Nudeshop her please. Make this dirty Brazilian slut fully naked
Photoshop request
I did it last time but your thread got archived. With the other picture you provided
Very good work. You are a master. Thank you
did the pussy too
I love you
Think you could do the same tits here? I know I’m asking for a lot but help a dude out. Tryna get this nut LOL
Maybe not with the same tits but I'll try something later
Holy fuck that’s such a good shop. Nice work user. (not OP here)
Thanks for the update! I will keep bumping. @last poster, I KNOW RIGHT? It’s gods work
Amazing thank you
Jesus that's pretty good.
Kik or email ?
Any advice for blending at the edges of skin tones, or how to better match them? I've tried using recolor tools, adjusting hue saturation, applying masks using colors sampled from the original skin tone, etc etc. Neve can seem to get it quite right.
Wow you’re really good. Would you possibly give this a go if you can
First the choice of the donor picture is he most important thing, angle, light, shadow and color wise. But with practice I found that I can have good results even with 2 not so similar picture, it's just longer. For blending the edges of skin tone (particularly in the cleavage area) I usually use ligth, contrast, color balance, saturation and expo to match the color. Then to blend both layers you can use the eraser with soft edge and low opacity (5-25/30%). Some density+ or - here and here to add shadow/lights and you're done. Btw that's just how I do and I learnt by ùyself, I m sure there's lot of better and less time consuming method out there.
nah just doing some when I'm bored
Please do this one the next time you’re bored haha
Maybe later!
Amazing. You’re very talented!
please user
You are really good. Try this please
nudeshop, cumshop pls
Wow you're very talented. Any chance you can remove her underwear?