Trans day of visibilty

So its trans day of visibility.

Twitter is a goldmine post the (best) ones.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at 12.02.27.png (1242x1820, 1.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Lesbian trannies i.e autogynophilic

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Absolute state of the West

my screenshot plugin is being a piece of shit so I'm just going to dump trannies I've already got saved

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Guys wtf is going on? Is it society taking away men's sense of purpose and masculinity that is driving these people to do this?

It seems predominantly MTF so it's suicide or become a 'woman'

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shaved, changed color of glasses, now gets to talk to little girls while they pee together in target bathrooms
if mother complains she's tasered and the guy gets full custody of someone else's kid

Needs a bullet between the eyes

More like they are opportunists who found a way to get laid

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fucking disgusting
these people are mentally ill and only want to inflict themselves upon others
it's a disease

Can't wait for the suicide rate to go up in the next 4 years when being Trans goes out of fashion.

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that thing was never alive , holy shit

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holy fuck
jesus christ

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There are people who actually believe transgenderism isnt a severe mental illness

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His name was Robert Paulson.

it's part of the plan to creating a genderless,raceless abomination that will be easier to merge with the machines to create eternal slaves...this stuff has happened many times before , and it always ended up with a higher power coming to destroy everything before everyone got totally enslaved

> sincere
utter fucking madness
utter fucking madness
everything is a gray area
no laws apply
they are the arbiters of sincerity - do you fit what they want, a jewish commie faggot

Is that Ann Coulter on a bad day lol.


Do you think it could be some sort of Munchausen by proxy type thing?

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it's like humanity is now one remaining spot of non cancer on a hugely puss inflated cyst of shit
how many humans are still alive?
what the fuck is up with this diseased gene pool

>ywn be in that mans position

Attached: 859291915254.jpg (709x765, 67K)

Every day is Trans visibility day.

Can you add a " delusion - 100" under that picture?

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Oh god, penguin looks like trainwreck.

Attached: danny-devito-penguin-batman-ring.jpg (236x309, 21K)

This is also a funny source of pictures.

Attached: yWft7ed.jpg (3024x4032, 602K)

> also fresh out of the shower


>tranny faggot sidling up to baby in stroller

theres a good way to get curb stomped

Attached: rageHole.jpg (945x709, 186K)

i hope this ugly faget actually killed himself
sounds like he didn't faggot just wanted to mine people's guilt for attention

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I don't know. I'm not a fag who thinks this all would have went away if the Axis won, but I think its clear the outcome of World War II was not desired. George S. Patton, and Churchill(to name a few) wanted to not destroy Germany, but to just defeat them, and then turn on Russia. Mind you Churchill wanted to go as far as he could in destroying Germany, where as Patton wanted them left mostly untouched, still the main goal of both was to destroy the true enemy of the west, Communism. Sadly, the powers to be stopped this, and so a "free trade of ideals and thoughts" were had, leading to the poisoning of the western worlds universities, which would bleed all the way down to freaken per-school.

Thus here we are today, in a world in which we think we won the war, but in truth we stopped at halftime, and allowed the other team to take the field.

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the fucking irony
of someone who potentially knows this person
not "hey karl, call me and we'll talk"
> hey karl, look, i need to look good, so call someone else, just don't talk to me ok

I can't unsee it now

someone needs to write up a story where someone posts a suicide post like this
and only after they post it they realize they have to go through with it
as people pile on and one person informs people that they went through with it
so they start planning a memorial
and the user is so embarrassed now to post
that they kill themselves

They deserve it. They do it for attention and think it will give them tons of it and they will feel great. Turns out the opposite is true and they will never go back.

that is horrific
someone put piles of dead bodies from the holocaust around it so i can at least masturbate to it

this is how you win over criminals for the tranny agenda

fellas WTF is going on with all these freaks wanting to be women? what happned? if you ask me this relates to all the mental health issues that are suddenly blowing up in recent times.
something is affecting us and our bodies in strange ways. is it plastic? something in the water? there must be a reason

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the atrazine, it burns

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>When everyone realizes cross dressers make better females than trans.

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A lesbian trans women...a euphemism for a guy so desperate he will resort to anything in a pathetic attempt to fuck a girl...literally anything.

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Oh shi--

Wait what the fuck? Was that a dare on B/?

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>feel like I pass
Do these degenerates even know what a woman is supposed to look like? It's like they googled "fag in a dress" and assumed that's what a woman looks like.

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kek he will get the fucking of a lifetime in men's prison

I thought trans visibility day was where you hang these faggots in the town center for everyone to see.

Attached: Legally Female.jpg (1024x683, 141K)

What the fuck

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the thing that hit me everytime is when they talk about "this photo is bad lighting / weird angle / etc. etc." but do they even know that real life won't offer them all these perfect condition everytime someone look at them ?

oh dear

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Well at least they will not reproduce.

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The democrats already have the black vote don't you worry about that.

finally i have seen a woman naked

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Are these my fellow Liberalists.

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thats just plain hot

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Femin virus

From a normal dude into an alien. Lol


fucking pass

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it is because people can see that being a woman is literally fucking life on super easy mode
hence the reason they want to be women BUT are also "lesbians" topkek
its all about getting into super easy life mode


Come on Sweden. The men do that all the time there. You should not be so shocked.

This thread is making me transition to suicidal.

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Wait what? I'm actually impressed. But in the other hand, this the most fucked up thing you could ever do to yourself. It should be illegal.

>Do I pass?
Not even the bird is fooled.

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Holy fuck

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that filename though

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Lol Carrot Top finally cut his balls off in the name of progressivism.