Antisemitism is cancer

just a reminder that antisemitism is holding the alt-right back, (and conservative beliefs as a whole for that matter) there are literally no advantages to being antisemitic,and hating a group of people based on a set of medieval superstitions only strengthens the degenerate, open boarders opposition you hate so much.

its time that Jow Forums accepts the biggest red pill:

that antisemitism is a lefty shill tactic used to make us look bad and everyone on this board who is seriously antisemitc is also a lefty shill.

thank you and fuck stormfags.

Attached: the final redpill.jpg (531x750, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: jew gif.gif (480x267, 444K)

Judaism is cancer too though.

Wow, that really undid all the damage that jude is doing to western civilization and all the evidence of a conspiracy. kys

How about you die for Israel, op.

Attached: john-bolton1-e1401462887699-640x400.jpg (640x400, 42K)

"Antisemitism" isn't a blind hatred of an ethnic group. It is a rational opposition to a cancerous population within society which spits out horrible individuals who cause harm to society as a whole because they usually get power and influence through nepotism and do not assimilate into their host culture because of tribalism and racism against the host ethnic group.

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show flag you kike faggot

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just a reminder that your god-emperor Trump is also red pilled on Jews, (take the hint)

memes are funny to a point as long as there ironic
my nationality isn't relevant, my beliefs are

Attached: trump-israel-museum.jpg (2400x1600, 259K)