Leave your liberal Shithole and come to Texas

Make sure you become armed once you arrive. At least one handgun, assault rifle, and shotgun per head of household. You'll need them when Texas votes to leave the Union.

Attached: tx-largemap.png (756x550, 76K)

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>come live on the US/Mexico border
What a tempting offer.

No for fucks sake, don't. It's bad enough as it is now. Literally fuck off we're full.

Fuck off, we’re full

i hate having to put up with you fucks

all your christcuck children are going to be spics

Your white birthrate is sub 40%, no thanks

do I count?

b-but muh based spics

Shut your whore mouth north mexican. Dont make master race PA march down past that mason dixon again to remind you faggots that your ass belongs to us.

Natural conservatives, I know
Itd be nice to save the electoral college votes but Im going north and then to Eastern Europe when were too fucked


Texas fags!!!

you guys need to get your asses to the border when that horde of 2000 gutemalans reaches you. You have to film the fuck out of that horde and make that shit go viral. You have to wake up the normies to the fact that every year giant hordes like that enter the country. You have to wake them up to the fact that the lawmakers dont care

>state full of mexicans
>life sentence for smoking a joint on your own front porch
>crushing central american summer heat
for real though i've spent a fair bit of time in states with mexican problems and they really are the worst people. what's funny too is that they call blacks "niggers" but honestly black people aren't nearly as bad in a lot of ways.

Y'all keep talking like Texas is a Red state but almost all of it is Blue.

>Leave your liberal Shithole and come to Texas.

friendly reminder: The Northwest Front is the only group that has claimed to have an actual plan for Europeans in America

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im not even american though

I wish I could.

I'm coming m8

A plan that involves moving to two of the most liberal states in the country while also abandoning the rest of it to be taken over by shitskins is not an actual plan, it's a retreat and a delaying tactic. Worse it backs you up to an ocean with nowhere else to go once the muds turn their sights on taking you over.

We don’t particularly want you here.

>Europeans thinking Texas is not a beaner hellhole

Lmao, just go to the Midwest and Northwest instead, we have better gun laws and no spics.

Texas is full of spics.

breed with a latina, become part of la raza cosmica. the texan branch of this new race will conquer space.

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How about “go fuck yourself”.

Stay in your liberal state that you made and fuckin DIE in it.

Don’t bring your egalitarian bullshit and liberal lies into Texas.

Fix your own shit or die. No more bailouts for the weak!

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>Master race


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Texas is already filled with beaners and niggers. I’m fine living in Pittsburgh.

C-can I come? Got gun, will travel.

Yes Victor, go to Texas so your descendants will become Latino mutts. Honestly just go to the Midwest and Northwest. At least we still have hope and are turning more red by the day.

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Texas is mutted?

Nah bruh, this is the best state

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>Nigger state is better then the Beaner one

There’s no difference between the two, both of you are becoming more blue due to shitskins.

I'm PNW Front
If civil war breaks out here I want in on killing these niggers and kikes.

Interesting proposition. OTOH you would have to live in Texas. “General Sherman, how did you find Texas?” “If I owned Texas and hell I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”

You’re actually wrong my dude. The niggers only stay in Savannah and Atlanta.

Which most of your population live in, kinda like how a good chunk of PA mutts live in Philly while the actual whites live in the rest of the state. Sure your not as bad as Texas but you will get there unless drastic measures aren’t done.

Atleast one of those southern mutt belles will get #whited. Unless I turn mormon and it might be even more.

>He believes in the bleaching may may

Your South African friends tried that and all they got was a bunch of colored subhumans. Now they’re being killed off by black communists and Jews.

What happens to your 30% hispanic population when that happens?

About 5% of the state population is split between those two cities though so shut it. Besides we have better gun laws than Texas.

The best thing that could happen to texas is that they attack texas income tax and gun laws post going blue. This hopefully would trigger enough.

I guess you have a point, but the niggers are still a problem. We should just dump them into Texas. They’re all mutts anyways.

There were 2 million people in the nation 100 years ago. Now 44 million. Hollywoodesque liberalism killed it. You guys have been airing that cancer for decades, so I understand why they are suicidal.

tejanos are bro-tier. meme but true.
the illegals will be removed.

The white cucks in Texas won’t do anything about the beaner invasion. They’re perfectly fine with invaders as long as they’re illegal. Expect them to become identitical to other Mestizos in 100 years.

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Niggers don't breed that fast.

>beaner hellhole
-beats a muslim hellhole any old time. Besides, I'm sure I could find a spot.

Bleaching never works, all you’ll be doing is making some mutt who will eventually vote for leftist shit. Would you rather live with beaner subhumans over conservative Dutch descendants in Michigan?

Spics are basically catholic Muslims, they’re still violent as fuck and leftist. You’re digging your own grave by going to the most mutted state right next to California.

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I got news for you user.

Fuck texas! Its getting overrun by mexicans, blacks, and wiggers. It's gonna be another california shithole if the people there dont do anything to stop that

Is Texas really all talk and only steers/queers? What a shame.

Texans are civic nationalists, they don’t care about race whatsoever. Only “morals” and other stupid bullshit.

Texas gun laws btfo compared to Arizona's.

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-appreciating the input, user

Get the fuck out of here you liberal filth. You've ruined your own state and now like the typical Muslim you're going to take your totally failed beliefs with you to a great state. Get the fuck out you gender confused retards.

Conservative Dutch .. The conservatives are kebabs now. We are winning the culture war over here, but it will still remain leftist cancer.

I guess you might be right about that ..

Dutch Americans aren’t the same as Dutch Europeans my friend.

Glad you appreciate it, beaners tend to chimp out as much as Muslims. However instead of trucks, they literally bomb and behead people and bribe the police to cover it up.

Arizonans at least openly admit they hate beaners. Texans rather kiss their feet as long as they’re legal.

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Just as savage and immoral, the only difference? Kikes don't air them due to not wanting any land in central/south america.

Texas is a liberal Shithole

Fuck off op, this is the reason auston sucks now.

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A lot of beaner crime is covered up due to the white police statistic thing. However do these people look white to you?

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Kike deepstate needs to get removed asap, they know exactly what the fuck they're doing. I dream too often of balkanization.

Texas is a literal lost cause, it’s no doubt they’ll turn blue soon. These are people who now considered “white” over there.

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Let me guess you're some first gen faggot?

Fuck off trying to get MORE transplants to come to our state, we've more than enough as it is. Just you watch, all these useless faggots have eroded our culture to some degree already, if it continues we'll be no different than the other shitty states.

all these "ree whites move here" posts are probably jidf, because what they're really saying is "whites, don't fight the foreigners, just let them in, abandon your birthright and move to this white people reservation"

Fuck off we are full.

What difference would it make anyways? The spics would mutt the Euros into an oblivion.

right - moving some people around isn't going to change that we're in a society full of narcissists miscegenators

Just a friendly reminder that if it weren’t for the fucking feds Georgian’s could have M16A2s along with other three round burst firearms

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Why would you want to turn Texas blue?

1 post by this id

National Oil Reserves are located in the Houston area.
Texas secedes, hooks up Oklahoma and Louisiana to the Texas Power grid. Turns off the oil and gas pipelines to the east. Establishes trade with Russia. Russian navy escorts tankers through the Gulf of Mexico. Threatens to sell oil for half of what the current OPEC price which would fuck the world economy if anyone even masses at our border.
Texas has multiple military bases two days drive through desert to the west of San Antonio.
A drive through multiple causeways over swampland to the east.

Attached: Texas.jpg (1600x1200, 1.92M)

Don't kid yourselves. Texas is full of Zionists who think Christians are not only second rate citizens but second rate humans. Can't even get flood insurance in Texas unless you declare yourself a servant of Israel.

Tejas has always been a mixture of white and latino. It is very common to see white/latino couples here. If I see a latina with a white man I dont think twice about it. Latina with a black man is a sorry piece of shit.

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I hope Texas leaves the Union. They are a pathetic disgrace. Their "culture" is dead, it's a fucking yeehaw parody. They vote for Big Business Republicans who flood their state with spics to surpress wages while they pretend to be cowboys in between stuffing their fat gullets with McDonalds and Mexican food. Can any Texan define what is unique about Texas beyond "muh guns (available elsewhere in America) muh Alamo (lol have you been to the glorified shopping mall that is San Antonio?) and muh Tejanos?" Texans are the biggest cucks. Their last president was a yale graduate dipshit who put a little twang in his voice to dupe those low IQ submenschen. Greeting from the Union you suicidal morons! Secede now!

Yeh, at least the blacks are Americans.

Look at how many Latinos showed up last June in Houston to fight Antifa. Sabo was there, I shit posted IRL with him the night before.


Attached: Sam Houston Protest.jpg (1440x1080, 300K)

why the shields and helmets? fuck that's so gay. dress like the guy on the right here.

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Unironically stay in the Netherlands senpai. You don't want to be a cultureless Texan cuck. I know there are some nice villages where you are.

let's all move to texas and bring our degeneracy and faggotry with us.
also, i'm going to vote the same way, turning your nice place into a clone of the shit-hole i just fled.

Tghose guys were with the based stick man. I didnt have a shield, I had a gun.

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>Y'all keep talking like Texas is a Red state but almost all of it is Blue.
The sparsely populated shit hole that is the valley is irrelevant

What about all that spic borderland? They keep coming pretty soon the whole place we'll be chock full of them.

This is a rough top 14 states with least number of spics and niggers. Each number is their percentage of the population. I say "rough" because I basically just took the top 10 states with smallest percentage of spics and added it to the top 10 of niggers. For example, mississippi is at 40% shitskin because there are so many niggers there, but very few spics.
main - 2.63
vermont - 2.67
montana - 4.27
north dakota - 4.58
new hampshire - 4.62
south dakota - 4.74
west virginia - 5.08
wyoming - 11.19
kentucky - 11.6
idaho - 13.15
oregon - 14.71
utah - 14.97
ohio - 15.64
mississippi - 40.4

We are full. Stop inviting people to Texas. Only the truest Americans are allowed to live here, the rest of y'all can fuck off.

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>leave the Union
Do you mean an hispanic seccesion ?

Texans once believed that Texas was the New Israel and Jesus was King, now most believe the communist movement based in today's Israel must be worshipped and obeyed and Harvey Weinstein is King. A Texas boy is now a Texas goy.

>an hispanic
They do this shit on star trek too. It should only be "an" if the h is silent, no?

A historic is more common in both American and British English, but both usages are sufficiently common to be considered correct.

what's happening my brothers? are we losing Texas like Cal and FL?

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your constitution > nice villages

No. Fuck this faggot.
Stay the fuck out of my god damn state. Theres enough spics and niggers as it is and traffic keeps getting worse by the day.
Stay the fuck out.

I went to Fort Worth Texas and thought i was in Mexico.
Whites are a minority there... it was scary

Only 1 post from OP.
You niggers stay out now.

I'm southern, tall, blonde, and blue. Is it possible to find a wife in Texas who isn't El Goblino? Is it possible in Austin?

*La Goblina

>wanting to live in a state that's