Sergei Skripal daughter Assassination

Was the assassination of Sergei Skripal and his daughter the equivalent of this generations 'Archduke Franz Ferdinand'?

All it took to start World war 1 was the assassination of 1 guy, and then a lot of escalation after it, until war starts.

Now we've had another assassination and what seems like a lot of escalation.
Where will it end?

Attached: Russia Excalation.png (611x627, 415K)

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Except they are both alive and she has recovered.
So no.

He might still die.

And it's more about the fact that an attempt happened, rather than whether or not it was successful.

People are pretty pissed off.

Was it definitely actually Russia behind it? Seems kinda dumb by them if it was.

They're not important enough. Who would go to war over a traitor? Things like Crimea are the Sudetenland of the Third World War.

You think world war 3 will definitely happen?
which nations on each side of it, most likely?

I hope the first ICBM hits me right in the fucking head

They are brain mashed. They will be living in wheelchairs hooked up to machines the rest of their lives.

Even the officer who caught a whiff of it has had life changing damage done to him.

Who cares. Russia fucked up, they have no allies now. Hopefully their economy crumbles and they overthrow Putin after the famines start.

please god this

>she has recovered.
Just because she's alive doesn't mean she's fine. Even the cop who was only second-hand poisoned said he'll never be the same.