I've have spent a long time devoted to studying...

I've have spent a long time devoted to studying, I've read every sort of book I could think of from the communist manifesto to me in kampf, from the quoran to the Talmud, from the Republic to common sense, from the analects of confusious to nietzch. I have spent a long time thinking, processing this knowledge and critiquing these ideas until I felt I could hold something as absolute truth and so I now do.

Fascism is absolutely the right answer! It's the best political solution to every field in society in terms of morals, economic, way of living, etc.

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Other urls found in this thread:

eprints.lse.ac.uk/69615/1/Besley_Logic of hereditary rule_2017.pdf

>I've have spent a long time devoted to studying
And you still can't write correctly you fucking potato !

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That pic sums it all up

Great! now how about you finally leave your bedroom!

I've just got a new job and I'm starting a political party, how you doing?

He isn't answering because he's having a traditional American """"light snack""""




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I wonder what the men who made America would think?

how would you deal with succession is the main drawback. i suppose the benefits of it depend entirely on the leader. you don't want to be stuck with a tyrannical prick who cares not for the people.

>you don't want to be stuck with a tyrannical prick who cares not for the people.
True, but at the very least in authoritarian systems you know exactly who to blame if power is abused. Democracy doesn't actually give away any control, it merely diffuses blame so that you can't to anything to correct wrongs. It's possibly one of the greatest lies in all of history.

The leadership has to be of divine origins.

What is your opinion on the current state of the west being similar to what led to the fall of Rome? They say that just before its collapse, there was similar types of degeneracy like homosexuality being accepted. Is it even possible to fight back now or is it too late?
It just feels like the human experience cant deal with order for long periods of time. Like the natural realm to live in is pure and utter chaos mixed with degeneracy. Many believe everything that happens in this life does not matter at all, can you blame them for not living to imposed standards?

We need moral codes

There is no such thing as "homosexuality". It's called FAGGOTRY. Never EVER use postmodernist terminology again.

Can you just not post you cringey faggot.

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Makes you wonder if there is objective and a universal morality then. What if someone disagrees with your ideals of morality ?

You obviously haven't, but I'll bite.
Explain your reasoning.

Oh fuck off dude, everyone here is on the same belief plane as you

>user hasn't read anything.

>Fascism is absolutely the right answer!
Look into Erne Nolte's' study (he's shunned by mainstream academics, a bad goy), Italian fascism is just a by-product of Italian ""thinking""

It's arrived at a time parliamentary liberalism was still a novelty and socialists were serious to take that away. Mussolini himself was a leftist that was a bit weak in the head and wanted action, he dragged Italy to WW1 out of the blue, then this same way he somehow got power. Once he's in, what then, it's time to rule.

Oh yeah? Well I have ascended the astral plane all the way up to the ninth dimension, spoke directly with the gods of our reality. I've written treaties with extraterrestrials, traveled to their worlds and experienced their advanced space faring culture. Alien culture is shit, we need a space wall. I've summoned demons using advanced pre-christian techniques, solely to put them to use in household chores. I've traveled back in time to preemptively assassinate evil dictators, but didn't like the outcome, so I went back and killed myself beforehand. I've solved the meaning of life solely through watching Rick and Morty.

And I'm here to tell you that anarcho-primitivism is the truth!


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Of course its universal, because without it society will collapse

you're an imbecile
it is not morality but institutions - or rather the club - which keeps society standing.

dude I hardly read any books and I arrived at the same conclusion, and you think you're smart

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I think by saying when he read those he looked up the summaries on cliffnotes.
Youre not fooling anyone OP, you are Tai Lopez tier with your knawledge

Constitutional Republic that adheres to our founding principles is the best we can do. Fascism works fine if the leader is correct. A bad leader means a massive catastrophe.

But there's no way to change the hands of power if the powerful are corrupt in a fascist system. At least in Democracy there's a vote and a transfer of power, even if that vote is only for a few people

Has there ever actually been a fascist regime with a peaceful transfer of power/succession? That seems to be the biggest flaw in that it thinks personal ambitions will be subsumed by loyalty to the state. Unless it's by design to have those at the top constantly vying for power to be the strongest

We create strict morals similar to Islam, we do not allow criticisms of these morals to gain political ground by labelling them as dangerous to society.

But there's no way to change the hands of power if the powerful are corrupt in a fascist system. At least in Democracy there's a vote and a transfer of power, even if that vote is only for a few people

Has there ever actually been a fascist regime with a peaceful transfer of power/succession? That seems to be the biggest flaw in that it thinks personal ambitions will be subsumed by loyalty to the state. Unless it's by design to have those at the top constantly vying for power to be the strongest

Pic unrelated

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Democracy isn't really, if you learn political history you realise there rarely has been at true democracy, its only a show to fool the people into being slaves of the elite

Monarchies hold a sort of middle ground; hereditary rule presents proper incentives in a middle and long run which are neglected in democracies because all you get is 4 or 6 years to show for and hope your party or yourself are voted in once again.
If anyone's interested, here's a paper from LSE.
eprints.lse.ac.uk/69615/1/Besley_Logic of hereditary rule_2017.pdf

That's why I said Constitutional Republic, not Democracy.

Plz be original content. You made my day

Yeah, he already admitted that but you still haven't replied to his point about transitioning power between factions.
Who's to prevent a fascist government from turning into that very same corrupt elite with everyone beneath them as a slave? And the difference is you won't be able to vote them out of office.
No matter what you think about Trump and Obama, there's no denying that they're the embodiment of very different understandings of the state and of politics and that both were peacefully voted into office.
Can't have that with a fascist govt.

Only universal within societies, not between societies. It's when those different value systems come into contact with one another that you see conflict and struggle

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>Fascism is absolutely the right answer! It's the best political solution to every field in society in terms of morals, economic, way of living, etc

No shit red haired monkey. Welcome to /pol

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Any ideology, philosophy or idea in general that disintegrates from the slightest critique is not worthy of existing.

good for you potato monkey, now go and do something useful with your realisation

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>Who's to prevent a fascist government from turning into that very same corrupt elite with everyone beneath them as a slave? And the difference is you won't be able to vote them out of office.
I'd also like to see an answer on this. I've never heard of a fascist state transferring power peacefully

>you don't want to be stuck with a tyrannical prick who cares not for the people.
literally exactly what you get each time. you soyboys need a father figure in your life. then maybe you wouldn't have this patholigical need to have a strong man rule over you.

How is democracy working out for Mexico?

Spain is an example of this. As Franco died institutions propped up which eventually transitioned into a democratic state, or at least one that looks much more like it than it did under Franco.

yes cuz having a the jew rule over us for the last 70 years has been so so good.

From a white nation of 83% down to 56% and its all due to the fucking blood sucking jew.

Better a strong prick then 70 more years of jewish rule.

It's not.
Then again, Mexico has not known democracy. I'm not saying this in the sense that OP is "no true democracy", but in a literal sense: the candidate who was most voted in 2006 did NOT become president because of rigged elections.
This, in fact, resembles more closely a fascist govt. than a democratic one.

someone or some group will always be at the top of the hierarchy. it's just reality. all these systems are just different ways of transferring power to someone on top. may as well try for the best and more consistent one. anarchy is retarded in the long run, some one else will just fill the void of power.

but yes there definitely is flaws with how this power is transferred effectively and peacefully in a fascist system. perhaps the previous leader will mentor the next.

Yeah, just like the reason why armies throughout history and every corporation worth its salt is ran in a highly authoritarian, top-down way is because they really have a pathological need for a father figure. It has nothing to do with performance and efficiency.

Ye we know, just to add Fascism is natural law. Its instinctual.

You should, it will solidify your resolve.

Who's third from the right?

Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera

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