Why does this board have such hateful beliefs? Are you projecting failures and insecurities on to other groups...

Why does this board have such hateful beliefs? Are you projecting failures and insecurities on to other groups? Would you be so hateful if you had a normal upbringing?

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Eventually it comes down to survival. When empathy threatens survival it has to go. That is were we are atm.

Because this board is called Politically Incorrect faggot.

I'd fuck the shit out of all three of them

Free speech

>Free speech
That doesn't explain why you have such hateful beliefs...

>Why does this board have such hateful beliefs?
contrarianism prevelant in every generation between 17-24.
>Are you projecting failures and insecurities on to other groups?
yes. they are. they also lean on sophistry to garner sympathy towards the most cognitively lazy conclusion. there is something to be contentious for. racism is not invalid. hell you should have the right to buy and sell from and to whomever you see fit. discrimination is an inborn inalienable natural right. but regardless... the fact that you dislike minorities doesnt mean you should be a fuckin nazi.
> Would you be so hateful if you had a normal upbringing?
wouldnt matter no. contrarianism is an exercise in sophistry and superiority.

nigger you gay

What do you think the combined IQ in that picture is? Can you tell me what innovation that has pushed mankind forward has come from any of the ethnicities in that picture?

Let me give you a little perspective as somebody who was a bleeding heart liberal before 2015.

Classical liberals like myself believed in free speech, treating people well, single payer health care, etc. It's all about giving yourself assistance via the government, but couched in the charade that you are interested in helping everyone and not just yourself.

Then one day you turn on CNN and see them calling Donald a racist because he said we need to stop Mexicans from flooding across the border. The rest of the media immediately follows suit and the echo chamber "confirms" that what he said was racist because he didn't say how wonderful all the Mexicans are and that we should just open our borders.

Then you keep seeing Trump rallies where people are waving Mexican flags to protest against Trump, people are throwing eggs, rocks, or worse at Trump supporters. People are viscously attacked for supporting their preferred candidate. Then you see the media talking about how Trump's rhetoric is to blame, and not the violent pieces of shit who were attacking people. These violent animals keep trying to shut down Trump events, effectively trying to silence political speech they disagree with.

Then you see the news about wikileaks, and read into it about how Hillary basically fucked Bernie over thanks to the support of the entire DNC leadership and - SURPRISE - fucking CNN.

Eventually, long story short, you realize that what you thought was the truth is nothing but bullshit. The DNC actively opposed one of its own candidates. The Democratic party sold out entirely to the corporate ruling class. Suddenly leftists don't believe in free speech anymore. Leftists keep talking about how evil muh white males are, and how they're glad that white men are going to be a thing of the past some day.


Why does the middle one have a stain on her shirt (upper right)?

Because I actually grew up in a predominantly hispanic neighborhood and realized that these people don't give a shit and a shake about our culture. They come for the gibs, as the check cash stores are all booming on Friday, with dozens of illegals in line to transfer 50% of their untaxed income back to their home country. Oh, and they also jump right on to government assistance. I know Salvadorians who have been here, illegally, for 4-5 years who still don't speak a lick of english. I am not projecting insecurities, I am dishing out a modicum of reality.

>be 80% caucasian female
>get great looks from your mostly white heritage
>20% of literally any race makes you stand out
>"lmao guys i'm such a mexican !"
why is white considered a filler race ?

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i thought japan was supposed to be good at this.

It's the fucking Jews that are the hateful ones and want to destroy us. We're merely just defending ourselves.

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>hmm i want that hot piece of ass immigrant!
uhhh wow...racist and sexist much?

>Hispanics don't speak English!
Neither did Italian immigrants when they came

You sound upset OP.

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What are you expecting OP? For a Jow Forumsack to break down and tell you that their daddy never loved them so now they place hatred on the Jews?

That because mom was always absent they talk about how blacks are the most violent race by far.

That because they couldn't find a successful career they talk about how the Jews are vastly over-represented in influential positions and that the gassing of 6,000,000 of them was a lie used to create Israel.

Or maybe that flunking out of college caused someone to post about how their country is ruined because immigrants are flooding in at record-breaking rates bringing their culture with them, but failing to integrate into the host country because the host country has no ideals anymore besides flower petal throwing multiculturalism.

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This leads you down a dark path, and you start to resent this new class of people who have abandoned the best parts of the liberal agenda and replaced them with anti-white racism and anti-freedom of speech. You get in the voting booth on election day and you look at the two names. One of which you resent on a personal level for ruining the 2016 DNC primary, and the other who you may not have always agreed with but who always spoke his mind and didn't kowtow to the leftist browbeating. You say fuck it and cast your vote for The Donald.

Your resentment over time increases to the point where you no longer see these people as human. They are merely automatons parroting the same media/DNC lines over and over again. You start to notice how the media props some of these idiots up, how they exploit tragedy, how they assist in labeling and excommunicating people who hold the "wrong" opinions. You see social media descend into a cesspool of extreme leftism. Your voice itself becomes silenced eventually when you post the wrong thing on Twitter of Facebook and get banned.

When you realize that you have been totally abandoned, you enter a mode of thinking in which you are constantly under siege with nobody to defend you but yourself. All decency goes out the window. You actively start fantasizing about enacting your vengeance upon those who would steal the land of your ancestors out from under you. It's a way of making yourself feel slightly better for a short time.

This is the point that many people here are at, or worse.


>why does this board have such hateful beliefs
Other people hate us. We're the ones doing things out of love.

it's not that whites are the best

it's the fact that non whites are ugly stupid dumb mean spirited sociopaths

sorry not sorry you """""people"""" are literally a different species

Unirocally we love our countries too much.
Not at all, we hate jews because they come into other nations and subdue it in their own interests and hate niggers because of their culture, of course there are jews and blacks that we like but they're very rare.
I have a normal upbringing, why would you assume otherwise.

Their holes could contribute to the mental well-being of white men.

Spanish did pretty good you faggot. The venezualan one looks like a purebreed upperclass. The mexican is majority spanish/ minor aztec and the third one is ugly because she has too much makeup.

My family immigrated from Italy actually and I am from East Boston. Yes, the first thing my grandparents did was learn English. If they didn't, they simply wouldn't have mad eit here in the US. We make it too simply for these illegals to live a cushy life, whilst spitting all over our culture and customs. Take a walk through some neighborhoods in Maverick SQ or Chelsea, MA and you see dozens of flags from El Salvador or Mexico, yet, you won't see a single US flag. If I moved to Mexico, would I display an American flag? Possibly, but it would always be in conjunction with the flag of my host country. The level of disrespect they have shown to this country is infuriating and the fact that the left kowtows to them is disgusting. I have witnessed their disdain firsthand.

>Venezuelan chick is hovering her hands around the Dominican chick's hip
Even spics are racist among themselves.
But what is funny is that i rather live in the DR than in Venezuela, I would not set my foot there even if i was given 100k.

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I had a normal upbringing, I'm just not blind to reality

Everyone has had a somewhat bad childhood. My mom died when I was 12. That's not why I hate niggers.

its not hateful, its tough love

there is a difference

This. I'm sure this is a troll thread but still I'm so sick of these sanctimonious faggots who think we operate out of "hatred." Because you can just blame opposing viewpoints on such a broad and general human feeling, right?

>Unironically asking this whi;e attaching an images of the three most European examples of each you could find.
What about el goblina?

Forgot to quote OP in:

Go to reddit pls

>Thinks those girls are white
Venezuelan is the only white one in the pic

What is cherry picking for a thousand Alex.

Are Venezuelans white? Should I move there? What happens in Venezuela?

>Are Venezuelans white
>Should I move there
>What happens in Venezuela

Mfw I’m don’t fall under any of those and am National Socialist

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I'd Marry and impregnate the middle one, fuck the left one because fake tits, ignore the Dominican because not white but shes cute enough to live.

WTF, I love south america now. Where i can order one for myself?

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Do you honestly believe this? What would my dad (whom I love and get along with) have to do with Jews? Or my mom with blacks?

How do you explain the fact that I have a degree and am working in the industry I always dreamed of working in?

I'm sure you'll just dismiss me as lying but even if you think about it hypothetically what is to stop someone like that from being a Jow Forumslack?

Can't even tell what they're being handed.

We have learned horrible things and seen horrible victims and criminals that are kept from your normie pleb eyes.

toilet paper

Extra rations of toiletpaper.

One hot Spanish blooded woman per 10,000 shitskins doesn’t make me agree with you.

Funny part is I regularly see more reasoned debate on Jow Forums than on any normie site where "hate" can be tossed in to shut down facts when a liberal is losing. But on balance, if someone from the right is being a retard then the lefty is perfectly free to cite the reasons why and often does.

Leftists need to think long and hard about their opposition to free speech and what it says about their beliefs.

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my sides

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>>Jow Forums
Everyone non-white know that but we like this board because we're all user.come there for
Free speach
Rage out
Hate it or not you must acept this is so good
We're living in crazy world but this board is for peace.




Don't waste time teaching lefties. Let it sink.

Because reality is cruel and we choose to accept it instead of trying to protect other people's feelings
Your pic for example is a rarity - pic related is the average south american

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(((Hate speech))) White goyim must be controlled!

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The women we get from those countries never look like that.
Fat and ugly is fat and ugly for loser reasons. If you have to go sneaking into another country, it's because you are a loser. Hence we get the fat ugly mestizos.
These women are highly likely descended from more European stock - thoguh the one on the right has a polluted bloodline. I knew A Chilean whose mother was German, blond hair and blue eyes even, but she was born in Chile.

I'm making fun of OP's purpose and dropping him with small redpills my bro.

Shit my bad dude I read it fast and I'm getting drunker by the minute.

Wrong. My beliefs are of love. Love for my people, love for my country, love for my God. Everything I believe and do is out of love.

I'm not hateful at all. I actually like negroes. They can be very based, soulful, and good.
I wish they'd stop murdering each other and being degenerate, and we probably need school segregation and anti-miscegenation laws back.

Other than that, the only real enemy is the predominantly kike-cabal that desires to wield negroes as a weapon to destroy the threat that America has always posed to them. They want State feudalism, where supranational bankers control the masses, move money around, innovate nothing, and then claim the spoils of ingenuity. Debt slavery. Consumerism. Materialism. Not to sound like a meme, but please go read Evola as a start.

If you don't recognize (((them))) as a threat, then YOU hate life, freedom, independence, prosperity, and happiness. And you need to explain why YOU are so full of hate.

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See pic related
I don’t think emotionally on the same lev l as normalfags

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they look hot as fuck anons

Party pooper.

What is cherry picking for a thousand Alex.

I wonder, what's Aztec for brap...

How do you even have Internet in there

Powerful shit right here.

>Would you be so hateful if you had a normal upbringing?
I was the star of the football team

>This is the point many people here are at
You know the catalyst that will set off the chain reaction?
"We can get away with it if we succeed"

No i love my Countries people and my Country i wish them all the best in the World i don't want any foreigners of any kind. they simply don't belong in my Country at all they are foreigners who are here because of the people who hate my Country and my people i don't have anything against any other people aslong they stay in their damn fucking Country you simply do not build trust in a multi cultural society and with people who gave up their Homeland we are who we are based on what our ancestors made us to be thousands of years from the iceage to today we are all different and that is good we can all travel around and see how other people live their life but we must never forget our homeland and our people
And whoever is striving for what i am striving for is my Friend and those who are striving for what i am striving for and are from my peoples are my Kameraden
and these individuals i just wish all the best in life because they are the ones who should be leading the Country corporations cannot influence them because those people are doing it for the People and not to gain Wealth

And the Goverment leader should be one who did somenthing in return for the Country like serving in the Military or of any sorts that benefited the Country and its people to show that the Person is Serious

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GET OUT OF THE ROLLING BUS FIRE THAT IS POL FAGGOTS........ >or stay and burn i really dont care your loss of sanity not mine obligatory REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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venezuela can be bleached. rest are out.

as a proud mexican.

All 3 of those ladies should be having my babies.

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Why dont you let us conquer you hatefull goy ?

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>projecting failures and insecurities on to other groups?
you mean like blaming all our failures on their unseen privilege?

>the fact that you dislike minorities doesnt mean you should be a fuckin nazi.
First, you're a nazi if your toilet paper hasn't already been used by a minority; it has literally no efficacy anymore. You may as well have come here and called us doo-doo heads.
Second, we weren't doo-doo heads, we were just regular people minding our own business. But then you started passing around (((their))) new koolaid recipe that calls for a metric ton of white genocide to every ml of actual social justice. At the point that you began persecuting people in the court of public opinion for their thoughts, it became abundantly clear that the quietly and politely racist agreement we've had since the 60's had run it's course.
So here we are. Remember that you asked for this.

If you want debate, define your terms. In my opinion, you wouldn't be asking such a question if you understood what you were asking.

Marry fuck kill

go away mutt

They're mostly pathetic little incel beta manbabies, what do you expect? Just leave 'em alone to talk shit in mommy's basement. Maybe one day, if they try hard, they can get a job at Walmart and meet a girl whose name doesn't end in ".jpg."

Broad in the middle looks like a very successful dumpster diver. She should have shared with her senpai.

And they got the shit end of the stick for a very long time, just like every other ethnicity and nationality that successfully integrates into our society. They didnt recieve free housing, they got free ghettos. No free healthcare, no equal oppurtunity, no decent paying jobs, no free college education for their children, no, no legal protection to speak of - no social infrastructure whatsoever and with every sort of institutionalized racism and discrimination working against them. And what happened? They made it just fine. They would have killed for the oppurtunities that illegal Mexican immigrants complain about as being racist or discriminatory.
America is for self-starters, not for the down-trotted and the weak. It is where the weak become strong. You can only become strong if you grab the stick and climb up. So unless they're talking about how great America has been to them personally and collectively to their people in their very best broken English, why the fuck are they even here?

I see this same argument all day by people who are projecting about themselves. And to defeat your """argument""", all just say "what about the people who have no insecurities or failures, that hold these beliefs", what about five star generals who said they fucked up by helping kikes in WW2?

Alternatively, why are we hated?

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the world doesn't really need you sam
just go die already and let the actually productive people inherit the earth, you smelly fat basement dweller faggot

>yes. they are.

you have to go back, faggot

>just go die already and let the actually productive people inherit the earth

subsaharan africans? muslims?

Venezuelan chick is fucking fine


I'm not even white and that shit makes me laugh

(((Mindgeek))) slide thread.
Lewd images are almost always started by a shill.
Masturbation habit and pornography will distract you and cause you to lead a life of mediocrity.

> Referring to the board as a collective.

Leftist fag detected. Sage brainlet

Man, i sure can't wait for the worldwide ghetto.

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>low iq people just can't understand
the road to hell is paved with what?

>Actually responding to this shit

Marry, Fuck, Kill

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You sound rather naive OP to question why people here or in general are hateful. Hate is a form of psychological defense against those who seek to harm you. Just as bad taste or smell prevents you from eating/approaching harmful substances. I'm assuming you are wondering why many Western Jow Forums users currently hate foreigners? Well, over the past couple of years refugees and illegal migrants both in the United States and Europe. Have been causing a great deal of crime across Western countries. As they brag on how they plan to transform the our societies into their own. This wouldn't have much affect on someone who has not been heavily subjected to it. However, year after year people people who grew up in that society being threatened especially men become territorial and protective of their country. Something which is in fact biologically engineered into into our minds. It is the reason most of us our here today. So, hatred of foreigners who want what is yours is a rational and healthy response.

>the three whitest women in their respective countries
>using this pic to promote diversity or open mindedness or whatever

And pray may it always exist.
For the love Jow Forums