Reasons may or may not be positive. Within a tier, they are unordered.
>Russia, Britain, Germany, Japan
>France, Iran, Turkey
>Israel, Saudi Arabia
>India, Brazil, Italy, South Korea
>North Korea, Mexico, Pakistan
List of countries by current importance
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SUPERB thread OP
>numba won
Bong here. Why is France less important than us?
>US national debt matters
>national debt
OK this meme needs to stop.
Those are government bonds.
They're back by the mint.
Paying those off is one of the only two ways the mint is allowed to print money.
And the only way they're allowed to that actually increases the pool of money.
We don't owe the country of China $ 4.3 trillion.
We owe a large number of Chinese business men small amounts of money each.
And we'll pay for this by printing money.
Because it's backed by out mint.
Which is why US bonds are such a secure investment.
Which is why the Chinese business men bought bonds in the first place.
China has a had a higher GDP PPP then the US for years now, why are they considered more important?
The cold war was won on economics and internal politics, not military. And china has taken an ever increasing lead in the most important economic metric, while being more politically unified and stable
Putting France below Germany and Britain is pretty dumb
These three are pretty much tied nowdays
Also, I'd put Russia a tier above them
Whether or not you like them, the US government is currently the most influential in the world.
Don't be an ass.