Is he really 17? He looks like a meth user

Is he really 17? He looks like a meth user.

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has to be like fucking 30

no, he is less than zero

Wake me up, when Hoggposting ends

Stupid faggot is probably afraid to merge on the freeway


ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME, Jow Forums???????



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>Herr Pigg, Mein Fuhrer
Never let this meme end.

Or anorexic.

I've never seen a 17 year old guy with arms like Hoggs


he is manorexic

This kid is a useless little fuck. Never paid income or property taxes, or made a mortgage payment. No one over 25 should give a flying fuck what he thinks.

DAE he looks like Malcolm in the Middle?

Why does he never smile? Why does he always look angry?



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>Is he really 17?

>Why does he never smile?
because the people speaking in his earpiece aren't telling him to smile

This. I'm so tired of seeing this faggot's stupid face



we all are

this kid is an opportunistic fuck with a superiority complex, literally doing what was suggested to him on reddit when he bitched about his SAT scores/college

Post your face, faggot.

He's 23 if I'm correct. The reason he looks so young is because he drinks Soylent. I'm not even joking.

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He's looks like a 30 year old larping as a 17 year old.

You obviously don't know what meth users look like.

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>Why does he always look angry?
clearly because he's a (((White male)))

He's 17. The hair gives it away.

You people are blind. I'm 22. The difference is pretty clear.

Gettin groomed wears a nigga down

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he is too much underweight, his body has eaten himself and he looked aged...


Would fight the NRA with

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Fuck off, Hogg.

He really didn't bitch about it. If you watch the video he didn't even mention his SAT scores when TMZ asked him about his college applications. He basically said "meh it happens."

That being said he's still retarded for calling for boycotts.

Not Hogg, just not blind.

bro if your genes were that shit youd be angry too

>He looks like a meth user.

Adderall without a doubt. Very similar.

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here is how you improve your Jow Forums experience.

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The fuck thought it would be a good idea to pick this po-faced annoying cunt to front a movement.

I call BS

This and use 4chanx to filter out all tripfags and youll find everything much better


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must be a jew

they age faster

Draft this Hogg-fucker and send him to Syria.

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His nose makes him look like he’s from Whoville.

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The threads last night were fucking hilarious.

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I thought the conspiracy theories were a joke but I've been doxing people for over a decade and cannot find proof of this kids age. Somebody find it.

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I mean what the fuck is This? Even the most obscure historical figures have exact birth dates on wikipedia.

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Rage from a past filled with sexual abuse. I bet he's the kid in the podesta "hot shit" torture video.

>I'm ya fatha!

>entire country eats burgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday
>surprised when 17 years olds look ten years older

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That's interesting.
He was at fault too, and the kids were being rude as fuck.

The Hogg ain't no kid

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I thought he was 40 desu.

Someone should add some facts to his page. Mother works at CNN. Father at FBI. The school had a drill practicing school shootings before the real thing happened.

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he could be
leftists aren't exactly at the top of the genepool, by essence

"Ya think ya hot shit Donchta?"
What if that's an MKUltra trigger phrase? Someone ought to yell that at him in person and see if he goes into zombie killing mode

You have to admit this is not the issue here.

he is around 25 but without T

He looks like a fucking rat. A rat I wanna beat the shit out of too.

Why is he physically unable to smile? I mean on EVERY FUCKING PHOTO that exists of him he looks like a movie villain about to murder someone.

Good thing this defect makes him unable to ever become an elected politician.

You’re implying anything close to a man in that shell of a skeletal body.
Maybe panorexic? I had to look up what a pansexual was, but after I did, it’s clearly his picture next to the definition:
not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.
See? Clearly it fits here.

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He smiles when he's at work

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Nah, supposedly he graduated in 2015, he's probably 20-22; young, but totally not 17.

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He bitched about his SAT scores/college opportunities it on Reddit and he's being an opportunist with this shooting -- it's fucking obvious

actually he did kinda bitch about it when he did his muh whatever if we don't get into college "we're changing the world"

>Passive-aggressive "oh if UCLA doesn't want to accept kids who are changing the world it's their loss"

Hogg em

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exactly. fag is one step away for calling for a UCLA & USD boycott

Totally forgot he's admitted to having ADD on his reddit posts so he's probably on adderall or another speed pill

would explain his manorexia

>He looks like a meth user

Camera Hogg may well be on drugs: "He suffers from dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and in earlier years had been in remedial courses."

Can you find the rest of his families info, but just not his? or is his entire senpai MIA?

Could it be some operative shit?

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I googled him and is SAT is 1270. How could anyone actually listen to someone so stupid? That's an abysmslly low score, and there's not a limit on how many times you can take it, so you can't pretend that it was a fluke.

>All these trigered soyboys

that is what a non-cuck'd 17 year old looks like.

It's undeniable that he has more testosterone than almost all of us when he was his age

yup. probably the only reason why he was able to turn his grades around after being a shitty student and get a good grade on his AP U.S. history test

He is clearly an asset

Guys, what the fuck is wrong with his nose?

Is it really that bad? I know kids that got 1100s

1270 is almost 1300 which is the low end of bar you need for ivies.

he's a asshole either way

Hogg supports the second amendment, just wants to restrict it so not every dipshit can buy an AR-15. Something entirely reasonable.

The alt right's knee-jerk panic attack is ultimately what will unravel what momentum you guys had

there are people born after 2000, nasty

Yes, I'm sure kids of the future will be thrill to continue having archaic laws on the books so you can have your fantasy about shooting some government workers.

The second amendment will be repealed, its only a matter of time.


>yell that at him in person
make this real. there needs to be people chanting it at appearances.

How is it reasonable faggot? Hardly anyone uses them to commit crimes

It's kinda fun that the few times I actually heard people talking about these drama dept. rejects, it was along the lines of "it's weird, right? They all look / sound so fake and strange..."

It's also fucking terrifying, because the Left either doesn't recognize that (unlikely), or they're comfy enough to think that they can just hammer whatever reality they like into the public eye until it sticks. Or people get cowed into silence.

They're desperate, growling like a cornered fox.
I dont think they've really "lashed out" yet.

Parkland Students Bullied the Shooter but Are Blaming the NRA? Emma Gonzalez, admitted to “ostracizing” the Parkland shooter.

Perhaps Emma and Camera Hogg need to apologize to the families of the dead students for having ostracized shooter Cruz.

I've found that it's easier to get along with people 10 years younger than me than 10 years older than me, actually.

The older end of millennials are more likely to support the BLACK LIVES MATTER and SJW bullshit

hook me up, famalam

i would plow hogg's sister

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>he supports the second amendment, except for the part that says 'the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed'

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He doesn’t drive


the kid with the blue hat is 14 year old Freshman Eric. His brother get shot

The other guys in this pic look pretty old for 17/18 too imo, must be the Amerimutt genes.

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lmao I cautiously mentioned to my normie friend this yesteday and him and his whole family were onboard they were crisis actors, they all thought hel ooked old as fuck

>they're comfy enough to think that they can just hammer whatever reality they like into the public eye until it sticks.

its this, but they are failing

Poor Lou Diamond Phillips

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