumbness.
>>still not facist

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I'm trans, you fucking cis shit. How dare you assault me. How DARE you RAPE me with those words.

Apologize. Now.

Kek add me to this retard's screencap

Join the club. Just here for the memes and the idiots.

Tell me if you change your mind on your 15th birthday

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Proof that weed stops brain growth right here folks.

How do you triforce?

>1 post by this ID
>Low effort Bait
>Still reaches bump limit

am i good?

You're forever here, buddying up with fascists and the material they make. Who are you kidding?

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>It's like I was born with an immunity to dumbness.

Being this fucking retarded

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Digits gonfirm

Nah. You've only been here for 5 months. Don't lie OP.

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You would have to be literally mentally retarded to believe the stupid shit that gets posted here.
You are just normal.
Most people who use this site are either socially isolated, or completely indoctrinated.