If you have any thoughts on gun control in America please share it with me
A gun controll discussion to figure out what everyone thinks America wants to do with these issues
Personaly I'm against most of the proposed Legislation, it doesn't seem to solve the major issues
Car crashes kill about 4 times as many people.
Being fat is about 30 times more likely to kill you than a gun.
A majority of the violence is blacks and immigrants using handguns and easily concelable weapons.
Why, then, do they have such a hard on for taking long guns from white people?
Niggers cause a disproportionate amount of crime, despite being the minority. With the left's logic, we should be able to ban all niggers from the US.
I think we should look less at what kinds of gun to ban ("assault" weapons) and more into what kinds of ammo to restrict.
I think semi-auto rifles holding 30 or more rounds are more firepower than a civilian should have. We should limit them to 10 round magazines.
If you really want to play Army-man, you can still have a bolt-action 30-06, or a 30 round AR-15 that shoots .22LR or 9mm.
>Gun control
>Not animal control
This "debate" should not be a debate
We have a societal issue
Our culture is violent, people only pretend to be good people for upvotes and likes
White americans are just as violent as white europeans. There is no gun control problem.
Media is distorting the entire issue. Blacks kill other blacks at increasingly higher rates than any other. Yet a few white guy kill 10-20 in a school shooting and we're the problem. There should be no change to the gun control. It's fine as it is. Parenting needs to be looked at and a crack down on the black communities that thug it up and commit constant violence is what our society needs.
It's a good thing, it will reduce gun-related crime
I present to you, the deadliest school shooting in US history
Weapon choice: 9mm handguns
What makes bring stabbed so much better than being shot?
Americans are at the point where they are resistant to the kike media’s manufactured outrage. The libtards went to the well just one time too many. Which is a shame because from here things get real ugly.
As long as we keep semi automatics away from mall trash wielding neckbeards with chips on their shoulders I'm good.
>Why, then, do they have such a hard on for taking long guns from white people?
Because white people keep lighting up schools, movie theaters, and churches
Half of all murders are committed by 12% of the population but white men are the problem? Nope. Just manufactured outrage from the kike media. No one is buying it.
Cho still holds the high score in pistols only...
>What makes bring stabbed so much better than being shot?
It's more personal
2nd amendment:
"shall not be infringed"
14th amendment:
...No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States...
repeal all forms of infringment, they're bullshit.
Probably get the NSA, FBI and ATF to quit staging 'drills' all over the place.
I liked Macgyver. Never liked guns.
Reminder that white America already has a lower homicide rate than Australia