It is an obvious shill tactic to try to split up the Whites and have in group fighting. They look for one group that likes to think of themselves a certain way and say that their ally is not that way and therefore the enemy. The shills have been trying to pull out a hatchet between Europeans and Americans for years, remember the Bush Era? When Europoors began trash talking Americans for "being big meanies against those poor 9/11 terrorists and muslims." The problem with that is that while it divided Europeans away from Americans but not vice versa. So they need to go back to the drawing board and find something else. Various other strategies came out with limited success like Americans are empty consumerists, Americans are warmongers, Americans have no culture, etc. But then, enter the mutt meme. This successfully not only split Americans and Europeans but also made Americans demoralized. An outstanding success. By playing into the European's need to feel superior they went after the only socially acceptable group of people to target in today's PC society, Americans. Americans not only hate Europeans now, but now they feel demoralized and hopeless. Incorrectly thinking that this nation is lost (which in no way it is, it ain't over until it is over) Americans have given up hope. But, now that the Americans are out of the way, who is next to be divided? Simple answer, Australians.
I seen a surge in anti-Australian threads (which I all reported like the anti-American ones), and I can already see the effects of demoralization in Australians, they're becoming self-hating and self-mocking but refuse to go after Europeans (much like the demoralized Americans). Screencap this, I believe an anti-Australian meme to the liking of the mutt meme is coming.
Americans are demoralized and I know who is next
For example, I was on a thread earlier this week. It was posted by a meme flag (it is easier than a proxy for them) and the title? "Why do Australians talk like shit." The phrase that was used for the example was "he was how you going" (an extremely Australian thing). There was a few replies along the lines of "screw off" but there was one that sullenly surprised me. It said "Due to fetal alcohol syndrome." Who posted this? An Australian. Instead of replying with banter they took a shot at himself and his country, why? It is because this Australian was demoralized, ashamed to be an Australian. Expect to see more of that
Well, there's a flipside to this coin. People will become more nationalistic.
>people will become more nationalistic
Not what's happening, friend. Literally everyone I know in America has became demoralized. Sometimes I feel like the last Mohican because I am the last nationalist and last undemoralized American I know. They all believe that Europe is some fairytale land where no-one is hurt, sad, or unhappy.
americans have had that hatchet pulled out forever. It became incredibly apparent when towelheads organized terrorist attacks in Europe and americans snickered, made memes about it and tried to shame Europeans at every occasion.
More and more people realize that the number one issue with Europe is a degenerate culture championed by the USA.
I remember that post. Ozzies are sick cunts.
But I agree that there's a lot of non whites in all our countries now and they like to post like total twats and deliberately set out to embarrass the flag they post under (which they hate) and start discord.
Australians may be annoying but they do not deserve to be demoralized.
Then it is your job to help everyone unite
>he was how you going
thats not how we speak you
bit how ya going is the correct phrase
also everyone will start shitting on australian real soon.
>last countrie where racism is normal and expected
>last majority white country with nationalist beliefs
>white country with majority labour background
>farming country
the world will crash down on australia because they fear the might of australian brotherhood
You're overlooking the fact that it's just a funny meme and it gets this kind of reaction
It's hard to not feel demoralized. There's a Civil War coming. You know it, I know it. The only way to avoid the fate of the white South Africans is to keep the 2nd Amendment. They want it. If shooting doesn't start when they take "assault weapons" it's over for our grandchildren.