A monument of children murdured by Nazis in 1942 massacre of Lidice, Czech Republic. 88 children lost their lives...

>A monument of children murdured by Nazis in 1942 massacre of Lidice, Czech Republic. 88 children lost their lives, each statue represents one of them.

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better dead than red

Never happened.

>88 children lost their lives

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Thank you

meanwhile, Germany builds holocaust monuments that are so abstract, no one will remember what they're for in 500 years. And that's probably the intention.

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murder is something done by humans
and since krauts are subhuman afterbirth shite, it's technically incorrect to say that the kids were murdered


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The Germans should have firebombed every Czech city after Heidrich was murdered.

> only 88 children.

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the burgers should have nuked every g*rman bug after Patton died.

The Jew-ruled burgers were only interested in squeezing every last shekel out of Germany.


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Gassed by the gas vans at kulmhof that the soviets reported.

So absolute bullshit.

>Brits and Czechs in exile
>hatch a plot to kill Reinhard Heydrich
>they succeed
>Nazis flip out
>sperg on regular non-involved Czech citizens
>Czechs in exile and glow in the dark British niggers have nothing happen to them

a Maze with gas that comes from all sides the ones who survives the maze gets to survive

Nazis hated white european people, more news at 11.

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fucking German swine


Is this some 4D Blitzkrieg?

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How much did this cost?

And that is a good thing

Looks to me like the Jews are securing prime Real Estate for the future. In 50-60 years it will be worth a fortune and they can move the guilt enforcer somewhere else.


This is just the kikes demonstrating their power. Look we can put this ugly fucking worthless "monument" in the middle of your capital and you'll pay for it.


hHAHA "88"

I kek'd lol