Any fellow antifa lurking?

any fellow antifa lurking?
new zealand antifa here. fuck all these nazi bigots

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hi :) i baked a cake for you :*

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No sir, Mr FBI.

But seriously, finding an antifa group is actually fairly difficult, probably why they're failing in popularity. Firstly there are many fake accounts, people looking for personal armies, foreign agents and outright trolls pretending. Even if you do find a genuine cell, they're highly identarian, as in they're all lesbian women or they're all middle class blacks or whatever. As far as groups fighting for equality go, their entrance prerequisites are fairly unequal..

Auckland faggot detected.

My golems foot soldiers

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we are very inclusive for the people who are exactly like us. what's your problem? nazi?

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Diversity is clearly not one of your strengths because the reality is your cells are rarely diverse. Being brutally honest, even the KKK has more diversity.

No self respecting white will see their nation destroyed by the forces of mass immigration, when they realise the simple fucking truth that the world is not the happy fantasy of love the libs claim. all that goes down the toilet when you realise the non whites are all about themselves. Nothing can undo these revelations.

We don't have Antifa in New Zealand

Nice pasta, mind if I copy and save it for future pasting?

Sure, it's far from my best work though.

>No sir, Mr FBI.

Bishop Brian reporting for duty

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For what ?

I'll be around. Just PM me when you've made some improvements :^)

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I have a number of antifaggots for you. Just go into it and I will close the door so you can talk without getting disturbed.

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why don't you post it in the local language?

Im ashamed of my country, burn these antifa cucks

nice, where do I sign up?
I'm in hamilton by the way. I want to brane these fascist fuks

There's an antifa cell in my area, they're all fat women that I suspect are lesbians. They look like each other, have the same sexuality, they're all white, they're all fat.

If OP is a skinny white boy, how is he meant to infiltrate this?

I'll be back in about 12 hours wired on caffeine, that's when I'll do my best shit posting.

we have antifa? can you tell me what areas to stay away from? auckland? wellington? nelson?

yeah fuck all extremists
and you are one of them

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Wake up, you're wrong and a useful idiot for people that want you dead.

>If OP is a skinny white boy, how is he meant to infiltrate this?
By pretending to be a homo I guess.

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caffeine is the lifeblood of any shitpost.

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why do you want to stay away? are you afraid of fat lesbians and skinny faggots? kek


You're all virgin cowards hiding behind you're keyboards!! WE WILL THROW A BRICK IN YOU'RE FACE IF YOU SHOW YOURSELVES IN PUBLIC FASCIST SCUM

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not afraid, more disgusted, and the prospect of catching some disease isnt appealing to me. i like my comfy little coal town

To be absolutely honest, as a lad who lived through commie invasion into the land called ''Georgia'', we had lot like you who said that Ruskies were welcome and that they'd bring prosperity to our nation, what we got instead is slaughter of 9th april because we raised our voices. You are fascist without realizing you're fascists yourself, you don't give a fuck about freedom of speech, qutie frankly you're against it. I am a Fascist, sure, but I respect everyone's political thoughts, unless you're a jew, nigger, sandnigger or commie, you folk can go fuck yourselves

Damn I wish I could post my "these stink bombs made me drool and made my eyes water" posts.

Antifa are literally terrorists, they use weapons.

He'd need to transition to have a chance, that's some serious dedication.

we will fuck you up

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>killing anyone

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If there would be a shit tier larping competition this thread would score quite high.

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fuck off nazi
you germans never change, you just call yourselves 'antifa' and think you can keep acting like nazis
uh, yea we had a guy who was cutting people with surgeon knife actually
but all those vids of antifa(gs) showing their guns and talking about them are hilarious

Antifa hate cats

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Yes, we do.
You lot are probably all too young to remember when the NZNF and Antifa had a big brawl outside of parliament. Must have been back in 2004 or 2003

I remember it being asians and islanders?

how your Sorbian studies, pedale?
Sorbs people should have their own republic in Germany.


i would have been busy getting pissed in the shed with my mates at the time, i wasnt really into current events when i was in school

Congrats on Trump granting you your anti TPP dreams. Antifa NZ = number one Trump supporters

so they did, well at least our cops didnt seem to be massive assholes about it

Look at her face, she IS thirsting for that musky and powerful KARA BOGA!!!!!

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Is that the meander on the left? lmao

I am gonna come in your country I will be a model citizen and I will redpill people on the thousands,then I will come in your mom.

This thread has been reported because of rule violation and by the rules of Go.Fuck.Yourself

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You're another island that needs a nuking.

I fucking hate New Zealanders.

Smug little fucks.

I don't know if we should nuke you or blockade you and film you starving from satellite.

antifascist greetings here from sweden.

The nazi mamas boys here are a disgrace to our people, murdering och terrorizing desperatly while they are splitting up their organizations by inner conflicts. Thanks to our strong antifascist movement people have a sense of security against these thugs.

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Why be Antifa in New Zealand? Nothing big like Berkeley is ever going to happen in such a backwater place like here in NZ


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