Ted Nugent says Parkland survivors are ‘mushy brained children'

>Ted Nugent says Parkland survivors are ‘mushy brained children'
Is he dare I say it our guy?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Ted Nugent: Parkland’s Student-Activists Are ‘Soulless’ Liars

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based Nugent

NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Calls Parkland Student Activists Liars: ‘They Have No Soul’

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Truth hurts.

The Nug

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Ted is a retarded faggot. He's annoying, and he talks like a fucking moron. Why are all of "our" figureheads garbage?

why so critical of public people brave user?
I'd rather they fight than apologize

Shut the fuck up faggot. Based Ted just expressed Jow Forums related viewpoints to the public at large. He contributed more to Jow Forums's efforts on these matters then any one unknown user could. Just because you prefer the voice of a smooth talking liberal whispering Jew lies doesn't negate Ted's contribution. Now fuck off back to rebbit where you belong.

>draft dodging pants shittter says something

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nope. Just another washed up boomer trying to stay relevant

>he needs to die for Israel for his opinion to matter

So he wasn't dumb enough to fall for Jew lies and work as a paid mercenary representing Israel. How is this a bad thing?

so Jow Forums is full blown republican now. Fuck i need to get off Jow Forums

>Vietnam somehow benefited Israel

This is what Stormfags actually believe

The shills are out in full force today

fuck off shareblue, even your ID tag is blue to identify you

You can always go back to red dit faggot. You wont be missed

He's not wrong.

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>being this dumb
You do realize the Jew meme is a finger pointed at the moon and not the moon itself right?

If you have to ask if Nugent is /ourguy/ you haven't been paying attention for the last 20 years. Of course he is /ourguy/. Clean and sober his whole life, his only degeneracy was fucking tons of chicks in the 70s. A real pussy hound.


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Why does the NRA have a pedophile on their board?

>Is he dare I say it our guy?

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Fuck no, Nugent is based but he's the American varg. He's obviously mentally ill.

The entire world is run by pedophiles and sex criminals.

always HAS been our guy.
Uncle Ted may not be perfect, but his very anti-pc pro second amendment stance is on our side.

>Speaking the truth automatically makes you a republican
Yeah, get off Jow Forums glow in the dark faggot.

He did shit himself for a month to avoid military service and banged 12 year olds.

Yeah fuck off

He's still a draft dodging shit eating faggot who made degenerate music. Sooooo you shut the fuck up you stupid fucking twink faggot.

No, it's not. They just larp as red but guaranteed everything in their lives runs left. 100% fact. Fucking nobody armchair generals and losers.

fuckin A

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Proof he banged twelve year olds.
Shills just don't give up. I guess those 15 billion Soros bucks keeps you nice and employed.



>liking Ted Nugent's blistering guitar solos means you're a leftist twink faggot
methinks the lady doth project too much

Not sure why people are shitting on him for not serving, as if that is a negative.

Why in the fuck would someone with an iq above room temperature even think about serving willingly in the US military? Its for literal morons and people with no marketable skills. It's honestly a leftward step from welfare but you also get the added bonus of dying "for your country."

Military service is for the braindead lower classes. Period.

Bless that man

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How can you call yourself a patriot when you don't want to die pointlessly for Israel?

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Well they aren’t really “our” people considering you’re a shill

chicks from the 70s were hot because they we're white. Now theres many ugly ass mongrels walking around, pretending to be human.

Nugent is a huge piece of shit who lived in his own shit for a week just to avoid the draft. He's a debauched satanist and not worthy of attention.

Uncle Ted is legit as fuck..
Told the niggers and degenerates in the music industry to get their shit together.
The fucking guy shoots pigs from helicopters for recreation.

>You do realize the Jew meme is a finger pointed at the moon and not the moon itself right?
wtf does that mean?


>Vietnam somehow benefited Israel
demoralization and division of american people
loans for war
killing of white men who would otherwise be in the workforce and having families
destruction of those men when they return home
vacuum created in academia for jews to infest
I've barely scratched the surface

Ted's a good goy. Makes nra lots of shekels

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>a leaf poster

opinion discarded

>Pol is dumb enough to think this is a good thing.
An NRA Board Member said that?
Going to make it really difficult for politicians to support them in future.
Congressman, do you endorse, and I quote...
One would think at a time like this the NRA would avoid taking such strong positions, but I suppose this is how the NRA really is.



Shut up faggot..
Nancies like you are why the left has walked on us.. You're too scared to say anything you believe in public. Ted's not a pussy like you and won't back down when they call him out.
You talk big on the internet with your meme flag.. ya fruit.
These kids can eat shit for all I care..

...just another stupid cuck like the rest of the metal penis-replacement crowd

I AM the left that is walking all over you.

I'm just surprised how easy you are making this.
An NRA board member doesn't have to back down, I hope he continues to run his mouth on behalf of the NRA and its agenda. Long may the NRA be associated with comments like this, I hope as many news outlets as possible quote them on this.

Easy we are making what??
Dude you guys on the left have everything on Easy mode because you are the establishment, you are the masters, you are the media...
You're the commies trying to run us into the ground.
You're the loudest people, you cry the most, and you're generally worthless at life..
We have ignored you up to this point. I don't think you are smart enough, since you choose to be on the left, to understand the reality of your situation versus what your leftist media machine is spoon feeding you.

shut it, hole

Juan you need to go bsck

Hi david !

literally the only popular person doing research and has the balls to call these kids out

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They’re emotion baiting faggots here’s your fucking proof


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>draft dodging pussy tries to act tough

Ya, 100% your guy.

I heard him say it live

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makes me think

Is there a video link?


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it was on the joe pags show or whatever, some cuckservative talk show.

Top KeK!
Definitely /our/guy
I wonder if he is a Jow Forums poster.

Based rajesh

All wars benefit the Jews. All. Wars.

>"a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine"

Literally shat his pants to avoid his patriotic duty.

Thats the calibre of individual you have on your side of this argument. The best and the brightest walked off years ago.

He didn't bang 12 year olds. He became the legal guardian of a 17 year old, WITH her parents consent, so he could fuck her. Not exactly the same thing.

Shut it Jew lover. What are you even doing here if you can't handle the bants? Go somewhere else if sucking Uncle Sam's cock is your fetish. Most posters here see through your Jew brainwashing and the bullshit that you post. Few give a shit about the military here outside of dipshits who are as lost as you.

No he's not anyone's guy.
Any conservative adult would say that same thing.
Don't elevate already elevated individuals.
Let truth be spoken by everyone who has it.

Once again friend, I AM the one bringing the bants and you are the one crying for me to leave.

Why don't you shit your pants like your hero Ted Nugent? Apparently it gets you out of all kinds of responsibilities.

Ted Nugent is correct

I can't wait until you guys try to take guns so we can shoot you in the face. You faggots that supported it won't be able to escape the violence you caused just by not picking up a gun.

ShariaBlue in the house. I'm glad they've taught you kikes that it's okay to use words like "retarded" and "faggot." You are going to win this Meme War for sure!

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isn't this guy a pussy who avoided the draft?

Yep. He's a cowardly pedo. Definitely Jow Forums's guy.

Fair enough. Doesn't change the fact that he is a celebrity that has the power to get his words out to the masses. This is mote then the majority of us have the power to do.

Whether or not someone is our guy or not isn't about whether they should be put on a pedestal. Its about looking at their recent actions and or views and considering whether they reflect Jow Forums's views. Clearly in this instance Ted's views are in line with Jow Forums's. There are more then enough threads in the archive and in the catalog now demonstrating that Jow Forums and what Ted said are in line with each other.

>being so ass mad that the USA waged an unjust war murdering brown people in the jungle that you shitpost incessantly about it a Botswana Basket Weaving image boards
Cry more about how much it bothers you that only retarded faggots fought in Nam while a majority of the US prefered that they didn't.

using middle school vocabulary doesnt make you fit in shareblue.

Dude, it was a joke. Thats disgusting.

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This is going to be the first song I play when I get my new home stereo

Its been over 40 years now cunt. Its time for you to face reality. US had no right to invade Nam, the US citizens didn't support the war, the US lost and no amount of spin on the conversation can change that.

Funny how we got some posters gargling this draft dodgers bullshit up.

When did leftists become such bootlickers.
His patriotic duty was shitting his pants for one week to not die for (((Kissinger))).


Nugent lost all credibility when he became a draft-dodger. His career has been over for decades and his inflammatory demeanor is the only reason he has even a shred of relevancy.

The man's a pedophile cunt, and will always be a pedophile cunt

found the coward

Based Hughes is our guy....

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>so Jow Forums is full blown republican now.
Yes it is. Republican, Conservative and Capitalist. Jow Forums only cares about its money and doesn't care about the existence of the White race and certainly doesn't care about the Jewish destruction of the White race anymore.

They started pretending to be "patriots" around the time of the Trump election, likening themselves to WW2 soldiers who stormed machine-gun covered beaches because they beat up a few old people at Trump rallies. Leftists have always been bootlickers, though. They just want a different type of boot on the feet they worship.

Fuck off shill. These posts are getting stale. Go suck the military's cock somewhere else.

I be you also support Ted when he sides with the Jews as well, huh?

Piers Morgan actually had the shit fuckery to
attack a guy that had a girls skull blown to bits into his face, yeah Piers unlike David Hogg. Hughes had to have surgeons pick pieces of bone out of his face and side of his cranium.
Based Hughes is our guy, even degenerate Milo knows this.

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He is our guy, and he has no fear of the left. He is already wealthy, and they can't really take anything away from him. Plus he is heavily armed, and not scared in the least of them physically. I would gladly defend Uncle Ted myself and risk my life to do so.

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>he hasn't seen Enter the Dragon

Turn in your man card. I'll give it back when you get your shit sorted out.