Libs down for the count

Libs down for the count.

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Did he do this on the show? Did the crowd boo him?

Attached: drumpf btfo.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

This is really unexpected. Did the MKultra brainwashing fuck up or something? Did they finally stop blackmailing him?

It was sarcasm

Attached: TWO SCOOPS.jpg (505x490, 31K)

taking jabs at the president isn't the issue, its spreading mistruths

i propose we take the leftist's stance on apologies. go for the throat, demand more

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>""The reason why Trump crowed about the ratings is because on the show the character Roseanne agrees with Donald Trump, and a lot of people have called that refreshing," Colbert says of the show's political approach. "Well, I would like 18 million people to watch my show.""

In other words, I need to do something to beat out Jimmy Kimmel.

This is the guy who said that the President of the United States was Vladimir Putin's Cock Holster. Fuck him, hope he's cancelled.


Apologizing is based. Lets see if this guy can redeem himself.

>Trump loses public support
>All these antI-Trump celebrities begin supporting Trump
>It's a clever ruse to regain support for Trump

need more proof Trump works for the ZOG?

>Did they finally stop blackmailing him?
That's probably what he's going for.

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exact opposite, shill
>trump approval climbing
>they need to switch to the winning team.

Best post. Right wingers aren't aggressive enough

He'll aways be two scoops colbert

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Yea but there’s also something coming out about Jeff zucker and cnn something sexual by the sounds of it.

Hannity basically called him out and said Jeff we know on his 28/3 show

>which has led to some great anti lib memes mid election like two scoops...
laughter helps get people on your side by discrediting an opponent and triggering a "feelie" emotional connection.
Colbert cockholster gave us inspiration for poland ball fucking russia and Eu. Quality shitposts and memes have colbert effects

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Dumbasses. Everything is calculated.

>Yes my show is unbiased and fair.
>I even said that Trump was right and the media was wrong that one time!
>Now, here are the dozens of things that Trump did today which spell doom for America...

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inb4 200 replies by people that clearly did not read the article

Play from 13:10

I havnt seen any threads on this cnn being such a big enemy of this place I thought there would be some speculation

>tfw the memes got in his head

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What the fuck is "a generic democrat?" You mean like how Hillary was a "generic democrat"?

Who cares, that guy is on the way out. His rating suck dick almost as much as his fanboys do.

Feels bad man. Letterman died for this.

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>where did the colbert super pac money go?

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you lose. the PSYOP is transparent. mad?

So I guess the fact "colbert" is a child diddler is about to come to light and he's looking for a pass.


>he doesnt mind (((polls))) when they say trump is up tho

I see this in chess.
>roasanne mega hit
>not actually conservative, just pro trump economics and flag worshipping
>degeneracy everywhere else

Liberals hijack seemingly conservative media and when it goes under the radar,
"omg trump really is great goy"

What are you talking about?
Polls have been untrustworthy because they only interview cities, and get as much of a left-winged perspective.

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I was trying to be sarcastic this is the biggest joke of an article I have ever read.

Satire is wasted on you morans