As Britain’s key allies expel Russian diplomats, Israel opts not to

Really makes you think...

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It's funny how most western nations have almost unconditional loyalty to Israel, but Israel just snubbs them at every turn.

jews playing on both sides, who would've guessed

Obama was the only president to reject the jew

Half of Israel population are former soviet kikes who ran away in 90s. Reason is simple af


Neither did we

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Seems like a stalwart alley you can always rely on.

Israel? Not being loyal?? Who would have known??????

Israel doesn't want to tip off the world that it was they who murdered the spy to make Russia look bad as part of Israel's mideast games in Syria. Hence make like as if good friends of Russia.

Why would you eject your human shields?

Israel is smart enough to know the US/Shitian/France alliance is too politically corrupt to survive. Russia is the new friend of the middle east

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wet almonds?

Only absolute bitch states expelled Russian diplomats over British screeching. They provided zero proof.

R*ssia is Israel's colony. Are you newfag, nigger?

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Activated almonds, which in this context probably is analog to "food for thought".

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So who's jewing who?

Why would you compromise such a potential for intelligence gathering? Bug the shit out of them.

this. Russia is the only thing unironically keeping the Persians in check.

>keeping the Persians in check.

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Israel (and jews) only act in their own self interest.

The concept of universal morality (spread through Christianity) is absolutely foreign to them. There is no right or wrong, just good-for-the-jews or bad-for-the-jews. This belief system leads to the nepotism and silent conspiracies that characterise jewish tribal behaviour within the West.

If Skripal was jewish, this would be a different story entirely. But goy lives don't matter to them.

Well fuck Russia
Long live USA

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>fuck one jewed country
>long live the other jewed country

Wrong on all counts.

this. pretty clearly israel's doing. and russia knows it, of course.

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someone saved my edit! Thanks for using it user.

>foreign ministry mum

I bet Trump tapped that

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fuck thats a lot of soy in that pic

Well, what's your idea on a 2nd world like Argentina? take the Ruskies/China Communism side?
I don't think so Ukranine ¯\_(⌣̯̀⌣́)_/¯

My idea is fuck jews, fuck JewSA and fuck jewtin.

Israel is playing the double card, 'an ally can turn, you know'.
JewSA is TRYING to fight the Jews.
Putin is allied with China which is Communism. We don't like that.

There's not many choices.

Even Vichy France is more reliable.

Who will win in the end? Will the Jews get btfo? Will ww3 happen? And last but not least, is Putin a crypto-jew?

Jews have a sense of right and wrong.

Right: Anything that keeps the nation of the Jews dominant. (example: breaking down world order to allow the Jews to reign over everyone else)

Wrong: Anything that hurts the Jewish nation--such as a holocaust. (whether made up or real)

Israeli Jews have much less of a hate boner for Russia than American Jews and British Jews. It's that simple.

It really gives you a hint on who the real master is, doesn't it?

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if upper class Jews are deliberately asking for another holocaust. After all, when shit pops off, they got private jets to fly them somewhere safe while their brethren gets rounded up. (Just like last time)

And that first holocaust gave them a country. What will a second?

>JewSA is TRYING to fight the Jews.
Are you mad?
>Putin is allied with China
Putin is a jew puppet. He is allied with China, same way he is allied with Iran. He's playing a good cop role with them, but he is not actually on their side. If they threaten Israel, this whole charade will drop.

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Why I would be mad? JewSA trying to fight the Jews is one of the few good things about all this. Trump seems to be delivering.
And Putin has been a let down... and China makes very cheap products but by making people work like slaves, that's not fair in such a nation that excepts to "compete" with USA.
Israel is the war playground at this point of time.
Got it?

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Had the same thought the other night.
So you KNOW a ranbi schlomo somewhere is thinking it too.

Aren't most Israelis of Russian descent?

No, you don't get it.
>Why I would be mad?
I mean, are you stupid? How the fuck USA is trying to fight the jews? In what way Trump is delivering, he is the best of goys.

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This is not true. Jews do have a concept of universal morality expressed as the seven noahide laws. They are pretty unobjectionable and reasonable. You can look them up - don’t kill, don’t steal, and so on.

There are no real options now. People are behaving like idiots and sheep and jews are doing whatever they want in most countries. Ukraine and Poland are perfect examples of that.

we choose not to involve ourselves in squabbles between our puppet states
if the conflict between them grows big enough to threaten israel interests we'll intervene .

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you will either be a good goy and love israel or be a future slave for greater israel .
choose your fate .

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Man I just see the ((globalists)) desperately pushing for a WW3, while Trump trying to avoid it with deals and diplomacy

Kikes are backstabbing fucks.

Why is anyone surprised?

Their Talmud says otherwise.

The jew also forgot to mention that those laws are only for other jews. Goyim are free game.

Heebposters like this really activate my almonds.

They aren't even trying to hide anymore, are they? The only shout 'conspiracy' up until the point they have clawed and snuck their way into every aspect of the establishment and then it wouldn't matter to them if every single goyim knew because, in their eyes, it would be too late for them to do anything.

Defend your second amendment, anons.
I see a lot of heebs in your future.

I want closer ties with Russia and an all-out nuclear assault on the UK.

Make that shitty island glow green.

basically yes . hiding it is only useful until you have enough power so you dont have to .

We would use your own nuclear missiles against you.

Yeah because Israel know it's a psyop and the unstable leadership of the UK has questionable judgement and is using Russia to scrap Brexit. Our government has gone bonkers, or so it seems.

> It's Israel's way of saying "find some other sucker to do your dirty work".

Vote UKIP!

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