Degeneracy on the Rise

>A Marinette High School custodian was arrested Friday night on 10 counts of inappropriate contact with a 17-year-old female student.

>Police say Oscar DeJesus was seen by another school custodian inside the gym locker room performing oral sex on the minor.

>Because the student, Hillary Bennett, recently turned 18 and is no longer a minor, she has given permission to the media to make public her name. Ms. Bennett told KBUY she does not plan to press charges and hopes to continue the relationship once Mr. DeJesus is released from custody.

Nobody fucks DeJesus

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Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck was this girl doing with that guy? Holy shit anons, the west is in ruin.

>What the fuck was this girl doing with that guy?

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Maybe she got fat or something? I agree it's hard to see a good looking girl having sexual activities with Mr. Droppy face

Hey man maybe this old guy is smooth and girl has daddy issues.

Way to go Oscar the Mexican 90IQ mop bucket!

Is this the Golden Age for us men with an incest fetish?

Damn time hasn't treated Doug Benson well.

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wait, what? What the fuck did I just read!?

She wants to continue the relationship?

Hoes aint loyal.

It's what happens when there are so many single mothers leeching off the government.

>boys get milf/mommy fetishes because their psycho mothers are too busy working/finding new baby days to give them any love and support
>daughters further their daddy fetishes because they literally have no daddies so they look for the closest available father figure

Sad times.

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Goddamn, janitor got game

what happened to this girl she would fuck the old mexican janitor?

He's probably a badass, which is also why he's a janitor.

get the fuck off my board you normie nigger.

lol canada

Now just Imagine a white 18 year old male Football player getting head from a Latina teacher. Can I get a nice?

I like how if the roles were reversed this whole thread would be full of Nice, but instead its What the fuck is wrong with her. Its her decision even though she can do WAYYYYYYY better than a fucking Mexican Janitor Named DeJesus (most beaner surname ever heard.)

Hey his mug reminded me of that retard.

Lucky bastard. I bet this would happen to me if I was a high school janitor.

Or she’s fucked up

fake. the photo of that volleyball girl is from "Niagara College Knights" and her name is "Ava Sarkis"
here's the real story, it happened with him and a boy:

this thread was made by a bot or cianigger trying to test us.

Attached: (1194x1060, 686K)

Zero sources on google.

OP where is link

You're just mad she didn't fuck you because you're ugly.

Thanks user. You're doing Gods work.

Dammit don't make us lose another war to you

Excellent work and fuckin checked. You, user, are a badass.

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be careful, there are shills, feds and shitlibs trying to fuck with us...because they know by now how effective Jow Forums if they can spread something that is not-true and see that we instantly bite the bait, they'll use that to discredit us on larger topics.
i have a feeling that in the next 2-3 weeks we're going to see major fallout from the dan schneider shit come out...and it might have negative effects for the chans

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Seems like a weird thing to make up

I'll take this to heart. Thanks a million.

>we're going to see major fallout from the dan schneider shit come out...and it might have negative effects for the chans

I heard he got fired from Feet Fetish Studios.
I'll tell you huwhat, this me too movement has been a boon.

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>What the fuck was this girl doing with that guy? Holy shit anons, the west is in ruin.

this is considered normal in spic culture, a goblina is considered a woman at the age of 16

Who ISN'T fucked up?

>10 counts
He has quite the imagination

That's literally the definition of loyalty you stupid Reddit spaced faggot. Fuck up bitch.

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Fake news, nigger

Daddy issues

Link threads are on the rise. Flag checks out.

This faggot tries to drop knowledge on a fake story. An hero...become one.

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Case closed. I wonder what the point was.

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good job m8, the rest of you cavemen really need to start following the 1 post by this id = bait thread mode of using this site.


17? Fucking 17? You are just a giant soyboy that can't get any and you're fucking jealous. Get over it.

Fuck up with that flag, faggot. Now.

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he looks liks Saddam right before they caught him just better shaved

>10 counts
She wanted it, she liked it, she got caught and screamed RAPE. Typical of teen western girls. Highly sexually charged and inquisitive but want to preserve and image of chastity and innocence.
If she truly was getting sexually abused and didn't enjoy it she would've screamed, clawed, bitten and ran away. Just like all those gymnasts who got fingered.
Good thing I was never caught when I was a young man with even younger "underage" women.

He actually does look exactly like him lol, just needs to fatten up those cheeks a bit. I guess mopping up shit and sucking cock all day doesn't get you as much food money as being a dictator.

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Holy fuck I'm retarded.
Didn't even read that she wants to continue the relationship.
Old man must have (fire emoji) tongue game (one hundred emoji).

>giant cock confirmed

godspeed user

Fake news Britfag

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so who the fuck is hillary benette then?

I knew the story had to be bullshit. No girl who looks like that would be with some ugly old man janitor.

he's probably her pot dealer.

Nice job m8

>Female teacher fucks student


>Male janitor fucks hot teen girl



>fake. the photo of that volleyball girl is from "Niagara College Knights" and her name is "Ava Sarkis"
>here's the real story, it happened with him and a boy:
>this thread was made by a bot or cianigger trying to test us.
Knew it!

>Nobody fucks DeJesus

>No.7 is 6'5"

Attached: SeanConnery.jpg (1163x1440, 365K)

literally how

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