Every single well-known person to have ever existed has been a Jew. Name one well-known person that isn't a Jew.
You literally can't.
Every single well-known person to have ever existed has been a Jew. Name one well-known person that isn't a Jew.
You literally can't.
Other urls found in this thread:
Mel Gibson you fucking oven-dodging Christ-Killer.
Pretty sure Chris Tucker isn't a jew either.
Lol. Right. (((Mel Gibson))) isn't a Jew. Because his father's maiden name isn't the Hungarian Jew name Gansel.
(((Chris Tucker))) and (((Brett Ratner))) have been photographed in the same Jewish temple several times. Keep trying kike.
Jesus Christ
Muhammad, Hitler. Plenty more.
Radzig Kobyla
At the very least basically every person in East Asian history.
Queen Victoria
Genghis Khan
Martin Luther King
you are a fuck head.
Muhammed's wife (((Safiyya Bint Huyyayy ))) was a Jew and he was most likely a Jew. (((Hitler))) was obviously anot Austrian Jew. This is too easy.
The Jewish bloodline is passed down through the mother.
>(((Hitler))) was obviously anot Austrian Jew.
Source: my ass
There is overwhelming evidence that all three of them are Jews. Do you want details?
That one is so obvious it doesn't need one, but okay.
the Biblical Pharaoh.
Da Vinci, Tesla, Newton and the list goes on.
You must have a double-digit intelligence
Henry Ford?
Are you trying to insinuate that the (((Bogdanoffs))) aren't Jews? Because I have a bridge to sell (((you))).
He is clearly African, user
(((Henry Ford))) factories were funded by (((Rudolph Baldwin))), a major (((Democratic Party))) donor and Jew.
Yes, I would like to get details on Genghis Khan, please.
Most of the EU Monarchs?
Tim Allen
Nice examples, fellow potato
Me and my gentile wife are going grocery shopping. We will not be buying kosher products. I'll reply to more posts soon.
>Hitler may have had some Jewish ancestor somewhere based on a DNA study
Sure if you're going to use that standard pretty much everyone is a Jew
Good on you m8
(((Genghis Khan))) built several synagogues in the Jew land of Burkhara. Some of them are still there.
Emperor Nero, now go cry elsewhere jew bitch.
Må bare sette disse jævlene på plass.
Alexander the GREAT
Godt å se. God påske, gass jodene
Mao Zedong.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a German polymath and philosopher who occupies a prominent place in the history of mathematics and the history of philosophy, having developed differential and integral calculus independently of Isaac Newton.
Died: November 14, 1716, Hanover, Germany
He probably did, he only wanted to collect taxes not to kill everyone.
Kek. God Påske og gass alt som er ikke-europeisk.
Keanu Reeves :D
Jackie Chan
We wuz joos
>Muhammed's wife was Jewish before converting
>this makes Muhammed Jewish
Wow, sure got me there.
Jew Sheckelsteinbergnosekike
Every decent scientist ever, except the "le E=mc^2" guy Einsteinbergstone
Which is theoretical physics. Which suck.
muzzies trace muhammed's lineage to Ishmael
Henry Ford
Gargamel's cat?
Alexander the great. George Washington. Thomas jefferson.
So you arrogant zog Judaism is a religion not a race. Despite what you tell yourself you are not special just a parasite.
Muhammad Ali
Kim Jong-un
The Dalai Lama
Nelson Mandela
The list goes on and on you dumbass
time is nearly up. now that there is no Hell, what's holding Catholics back
Amy schumer and her uncle (boyfriend) charles
>father's maiden name