The Eye Colour Question

Are there certain eye colours with relationships to protein producing genes that make individuals "not huwhite"?
According to (((wikipedia))),
>Dark brown eyes are dominant in humans[57] and in many parts of the world, it is nearly the only iris color present.[58] Dark pigment of brown eyes is common in Europe, South Europe, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, West Asia, Oceania, Africa, Americas, etc. as well as parts of Eastern Europe and Southern Europe.[17] The majority of people in the world overall have brown eyes to dark brown eyes.
Light or medium-pigmented brown eyes can also be commonly found in South Europe, among the Americas, and parts of Central Asia (Middle East and South Asia).
This list includes Europe, but in what parts of Europe outside of southern outskirts are dark brown eye prevalent?
>inb4 "white people can't have brown eyes"

Attached: e.png (1196x791, 510K)

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The whole eye color meme is jewish bullshit.
Only Jews and fools repeat it.

Attached: Praise Kek.jpg (1024x1212, 621K)

Attached: Lens5[1].jpg (324x230, 47K)

what makes you say this?

>contrasting sphincter
I chortled

I know what they're talking about mate I'm just retarded.

Attached: gayniggasfromouterspace.gif (310x254, 2.54M)

what is the threshold for huwhiteness?

Attached: martinscale.png (532x634, 39K)

my eyes are this colour
am I white?

Attached: eyes.png (697x138, 208K)

>tfw grey eyes
>tfw literally rarer than green eye cucks

I am god